Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 649: Light up



"Endless, is there a progress in the third territory of the sword field?" Yang Yingtian asked with concern.

"Just getting started."

"You just broke through, and quickly went back to the precipitation, and then realized the sword field, and more than one skill, there will be more protection."

"Well, endless greetings!"

The moon returned to the room endlessly, restarted the formation, and then returned to the town demon tower, began to precipitate his realm, and at the same time comprehend his own way.

Dusk on the fourth day.

The monks who participated in the war phase were selected, and it was Liu Ming from Snowless Island.

The fifth day.

The majestic monk Chu Yun, who was in the town of Luo Fuzong, came with Xu Feibai and some monks. The first battle with the demon, such a grand event, is able to understand the strength of the demon at a close distance, how can they not come?

Not only did they come, but the monks who came to the entire monastic community could come and came, and the whole city was full of people.

In the town demon tower, Qin double eyes opened, and there was a hint of joy between the eyebrows. She finally realized the third level of the sword field. After taking ten December fruits, after nearly ten years of comprehension in the town demon tower, I finally achieved the desired result.

I took a shower, changed my clothes, came out from the town demon tower, removed the flag, pushed open the door, and saw a white robe youth sitting on the stone bench in the yard, smelling the door open. The voice turned around and looked at the piano.

"Master!" Qin double saw Xu Feibai, his look was shocked: "How come you?"

Xu Feibai stood up and smiled and said: "How can I not look at such a big scene? Don't call me a master again, now you are the master sister."

Qinqin shook his head and said, "Have your body recovered?"

"The body is restored, and the repair has not yet fully recovered, but it will not take long. Thank you."

Qin double is seated opposite Xu Feibai, Xu Feibai looks at the piano double track: "Is it sure?"

"Win, not sure. But it won't die."

"This is good!" Xu Feibai said with a long sigh of relief: "Endless, don't be stubborn. If you don't, you will admit defeat. You are only twenty-two years old, just in the early days of the gods, you can kill the peaks of the demon." Although the peak of the demon is not the top monk of the demon, it also shows that your potential is huge. As long as you give more time, you are the agitator in the human race. Don't care about the gains and losses."

"I understand!" Qin said seriously.

"As long as I keep my life, I still think about you and I will be shouldering the river in the future, and I am proud of it. This injury has made me a lot more insight. I have been giving me a few more years, I firmly believe that my strength will definitely exceed the requirements. And Li Che."

"The congratulations to the master."

"Shantou, this kid wants to soak you." Suddenly, Xuanwu’s voice came from consciousness.

Qin double listened, his face could not help but be reddish, in the mind: "What nonsense?"

"Nothing." Xuanwu said: "You didn't hear him say that you want to be with you, the rivers and lakes, the arrogance? It's so obvious, can't you see that he is soaking you?"

Qin double looked up and looked at Xu Feibai, and saw Xu Feibai's kind of fluency. I hurriedly opened the topic:

"Master, what do you have recently learned?"

"I have some insights into the Da Zhoutian Kendo."

“Oh?” The color of the surprise appeared in the eyes of the piano: “What insights?”

"The universe is a big universe, the human body is a small universe. In fact, the small Zhoutian kendo that we now understand is just fur."

"Fur?" Qin doubled his brow and said: "No?"

"Our current kendo still needs the sword in hand to release it, including the sword field."

"Is there something wrong?" Qin double questioned, and then suddenly said: "Master, are you talking about everything in the world, can you be a sword?"

Xu Feibai shook his head and said: "No, it depends on foreign objects."

"Dependent on foreign objects?" After a few moments of contemplation, Xu Yunbai handed to Xu Feibai: "Please also ask the master to advise."



"Yes! I think so. The real kendo does not depend on foreign objects. I am a sword, and the sword is me. How to achieve this is to raise the sword and the qi in the body. How to breed the sword in the body? It is within the cave. I found a mystery, the human body's acupoints are not just the hundreds we know, it should be thousands, and the human body's acupoints correspond to the stars in the sky. As long as we think about it Sky Star, find the small acupoints corresponding to Xiao Zhoutian, open up acupuncture points, and breed swords in the caves. When we opened up thirty-six points, and gave birth to thirty-six swords in the caves, At the time, we are Xiao Zhoutian kendo. Once formed, it must echo with the small Zhoutian stars of Tiandao. At that time, as long as we have a heartbeat, the Xiao Zhoutian Kendo built by the thirty-six swords of the body will be common. The small Zhoutian kendo of Heaven has formed a powerful attack, and that is the real Xiao Zhoutian kendo.

If we open up a hundred and eight acupoints and have bred a hundred and eight swords, that is the Great Zhou kendo. ”


Qinshuang’s gods and souls roared as if they had opened a door and saw a new world.

Stars and swords quickly flowed through the heart, forgetting the self and forgetting the time and space. She looked up at the sky, at midnight, and the stars were shining. As her understanding of the Star Swordsman deepened, the trajectory of Zhou Tianxing's operation unveiled in her eyes, dropping a starlight from the sky and plunging toward the piano.

The piano double sensed the echo of a hole in the body and the stars in the sky. The hole in the body suddenly lit up, which was extremely mysterious.

Sitting on the opposite side of the piano, Xu Fei Bai Yan’s eyes widened and looked at the piano double in shock. He could see that the body of the piano doubled up with a light spot, and one light spot lit up on the body of the piano. Construct an extremely mysterious pattern.


When the body of the piano doubled up to thirty-six light spots, Xu Feibai stood up and wanted to make a sound, but hurriedly grabbed his mouth with his hand.

"Small Zhoutian Kendo!" Xu Feibai looked at the piano double with shock: " will find the hole corresponding to the stars in the sky so quickly, I have found seventeen now..."

At this time, the piano double has been completely squatted in the starry sky and the star sword. Star Sword has been around for many years, but she has never understood it. Even if she realized the style of the sword, the star was flat and broad and covered with stars. It was only the skin of the star sword, and the power of the sword she saw in the star monument was not one hundred million.

"still bright..."


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