Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 678: Wake up



Grimace tree sighed and continued:

"But, after the demon world was opened, we as a member of the Yaozu were inevitably forced into this long-lasting tragic war. After a year and a year, I finally got tired of this war.

What is the relationship between this war and our grimace tree family?

We have no contention with the world, and we have never regarded the Terran as a blood food. We are just trees, and it is good to have heaven and earth. Although we have a fierce face, we are only willing to lie in nature.

So, I left with the ghost tree that had already turned the demon. They crossed the hustle and bustle of the sea, stayed away from the war, and finally settled here.

It is isolated from the world and there is no war. Our grimace tree family live a peaceful life. Constantly multiplying, as long as the vitality reaches the level of the demon, I will wake them up and let them demonize.


I don't know when the spiritual power between heaven and earth is getting thinner and thinner, and the number of ghost trees that can grow up is getting less and less. Because of the thinness of the heavens and the earth, I was too late to break through, and Shouyuan gradually came to an end. ”

Having said that, he looked forward to Qin Double Road: "Yuye cream is an aid to your people, but for our plants, it can increase our vitality. That is It is possible to increase our life. Although it is far less than the gas of life, such a jar of jade liquid cream can also extend my life for five hundred years. I feel that if today’s aura is restored, there will be five hundred years of life, maybe Can make me break through and leave this world. I will have a longer life."

"Then why are you still going to have an altar?"

"Because I don't know if I can break through. If I have more than five hundred years of Shouyuan, and it is still under the current Aura concentration, I can't break it. There is no hope. But once I die, Grimace Tree I lost a tree ancestor who can wake them up. That is to say, after I die, there will be no new ghost face tree demon. This is why you can only see ordinary ghost trees on the mainland of the warriors. I can't see a ghost tree monster. Without my wake, they can only be an ordinary tree.

The second jar of jade liquid paste was prepared for my successor. When I really can't, or get a breakthrough, when I leave this world, I will pick a ghost tree, let it take the jade cream, raise the vitality to the highest, and then pass it to the ancestor, so it I can continue to wake up the ghost tree. ”

"Good!" Qin nodded: "But I want to study how you wake up the face tree."

"No problem, you will be the most distinguished guest of our Grimace Tree. I can pass it on to you." The ancestor of the Grimace Tree said seriously.

Qin double threw the jar in his hand toward the ghost face tree, and then took out a jar of jade liquid cream and threw it to the face tree. Grimace tree opened its mouth and swallowed the two jars of jade liquid, and did not know where he was hiding. Then, from the eyebrows of the Ghost Tree, a stream of light was fired and shot at the eyebrows of the piano pair. Later, there was a message in the consciousness of Qin Double, which is the method of the face tree awakening the face tree.

Qin double returned to the town demon tower, closed the tower door, sat on the ground, and began to understand the wake-up method taught by the ancestors of the ghost face tree.

Three days later.

Qin double opened her eyes helplessly, and she found that although she now knows how to wake up the face tree, she can't do it.

There was no mistake in the rhythm that I used to imitate the ancestors of the ghost face tree. The bad place is that there is no wake-up pattern. The wake-up pattern is not the kind of mysterious rhythm. The mysterious rhythm only plays a role in inspiring the spirit. That is to say, the ancestor of the face tree itself has a wake-up pattern, and the sound that it sings only activates the wake-up pattern, so that the face tree can be awakened. The piano double does not wake up the pattern, even if there is a mysterious rhythm, there is no wake-up pattern to let her activate.

"Wake up the pattern, the ancestor of the ancestors..." The eyes of the piano are stunned: "Where should the wake-up pattern be the ancestor's pattern in the ancestor's mouth?"

Qin double opened the tower door of the town demon tower and shouted at the ghost face tree.


The towering grimace tree, the huge grim face in the middle of the trunk, half above the clouds and half below the clouds. A thick long branch moved, and a leaf on it carried the town demon tower, smashing layers of white clouds, and before the huge grimace, a pair of ghost eyes looked at the piano double in the town demon Tatamen.

"Predecessors, the ancestor of the ancestors you said, is it the wake of the ghost tree?"


"That... can I research it?"

"Yeah!" Grimace tree ancestors opened their mouths, and a big tree hole appeared in front of Qin Double. Shocked the piano double:

"You... what are you doing?"

"Are you not going to study the ancestral plaids? They are in my mouth."

"Don't you want to eat me?"

There is a smile in the eyes of the Grimace Tree: "I am not sure."

The face of Qin double is dark, what is it that you are not sure? Not sure if you can eat me?

I looked at the big mouth of the grimace tree and looked at the town demon tower. In my heart, I stayed in the town demon tower. I don’t believe you can bear me?

Immediately, it drove the town demon tower into the big mouth of the grimace tree.


The big mouth of the grimace tree was closed, and it was dark. However, with the practice of Qin double, the darkness has blocked her gaze. She can clearly see the mouth of the grimace tree covered with plaids.

At this time, the mouth of the grimace tree is like a cave, and the wall of the cave is covered with a pattern. The piano double shouted:

"Hey, senior."


"Do these patterns in your mouth are the ancestors?"


The piano will spread the power of the gods to cover all the patterns. However, the power of the gods has just touched the ancestral quotations, and they feel a huge Tianwei oppression. Although it is not directed against her, the kind of Tianwei is not something she can bear. The whole sea is turbulent. It’s up. The face turned pale in an instant.

Qin Double immediately put away his knowledge and shouted: "Predecessors, can you collect a power?"

"No! It is already the lowest power."


Qin double a helpless look, looking at those patterns, can not help but secretly, the direction of the four sisters research is to imprint the pattern on the body, I do not know how the results of the four sisters study today?

"Forget it, don't want to." Try it with the power of the soul."


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