Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 680: Assault



Qin double fell into silence, half-talking: "Sleep."

Xuanwu closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Put away the flag, the piano doubled the direction, and thought of a fire phoenix, flying toward the mainland of the warrior. The third layer of the **** of the gods of the gods merged with the gods on the eighth floor of the Valkyrie, and the speed of the fire and phoenixes that came to mind was extremely fast.

In just three days, the piano double flew out tens of thousands of miles. Standing on top of the fire phoenix, while flying, he scanned the surroundings and recalled that he was being chased by a group of demons. At that time, although he was interested in attracting the demon, it was also dangerous. At that time, nothing more than relying on himself to have a town demon tower, it is not good, just hide in the town demon tower. In fact, in the end, it was only because I hid in the town demon tower that I was able to escape. Now the town demon tower is closed, if you encounter those demons again...

The piano double shook his head, and the result was unimaginable.

Put away your mind and look away from below. Not far from the front is a small island, the piano double faintly remembered, on the way to escape, it was flying over the island.

"Flying over this island, at my current speed, in less than twenty days, I should enter the mainland of the warriors."

The piano doubled as he thought about flying over the island.


Suddenly, countless magical powers came from the island's lush jungle to the double.

Stars wear the moon!

Qinqin opened the star-studded moon in the first time, and at the same time, a handle of the Jinpeng sword in the sea was spurred out, and a huge shield was constructed under the piano. The backhand pulled out the dragon sword behind it and stabbed it out with a sword.

Star Sword: Stars are flat and wide!


A star of the sky descends from the sky and collides with the magical powers below. Only the Qin double suddenly suffered so many magical attacks, the two fists are difficult to attack the four hands, the good tiger can not stand the wolves, some of the magical power penetrated the layers of star power, bombarded on the shield of Jin Pengjian enough.


In the end, Jinpeng Shield did not block many supernatural powers. Although it consumed most of the magical powers, it still had a magical bombardment on the body of the piano. The shape of the piano double flies out like a projectile, and the stars and moons on the body are constantly flashing. Eventually, the star-studded moon wears like a frightened firefly, and disperses toward the four.


The piano doubles and spurts blood, and the head does not turn around and flies toward the depths of the sea.


Flying from the island, there was a demon, but it was the group of demon who had chased the piano doubles. The piano double did not think of it. After so long, these demons still searched for her in this sea area.

Qin double backhand took out a December fruit service, and took out a medicinal medicine. The fleeing figure was a little shaken. The attack came too suddenly, and hundreds of demons jointly attacked, so that the body of the piano double collapsed, and the injuries suffered were almost impossible to escape, and the mind was somewhat blurred.


The sound of the back of the plaque was quickly approaching, and the seven cymbals of the piano pair were still bleeding, and his face was extremely pale.

"Can't escape!"

The piano doubles and bites, bites the tip of the tongue, and makes the mind of his own sorrow clear. Suddenly grabbed his figure and turned around, and screamed at the demon who was chasing it.

"Thunder of the Thunder!"


Thousands of thunders slammed into the air, and dozens of demons were immediately slammed like coke, falling from the sky. But those powerful demons, though very embarrassed, did not have much damage, and flew toward the piano.


The two sides of the piano fly back, while the words are spoken.

The Thunder's Wrath is a group of Confucianism, so its power is scattered, and the power and the Thunder are not one and a half. So it was just a dozen dozens of demons that were low, but the Thunder was different. Although Thunder is a single attack on Confucianism, but the power is extremely strong. In addition, Qinqin was originally the eighth realm of Confucianism and Taoism, and this realm is already equivalent to the eighth layer of Wusheng. The demon who chased the piano double, the strongest is the eighth layer of Wusheng, and there are not many. Under the attack of the piano doubles several times, the eighth layer of Wusheng was bombarded as a serious injury. Moreover, Qin double did not give them the opportunity to escape, and several consecutive thunders, all the eight layers of Wusheng were all killed.

The piano flies on one side and releases the Thunder. All she has to do is drag the time and drag it to Vientiane to heal her injured body. At that time, even if the two fists are difficult to attack, there is also the temper of escape.


Qinqin forgot, and the method of saying the words was very consuming. What's more, she released the Thunder?

After half an hour, more than 200 demons left about 120, and the highest is only the third layer of the demon and the third layer of the devil. There were not many demon saints and devils on the third floor, and they were all killed by the thunder of the piano.

However, the injury of Qin double recovered only 20%. In fact, this is already a miracle. Then the heavy injury, in half an hour, recovered 20%. This made the demon hearts very shocked, and they found that the piano double escaped faster and faster.


Qinqin once again screamed, and the demon who was in the pursuit of the piano doubled up and hurriedly sacrificed their weapons, ready to withstand the Thunder. However, they found that there was no sound in the sky, let alone lightning.

The piano double is also a glimpse, and it is not difficult to find out the golden fighting in the heart of Hao Ran. The Haoran liquid in the eight golden buckets was completely consumed. And his injury at this time only recovered 20%, but the demon has more than a hundred. Although the highest is repaired, it is only the third floor of Wusheng. But there are more than one hundred people who can't hold the monster. And the most important thing is that the piano double has only 20% of the skill at this time. Once surrounded by demons, will there be other results besides death?

At this time, the demons also reacted. A magical ecstasy shouted:

"She is too expensive, she has not released the thunder. Kill ~!"


The demon rushed over to the piano double, and it was too wrong. More than two hundred demons attacked a Valkyrie, and even let the other party kill more than 100.

Qin double quickly took out the paper and rune than the ratio, and some regrets in his heart. When hunting the demon, you should leave some skin and blood of the demon, so you can make more swords. If you have the swords of the great masters, are you afraid of these demons? I blame myself for trying to repair the town demon tower, and throwing the body of the demon family into the town demon tower.

It is a pity that at this time, it is time for yourself, and there is no skin and blood of the demon.


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