Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 652: Increase in spirituality and understanding



At half an hour's time, Xu Feibai opened his eyes and looked at Qin Double Road tenderly:

"With your teaching, let me save for ten years."

"The brother is polite, eat some fragrant fruit!"

Xu Feibai was also not polite. After picking up a fragrant fruit, he stood up and said:

"Endless, you have a good rest, I will not bother you in these few days, you have to prepare, the demon is not simple."

"I know."

Xu Feibai was sent out of the moon gate, and the piano double returned to the room. Opening up the Zhongfu point, and eliminating a lot of impurities. Don't look at just a small Zhongfu point, the amount of impurities sent is really quite a lot. This can not help but let the piano double contemplation.

"It seems that I have not been able to arrange impurities before. I thought that I have reached the transparent body. It turned out to be not the case. I just sent out the impurities in the meridians, muscles, bones and the five internal organs. The impurities in the hole are not discharged. I don't know, if I will open the 108 points of the heavenly stars, the impurities will be removed. At that time, the speed of my absorption of spiritual power will increase. Many times?"

At the thought of improving the speed of spiritual absorption, Qin Double immediately sat cross-legged and operated the Fengfeng Collection.


The spiritual power between heaven and earth is used madly to the piano pair. The piano works for a long day, and then slowly receives the work. The face is full of joy.

“I didn’t think that the speed of absorbing spiritual power increased by 20%.”

Don't underestimate these two, with these two, Qin double walked in front of other monks. And the benefits of opening up acupuncture points are not only increasing the speed of absorbing the spiritual power by 20%, but also increasing the progress of the posts with Heaven, thus increasing the comprehension.

Do you want to work harder and open a few more?

Forget it.

Wait until the demon fights and say it, it is close to the duel, and the body has a problem.

Qin doubled a shower, changed his clothes, and walked toward the outside. After a long period of retreat, she was also a little depressed and walked away.

"Xuanwu." Qin double walked on the street while communicating with Xuanwu in consciousness: "After you said that I will open up all the 108 points, will the body have a qualitative change? Will the power increase to To what extent?"

"do not know!"

"Don't know?" Qin double asked in surprise.

"Why should I know?" Xuanwu said with no anger: "I have never encountered anything that has been opened up, but I have never heard of it. Xu Feibai's stinky boy is really whimsical."

"Isn't this a whimsical? Should it be wisdom? Hey, ask you anything, you don't know anything, if the blood piano is just fine. I don't know where the blood piano is going,"

The piano doubles in the heart and muttered, and Xuanwu had to take it. The blood piano is not only better than him, but he knows more than him.

"Xuanwu, I feel that it is not so simple to open up acupuncture points. I am only opening up a hole in the present, and I feel that both strength and understanding have improved. If thirty-six holes are formed and a small sun is formed, will it be There is a qualitative change in strength and understanding?"

"You don't need to think so much now! Try to open the hole as much as possible. Also, don't think that you have opened a hole, the power has increased by 20%, and then opening a hole will increase the power by 20%. I hope that the savvy will increase the same amount as before. Although I have never heard of opening up acupuncture points, as long as I think about it, it will not be like that. This is like taking medicinal herbs. The first time I take it is definitely more. The second time you take it, the effect will be reduced. The most important thing is that you don't think that your Zhongfu acupoint space has been opened to the extreme. Now it has just been opened up, and it is far from the ultimate. You need to open the hole to the extreme. Then, it will be a perfect state. Otherwise, your cultivation will be limited in growth and will not be much stronger than other gods. Even with the true genius of the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu, I am afraid there is still some inferiority. You have the method of opening up acupoints, and other people may not have other methods."

The piano nods, the human body has a very mysterious meaning, the so-called heaven and earth universe, the human body small universe. I may have discovered the mystery of the acupoints, and there are more mysteries that I have not discovered, but other monks have discovered them. However, the development of acupoints does not affect their own step-by-step breakthroughs. You don’t have to think so much. The acupoints can be slowly opened up, and the seriousness is still a breakthrough in repairing.

Nowadays, the spiritual powers are basically solved quickly. Nowadays, the three spiritual powers have been able to merge in half. With this half-integration, there will be no things that will explode and die. Although it is still dangerous, as long as you are careful. Should be within the controllable range.

As for the gods, Qin double is not worried now, the situation is better than the spiritual power. Regardless of the nature of the property, once it breaks through the period of the gods, the sea of ​​knowledge becomes a colorless and intangible sea that no longer opposes each other, and the gods with attributes become the sea of ​​lotus and the **** of the gods. That is to say, even if it is its own phoenix fire, Xuan Shui and Rui Jin are all cultivated into the magical period, they will turn into the sea of ​​lotus.

On the no-characteristic sea, the formation of the phoenix-speaking sea lotus, the Xuan Shui-speaking sea lotus and the sharp gold-speaking sea lotus, and the gods formed by the martial arts are merged with the three-characteristic sea lotus. Coexist in the sea of ​​knowledge. As long as you don’t rush to collide three kinds of gods, there will be no danger.

In this way, whether it is martial arts or law, she can safely start to break through, and not have to suppress herself.

With a relaxed mood, thinking is turning faster.

"In any case, the more open the acupuncture points, the speed of absorbing the spiritual power and the savvy of the heavens will increase, even if it is increased very little, but every time you open a hole, it will increase a little, accumulate, not to be underestimated. In this way, I will practice at least twice as fast as other monks, and maybe even more."

"This is actually, one point of cultivation, one point of harvest, you have more than a few other monks to open up acupuncture points, naturally it is more than an advantage of other monks, otherwise in history, who is still going to create a practice? Are honestly follow How good is the practice of the predecessors?"

Qin double thought about it and turned back to the station to go back. Xuanwu access road:

"You don't have to rush to practice. You just opened up the hole, and it's not impossible to relax."

"No, I am not in a hurry to cultivate. I remembered. After I destroyed Qingshanzong, I got a lot of cultivation experience from the great monks in the history of Castle Peak. I went back and sorted out to see if I could quickly repair my repairs. To improve."


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