Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 692: Wu Dongying appeared


"A thousand miles away? Just explore a big hand?" Qin double in the heart.

The voice is still coming, but it is approaching quickly: "Yes! You can hide in my hands for a long time after a martial god, but you can't escape after all. Moon King double, huh... I am waiting for me Killing you, let the people know that the so-called new generation of souls of the human race is a shit."

"I really thought that I can't help you?"

The piano doubled in the air, suddenly stunned the figure, and a sword stabbed the big hand in the air.


Thousands of stars converge, and the dragon sword gathers on the starlight, and a huge starlight is between the stars, and stabs toward the big hand.

Starlight gathers.


The starlight swayed, and the sword of the starlight burst into flames, but the big hand was like a frightened rabbit.

In the heart of the piano, it is a sigh. If you don’t open the fire and phoenix body, the starlight gathers just to see the realm of the early eight layers of Wusheng. After all, it is still weaker than the eight layers of the demon.

"Then open the fire phoenix!"

Qin double just wanted to open the fire and phoenix body, but suddenly heard a long shout, that long screaming through the golden cracked stone, the space is turbulent. A figure is like a meteor, and it breaks through the sound barrier, like a golden light.

"Golden Dragon!"

Qin double singularly, the golden dragon line at this time is very strong, and the breath of Wu Sheng is thin.

"There was a breakthrough in the Wusheng floor."

The violin in the heart of the piano, Wu Zongdian really has a profound foundation. Then I saw the golden dragon line, a golden robe, carrying a long sword behind him, and stopped his figure, staring at the big hand.

The space was rippling, and the eight layers of the demon appeared in front of Jinlongxing and Qinshuang, and the eyes swept to two people with dignity. Jin Longxing looked directly at the eight layers of the demon without fear.

"I have left the military for a few months on the mainland, but I don't know if Jinlongxing has broken through to Wusheng. What about Qin Lie?"

The demon is on the eighth floor and stands on the back. Indifferently looking at the Golden Dragon Road: "Wu Zong Dian Jin Longxing?"

"Not bad!" Jin Longxing faintly replied.

At this time, the demon saint who chased the piano doubles was not far from Qinshuang and others. He looked at the Qinshuang and Jinlongxing, and looked at the demon saint again, and then he stopped his body and watched.

"Do you want to stop me?" The face of the demon squad has a disdainful color.

Jin Longxing smiled and said: "Even if I don't stop, do you think you have killed the piano?"

The sardonic color of the demon's eight-layered face is more intense: "Do you think that the double-sword of the piano forced me to retreat, I thought she had the power to fight with me? It was just one of my hands, now I am real. Come down, don't talk about the piano double, is it that you two join hands, can you block me?"

"You try!" Jin Longxing looked indifferent.

The demon's eight-layered eyes were slightly stunned, and then a palm shot to the golden dragon line in the air.


Jin Longxing went up and punched the big hand of the Eighth floor of the demon. Above his fist, Jin Mang shines like a hot little sun.


One punch and one palm collided in the air, and the eyes of the piano pair were condensed. The eight layers of the demon swayed on both shoulders, and the huge palm could no longer advance.

Qin double looked at the Jinlongxing with amazement, and saw that Jinlongxing had turned into a streamer, like a projectile, rushing toward a mountain below, and Qinqin could not help but raise his hand.


A burst of sound came, the piano double opened his hand and looked toward the ground, and saw a herringbone hole appeared on the mountain, I don't know how deep it is.

"He won't die?"

Although Jin Longxing is proud of narcissism, he had to play the piano double. It was a kind of arrogance, as if it were a double piano, it gave the piano a lot of honor. When the piano double refuses, he is a look that you will refuse. However, after all, it is also a human race, and Jin Longxing came to help her this time, so Qin double is also worried.


The mountain suddenly exploded, and the shape of the Golden Dragon line rushed.

"A strong body!"

Qin double stunned, and then remembered that the body of Jin Longxing does not seem to be weaker than her at the beginning, and now it seems that she has to be stronger than her. This can not help but let the piano double envy the foundation of Wu Zongdian.

What kind of exercises are actually going to make Jinlongxing’s body cultivation so strong?

"I can stop my six-power, and see if you can stop me."

The demon Saint Bacheng once again took a picture, and at this time, the sky swayed, and a figure appeared in front of Jinlongxing, and pointed to the sword, and stroked toward the palm of the hand.


The palm of the demon sacred 80% was broken, and the demon sage was crying and shouted:

"Wu Dongying!"

Qin double stared at it, and it was really Wu Dongying who was facing her and Jin Longxing, and the sword on her body was rushing.

The demon sacred eight layers no longer speak, the body shape retreats instantly, and the world is gone, disappearing without a trace. The sacred sacred priest has already gone.

Qin double took a deep breath and saw Wu Dongying's style of power, Qin double has been affirmed, Wu Dongying's cultivation is definitely an ancient practice. At the same time, the envy of the heart, only Wu Zongdian has such a profound cultivation of ancient exercises, but Qin also knows that even in the Wu Zongdian, there are not many people practicing ancient exercises, there are three or five days. After all, when the military was insufficiency in the mainland, even the Wu Zongdian, which was in the world, did not have so many resources.

Wu Dongying turned around in the air, first looking at Jinlongxing, said faintly:

"See the gap?"

Jin Longxing shy nodded, Jin Longxing said: "It is impossible to rely on your own body. The power of the body is more manifested in defense. You must improve your spiritual strength as soon as possible."

"Yes, Master."

Wu Dongying turned his gaze to the Qin double, and the piano was busy with the hand: "Thank you for your help."

Wu Dongying looked deeply at Qin’s eyes and said faintly: “It’s not far from the Eighteen Fortress, sit down and sit.”

If the words fall, and whether the piano double agrees, take a step in the air and the figure will disappear instantly. Jinlongxing bowed to the piano:

"Qin double, go sit down, Qin Lie, they are also."

Qin double thought a little, she was a little tired on the way, and also wanted to inquire about the situation on the mainland today, and nodded:

"Thank you, Master Jin."

Jinlongxing and Qinshuang walked side by side. Jinlongxing looked over the piano and said: "Qin Shimei, your cultivation is improving quickly. Now it is the late Wushen?"

"The ninth floor of the Wushen." Qin double smiled and said: "Isn't Jin Brothers faster?

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