Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 670: go away




The piano is stunned, and the moon and the moon are all hers. Are they two wars?

"And, Feng Ming is known as the first person of the Yaozu youth. Since he is on the same side as the Yaozu, you are also a young man, and you and Fengming will have a battle."


"What?" Wanshanshan airway: "Are you a little motivated? In the monastic world, Luo Fuzong wants to stand on the mainland of the warriors, not only by our old guys, the vast majority of us old guys, It can only serve as a deterrent, and it can't be easily shot. It is your younger generation. You are the master sister of Luo Fuzong, the representative of the young generation of Luo Fuzong, who is the soul of Luo Fuzong. So, you are not Being able to be more willful, and honestly go back to practice, and strive to improve it during the summer solstice."

Qin Shuangyu pulled his head, and his heart complained, not only let me fight with Qin, but also let me fight Fengming. Is there anything wrong?

"Master, you have to adjust your interest. I went outside to see the stars."

"You want to run again?" Wanshanshan eyes widened.

"Where am I going to run? This flying boat is mine. I am in the flying boat. How do I run? I just go to the flying boat and look at the starry sky. I understand the little Zhou Tianjian. Do you want me to hurry to practice?"



"Then go! Hey, just above the flying boat, you can't run without running."

Qinqin stood up, squatting his head and walking to the door of the flying boat cabin, suddenly stopped his footsteps:

"Master, how come you? And found me?"

"Oh, don't tell you!"

Qin double glanced at Wanshan Mountain without a word, came to the outside of the flying boat, got on the top of the flying boat, lying on the back of the flying boat, looking up at the starry sky.

"How did Master find me? Don't want to come out, even if he ran, he would be taken back by Master."

Wanzhongshan didn't even monitor the piano pair. With the dragon-shaped necklace, as long as he pays attention to it, he knows that the piano is there, so the smile of the mountain mouth floats, closes his eyes and begins to swallow the medicine. .

Above the flying boat.

Qin double squinted and thought, suddenly, in the heart, took the necklace hanging around the neck and looked at the dragon-shaped jade. At this time, without going to probe, I knew that this necklace must have leaked my own possession. .

"Master of the old tycoon!"

Qin double holds the necklace, slightly indulged, and then knows the moon in the sea:

"Endless, it seems that you can't follow me back to the mainland, you still go back with Master."

"Well. You have to be careful."

"I know. It's just that you can't get into the sky, and there is no town demon tower. I am afraid that the cultivation will be reduced."

"As long as you give me the sea wood in my demon tower, I will not reduce the speed of cultivation."

"Ding Haimu?"

“Well, there is a very pure wood aura in Dinghaimu, which has a great effect on me.”

"Okay! The white sea is reserved for me, and I will leave a few sea shells for you. Take the rest and take it."

After the piano double finished, he sent the moon into the town demon tower. After the endless arrival of the moon, I left five black sea shells for the piano, and all the remaining black sea shells were collected into the storage ring. Then the piano gave her some Lingshi and medicinal herbs. I figured out and acted at the same time.

The moon is endless on the flying boat, and the piano double is entering the town demon tower. Just a hundred percent of the time, above the flying boat, the moon is lying on top of it, the left hand holds the necklace that Wanshanshan sent, and the right hand holds a town demon tower that turns into dust.

The moon was turned over and sat up, put the dusty town demon tower on the flying boat, and then put the necklace on his neck. Then look up at the starry sky, and the piano double heart in the town demon tower, the star swords flowing in the heart.

In the sky, the stars are flashing, the stars are falling, and the months of the night sky are chasing.

The night fades away, the sun rises gradually, and the endless body seems to be plated with a golden light. Months endlessly opened his eyes, looking closer and closer to the blue sea continent, in the consciousness of the double channel:

"Qin double, go to the mainland of Bihai!"

The piano in the town demon tower sighed with relief, it seems that the three demon's injury is not good, no chasing. Already here, leaving, Master and the moon are all safe.

"Endless, take care!"

The piano double controls the dusty town demon tower flying from the flying boat, and the town demon tower carries the endless stream of thousands of miles.

"Piano double, take care!"

In the air.

A silhouette suddenly appeared.

A white dress with a dragon sword behind it, but it is the Qin double that changed back to the original face.

Looking back at the direction of the blue sea continent, shaking his head slightly, whispering:

"Without the flying boat, this speed is much slower. But..." Qin Shuang’s eyes flashed: "Restoring the original identity, you can display my strongest strength without scruples."

The figure fell toward the sea, and I thought about Xuanwu. The power of knowing the sea flowed out of my eyebrows and turned into a huge basalt. The piano fell on the back of Xuanwu. The huge Xuanwu rides the wind and waves, and the piano on the back is fluttering.

After seven days.

Qin double did not encounter the three demons, nor did he meet other monks. At this time, almost all the monks in the monastic circles gathered in Dengxian City, and the sea was empty. Qin double turned to look at an uninhabited island, the shape of a vertical, the basalt of the foot to understand the power of the sea, poured into the sea of ​​Qin. The figure of Qin double crossed the sea and brought a white line of water to the desert island.

The power of the soul spreads out and is determined to be a deserted island. The piano doubled up the power of the soul and flew toward a cliff. When the figure was volley, he punched it, and the hard cliff was bombarded by a cave. She bounced off the flag and laid out a defensive array. The figure plunged into the cave and sat down on the knees.

After a quarter of an hour, on the desert island, Lingyun gathered, and Qin double broke through again. This time it was a breakthrough in the Fenghuo Law, and it was a matter of course. After that, it was a breakthrough in Fenghuo Budo.

Qinqin sat quietly in the cave and began to check his own state.

The Ruijin Law Road repair broke through the seventh floor of Yuan Ying, and the martial arts repair broke through the fourth floor of the Valkyrie.

Xuan Shui Fa Tao repaired the seventh floor of Yuan Ying, and Wu Dao Xiu broke through the fifth floor of Wushen.

The Fenghuo Method of Taoism has broken through the second layer of Huashen, and Wudao Xiu has broken through the seventh floor of Wushen.

The power of the soul is only a slight improvement, and it is still the peak of the tenth layer of Wusheng. The body repair is even more whispering, still the third peak of Wusheng. Haoran's liquid became a seven-dollar, and entered the seventh realm of the Grand Master.


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