Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 690: Kill the road



The dragon and the phoenix smashed the hoofed hooves in a straight line and rushed toward Gao Xiaoxiao.

"not good!"

Gao Xiaoxiao discovered that the power of Qin double suddenly increased. This type of dragon and phoenix is ​​not something she can resist. If you want to resist, unless you show the island.

However, the knife field has just been broken and can no longer be displayed in a short time.


Gao Xiaoxiao strove out a knife, and a huge scimitar appeared in the sky, and greeted the dragon and the phoenix. However, Gao Xiaoxiao immediately turned and turned around and fled.


The dragon and the phoenix smashed the knives, and like a wheel, Gao Xiaoxiao quickly fled to the past.

Gao Xiaoxiao quickly evaded in the air, but the speed of the dragon and phoenix was too fast. She wiped from her waist and cut off Gao Xiaoxiao's belt. At the same time, her body was cut into a deep scar, and blood was sprayed out.


Gao Xiaoxiao's trousers fell down, revealing the white flower's ass.


Gao Xiaoxiao completely refused to accept the bare buttocks, and a scimitar was displayed, and quickly fled, while resisting the dragon and the phoenix to form a wheel. But it was not completely resisted. The dragon and the phoenix crossed her body from time to time, cutting her body into a series of scars, especially the buttocks that she could not care for. It was criss-crossed, scarred and bloody.

Only Gao Xiaoxiao was desperately fleeing, but the power of the dragon and the phoenix was gradually reduced, and Gao Xiaoxiao could not be killed.

The shape of the piano doubles, and it rushes straight ahead. At the same time, a sword is across. A dragon and a phoenix swayed toward the front.

Several demons were merged into two halves by the dragon and the phoenix, and the remaining demons fled to the sides. The piano has a foot and a flying phoenix dance. There is a virtual image of the fire and the phoenix behind it. The rhythm of the eight phoenixes laps in a circle, and the body shape crosses the sky and chases toward Gao Xiaoxiao.

"Gao Xiaoxiao, we have not been born or died."

"I am not your opponent, I am not playing with you." Gao Xiaoxiao is faster.

"Gao Xiaoxiao, are you not afraid that I will kill your family?"

"My people are young people. Although they are Yao, they are not with me. I am not familiar with them."

Gao Xiaoxiao and Qin double shouted, while chasing one escape, disappeared instantly. The demons in the air are standing in the air.

"We... can't chase?" A demon monk swallowed a mouthful of shivering voice.

There was silence in the sky, and no one answered the question of the demon monk. A figure flew out suddenly.

"Our demon people would rather die and not be scared to death."

The demons heard the sounds, and the faces showed shyness. They flew in the clouds and chased them in the direction of the piano.

The piano double opened the clouds and fog, chasing after it, looking back and looking back, seeing the demon far from catching up, taking out a medicinal medicine and swallowing it. Fly toward the front. Far away, she can still see Gao Xiaoxiao's back, and she is hesitant in her heart. Should she continue to chase Gao Xiaoxiao?

At this time, I saw a demon cloud from the opposite side of Gao Xiaoxiao, but the five big demon stood on the demon cloud and met Gao Xiaoxiao. Seeing Gao Xiaoxiao, his face could not help but change. He saw Gao Xiaoxiao naked and his lower body. The pants didn’t know where to go. The blood went down the thighs and his face changed again.

"High Road Friends..."

"Get out!"

Gao Xiaoxiao flew directly from the heads of the five big demon, and the five big demons saw the piano pair flying by. The face did not change for the third time.

Being able to catch Gao Xiaoxiao’s **** to escape, can be seen how strong this chasing Terran monk is!


Qin double came to the front of the five big demon, the five big demon faces pale, and the trembling asked:

"Hello is..."

"Yue Huang Qin double!"

The five big demon bodies are shaking, and they all talk about Rao:

"Moon, we are not your opponent, let's go."

"Want to go?" Qin said with a pair of eyes: "After answering a question, let me go."

"You... ask!" The five big demons stood in front of the piano pair.

“Is the human race strong?”

At this time, the demon who was chasing after him was also approaching quickly. He heard the words of the double pair, and all the faces showed the color of shame. They have no doubt that the five demon people will certainly be under the coercion of Qin double, saying that the human race is strong. In the presence of so many demon faces, saying that the human race is strong, is this not their slap in the face?

Can they still raise their heads in front of the Terran and the Mozu?

The five demons also saw the demon in the distance, but they knew that the demons could not save them. As long as they dare not say strong, the piano will be shot. There are two demons who want to delay the time and have no openings. However, the three demon people closest to the Qinshuang could not stop the power of the Qinshuang, and hurriedly said:


"Strong? Then I saw that I didn't escape far away, but dare to stop in front of me?"


Qin double backhand palm, cover the sky, the big handprint will suddenly shoot the three demons, staring at the remaining two demons:

“Is the human race strong?”

The remaining two demon people looked at each other and said, "No...strong..."

"Not strong? Then I let you know if it is strong or not!"


Qinqin is another big handprint that will kill the remaining two demons.

After the chasing of a group of demon people, watching the piano play their demon family, one can not help but forget the life and death, a face of shame and bloated red.

"Piano double, you are too deceived."

The double backhand of the piano was shot down, and a large handprint covered the sky and smacked toward the monster behind.

The demons have sacrificed their magical powers and bombarded the past with the big handprints.


The big handprint became smaller and smaller, but after all, it was slammed down. Qin double has now opened the fire phoenix body, this palm has climbed to the peak of the six layers of Wu Sheng. More than a dozen demon people were photographed as mud. Qin double looked up, Gao Xiaoxiao has lost the trace, he put away the fire phoenix body and flew forward.

Put away the fire phoenix body, the speed of the piano double is much slower. However, the demon behind did not dare to chase too close, but kept the distance behind, followed by the piano double.

However, even if the piano doubles up the fire phoenix body, the fire and phoenix dance unfolds, and it has the strength equivalent to the peak of the five layers of the demon sacred. There is not a few levels at the back of the demon. Gradually, there are only three demons left behind the piano. The rest of the demon has long been smashed.

Qin’s eyes suddenly glimpsed a little, and she perceives that the front is far away, and there is a strong breath that is approaching her quickly.

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