Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 657: Hidden wind



"This is the supernatural power of the wind, the hidden wind." Chen Jieyi blinked: "The wind attribute is a mutating attribute, and there are very few monks with such attributes. You and the generation have no wind attribute monks, so it is normal for you not to understand." ”

The people around them erected their ears and listened. Chen Jieyi did not let everyone wait, and while staring into the air, he continued:

“Hidden wind is a kind of wind attribute, but the requirements for wind properties are extremely high.

The hidden wind is the sprinkling of the wind, hidden in the space. Once activated, the wind will grow wildly in the space barrier, open up the space barrier, and guide the turbulent flow outside the space barrier to form a unique wind blade. According to records, before 10,000 years ago, there was once a wind attribute monk, just a peak of distraction, encountering three peaks in the late stage of the distraction, that is, using the magical wind, the enemy of the three peaks Killed into meat. ”

"Hidden wind!"

Everyone couldn't help but gaze in the air, and they saw a tiny crack in the space. When you look closely, it is not a crack, but a small wind is growing wildly.

Chen Jieyi binoculars said: "Liu Ming should be a wind spirit, the general wind attribute monk can not cultivate at this level, and only the wind spirit body can cultivate the hidden wind so powerful."

In the sky, the demon **** attacked Liu Ming more and more fiercely, and all kinds of magical powers were freely swayed. The space for Liu Ming to dodge was getting narrower and smaller, and it became more and more difficult to avoid. Large, large sweat beads slipped from Liu Ming’s face.

The demon **** is not only amazing, but the strength of the body is originally strong, and it is more than the warrior of the mainland of the warrior. What is more, the monk who was originally weak in the monastic system?

Although Liu Ming is a period of distraction, the strength of the body is also the level of the Yuan Ying period, which is equivalent to a Wu Wang in the war. Don't say that it was attacked by the demon god's magical power, it was taken by the demon god, I am afraid that it is not far from death. This is the weakness of the monk.

The body is too weak!


In the dodge, Liu Ming finally took a step slower. As Yan Saike said, it is only defensive, and there will be flaws. An ice thorn stabbed a cloud under the foot of Liu Ming, and quickly frozen the cloud, making Liu Ming's quick shape not help. It was only this time that the demon **** had already killed Liu Ming’s body and slammed into Liu Ming’s front chest.

At this time, dodging is too late, and releasing the magical power is too late. In desperation, Liu Ming only raised his fist and greeted the demon god's fist.


The whirlwind of the wrath of Liu Ming’s fist blasted, and Liu Ming’s figure flew out like a pop.

The eyes of Qin double are a glimpse. Liu Ming has been defending in the battle, and the defense and attack of monks in the monastic circles are all beyond the 20% of the ancient exercises. In fact, in a short period of time, the monks can complete the martial arts, even stronger than the demon. It just can't last, because the monk's body is too weak, so it must be opened at the same time as defense and attack.

And the Yaozu?

As for the body of the Yaozu, there is no defense at all, and all-out attacks. If Liu Ming and the demon **** drag on, the certain Liu Ming who was killed.

"See how long you can hold on!"

The demon **** screamed and rushed toward Liu Ming, who was flying backwards.

Liu Ming was not injured because his defense was very strong. The punch of the demon **** only shattered the defense on his fist. But it caused two bad results.

One is the blood surge in the body, one is to increase his consumption, so that the time he can persist is suddenly reduced by half.

The demon **** rushed to Liu Ming's front again, and at this time Liu Ming lost the opportunity to dodge, and wanted to release another wind, it was too late. Only once again built a defense on the fist, bombarded the past against the demon.


This time, Liu Ming made an uppercut and beat Liu Ming’s body to the air.


The demon **** constantly bombarded Liu Ming, and saw that Liu Ming’s defense was shattered. The last shot was bombarded on Liu Ming’s chest. Liu Ming’s body flew like a projectile, and there were countless blood in the air.


However, at this time, the original small winds in the sky have grown very large, each hurricane has three feet, and the color of the wind has become dark as ink, which absorbs the turbulence of space. the reason. Although those black wind blades were scraped out of the space barrier, like a black ocean, and like a huge black hurricane, Liu Ming wrapped it inside and scraped it toward the demon god.


The black hurricane is still madly consuming the turbulent flow of space, constantly growing up, like a black pillar, rushing toward the demon god.

"The wind is changing again, it is only the wind. Seeing that I will make your winds fall."

The demon **** held out a big hand and grabbed it in the air, then pulled it down, and saw a meteor fire in the sky smashing toward the black hurricane.


Those meteor fires just approached the black hurricane, and they were smashed by the black hurricane, with no effect at all.

The demon **** has a glimpse of his eyes. Now he can't see Liu Ming in the hurricane. The black hurricane completely hides Liu Ming, even if it is a god, it can't be transmitted.

The body of the demon **** flew back, while the arms fluttered, and another piece of meteor fire and rain formed, gathered into a dragon shape, and rushed toward the black hurricane that chased it.


The dragon shape continually hits the black hurricane and is constantly shattered by the black hurricane, but the black hurricane is gradually being hit by a hole.

"Human, kill you, this hurricane will be gone!"


The demon **** rushed like a stream of light and rushed into the hole. The hole is then closed.

"He went in!" Hu Yanyun looked at Xiang Baiji: "Can Liu Ming win?"

"I don't know!" Xiang Baiji shook his head. "But Liu Ming is afraid that it won't last long and consumes too much. If you can't kill the demon **** for a short time, Liu Ming is dangerous."

After the demon rushed into the black hurricane, he found that he just rushed into the first layer. After the hole behind him closed, countless black wind blades strangled him.

The demon **** shouted and clashed with Liu Ming, releasing the defensive shield for the first time and desperately rushing toward the middle of the hurricane.

He knows very well that if he can't get in and find Liu Ming, I am afraid he has only one dead end.


No matter how he rushes, he always has a layer of wind blade in front, which makes his consumption continue to expand.


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