Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 646: 斩 帝



When the piano double should appear, the demon emperor has an instant embarrassment. It was only the moment of this moment, a stream of light spurred out from the eyebrows of the piano pair.

Dinghai sword!


Dinghaijian penetrated the head of the demon emperor, and the sword smashed the **** of the demon emperor, drew a circle in the air, and returned to the sea of ​​the double.

The endless release of the dragon and the vines plagued the demon emperor, the piano double released the sound to confuse the demon emperor, and finally the endless moon sacrificed the sea sword to kill the demon emperor. The two men once again joined forces perfectly and killed the demon. On the bright side, Qin double has been standing in the air with a negative hand, and the demon emperor is killed without moving.

Xiang Wendao and Li Che couldn't help but feel guilty. Only when they were released by the Emperor, they both felt that they had not caught their strength and had to be forced to retreat in the air. They both understood in their hearts that they were not the opponents of the demon.

However, these masters are killed by the piano and they are so mysterious, but they are clean and neat. It’s almost the same as killing a car.

What is even more shocking is that neither of them has seen the depth of the piano pair.

"The endless strength of the month is really mysterious and terrifying. Before that, she felt that she was killing the car and animal husbandry. It seems that it is not at all. It seems that it is not at all. It is completely unsure of the endless battle with the moon. She used mysterious means, so she simply killed it. That demon?"

Xiang Wendao and Li Che are eclipsed. At the same time, the eyes show a meaning. You don't have to try it with the moon. It's not an endless opponent. It seems that this time Luo Fuzong can lead a single army.

The two juniors can see this, and the island of Mishima is naturally more able to see. Hu Yanyun took a look at Yangyingtiandao:

"Congratulations to Luo Fuzong for leading an army."

Xiang Baiji and Li Wusheng also smiled and congratulated Xiangyang Yingtian. Yang Yingtian smiled and nodded:

"We still have to deal with these demons first, and see what their purpose is?"

Calling to extend the cloud nodded, looking at the opposite demon. The remaining seven demons at the moment were stunned at the moment, and they did not expect it to be such a result.

The demon emperor lost nothing, and there was nothing to die. But they died so fast that they never thought of it. After the seven demons woke up from the shock, they couldn’t help but look at the piano pair. That demon condenses the channel:

"who are you?"

"Louveau, the moon is endless."

The demon sacred eyes coldly: "I did not expect that the humble people will have such amazing talents. However, you will be surprised and amazing, but you will kill the wolf. Although the strength of the wolf is in the Yaozu You can't even rank the top ten. Even the top ten of the demon emperor list can't get in. So, you have nothing to be happy about. The dirty and inferior blood of mankind is doomed to have little strength in the future. How amazing it is, it’s just in your human race."

The monks around are not angry, it is humiliating the entire race. Not only the human family's blood is low, but also dirty. Someone who has been a human race can’t help but drink it.

The double look of the piano shook his head faintly: "Our people are the longest spirits, the most noble blood flowing in the body. What are your demon people? But they are waiting for the mounts we chose."

The seven demons on the opposite side were furious and angered. The piano is a hand-to-hand:

"Speak your purpose!"

At this time, the main island of Mishima and the lord of Luofu can no longer let the piano double in front. As soon as the figure was swept, he came to the front of Qin Double. Yang Yingtian said gently to Qin Qin:

"Endless, you can go back first."

"Yes, the lord!" After the piano double ceremony, float and then retreat.

Calling the extension cloud to look at the opposite demon and the demon road: "Let's talk."

“Just here?” The demon saint has returned to calm.

Called to extend the cloud and nodded: "Please come with me."

When the words fall, they will first go down to the discussion of Xianshan Village, and the seven demons will follow. Xiang asked to go to the piano double line, his face burst into a smile, macro channel:

"Yue Shimei, if I don't move, I will kill the Emperor, and I will be happy."

"I also served!" Li Che smiled and walked over: "However, I only temporarily admit that I am not as good as you. When I practice several secret techniques, I must find a teacher to learn from each other."

Seeing two people polite, the face of the piano double also showed a smile, arched:

"The two brothers are self-effacing."

"Go, let's drink tea." Xiang asked.

"Good!" Qin doubled his head and promised that countless people had once again fell to a pot of tea and tea.

Qin Shuang and others went to the third floor. This time, the piano pair did not sit with Hu Feier and others, but asked with the item, Li Che sat together.

This table, only three of them, this is undoubtedly acknowledging that Luo Fuzong has now become the fourth largest force in the field of monasticism, and also agrees that Qinshuang has the same status as them. It should have been four people, but the chief disciple of Yiye Island was killed by Qin.

“Yue Shimei!” Xiang asked for the first time: “I heard that you rarely stay in Zongmen?”

Qin Qin looked at the project and asked: "I won't be so concerned? You two chief disciples, will you pay attention to my little ant?"

"Small ant?" asked Wen Jiawei: "Don't say that you are now the chief disciple of Luo Fuzong, and you have broken through to the sacred period. Even if you didn't break through, the things you did were sensational. Once, one person defeated the seven family and the young patriarchs to join hands, and one person killed the Qingshan sect. How could it not cause us to pay attention? Just after you wiped out the Qingshan sect, the whole person disappeared. You can talk about where you went. ?"

"Warrior continent!" Qin double light.

"Warrior's mainland?" Xiang asked and Li Che's eyes could not help but shine.

"Is the demon strong?"

"Strong!" Qin nodded and said: "You have seen it today."

Xiang Wendao and Li Che’s look are a glimpse. Li Che condensed: “Can you tell us about the mainland of the warrior?”

"Yeah!" Qin nodded twice: "I don't know much..."

The piano doubled some things about the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu on the mainland of the Warrior, and the situation in the mainland of the Warrior was told to two people. The entire three floors were silent, and all the people were erecting their ears to listen to the story of the double. About half an hour or so, the piano double condenses the channel:

"Probably this is also the case. We will be full of dangers and difficulties when we enter the mainland of the warriors. Don't think things too simple."

"Yue Shimei, now the demon come to us to cultivate the Taoist world, what do you think their purpose is?" asked Xiang.


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