Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 644: Demon now



Hu Yanyun removed the defensive shield and it was like water. Qin Shuang's eyes looked at Xiang Wendao and Li Che, and the two men looked at each other. The piano doubleed his eyes indifferently, turned around and gave a gift to the table of Yang Yingtian, and returned to his seat to sit down.

The third floor is silent.

Xiang asked the voice of Li Che to enter the secret road: "So strong?"

Li Che slightly narrowed his eyes and passed the voice into the secret passage: "It is too light enemy, but her instant hair is worthy of vigilance."

“Not bad!” asked the item and nodded. “But the power is not strong enough. If it’s not that the car is too light, he won’t lose.”

"Take him down!" Hu Yanyun took a deep breath and said faintly.

Immediately, a monk from Yiye Island walked up and hugged the standing car body and walked downstairs. Hu Yanyun took his eyes back and looked at Yang Yingtian.

"Ha ha ha..."

When he asked what he wanted to say, he heard a loud laughter on the street outside the window.


A roar, followed by screams and screams. The eyes of the people looked out the window, and they saw the demon cloud rising outside the window, the magic cloud swaying, there is a demon youth and a demon youth, each killing a human monk. The Yaozu youth laughed:

"Lae brother, I am on the line faster than you."

The Mozu youth snorted and said, "Come back!"


When he screamed and screamed, he smashed the window and rushed out, and the palm of his hand went to the demon and the demon youth who were shooting.


In the air, a Mozu also took a palm and slammed into the big hand that the cloud had condensed, and the hurricane was scattered. Xiang Baiji and Li Wusheng respectively shot and hurried the hurricane that overflowed two people and threw it to the sky.


Numerous figures rushed into the sky from all sides, surrounded by the demon and the two, which made the three islands and Luo Fuzong add up to eight Mahayana monks, and there are countless distracted monks. As for the monks, only the monks Can be ranked behind. As for the monks in the Yuan Ying period, they can only stand on the ground and look up.

Looking at the demon and two people surrounded by the middle, there are only eight people. Two demon saints and two devils, one demon and one demon, one demon and one demon. It was the demon emperor and a demon emperor who had just started. The demon emperor, who had just been called to extend the cloud to death, swept through the crowd, and did not hide his sarcasm in his eyes:

"Human beings are weak. Who dares to come out and try with me, life and death!"

Another demon emperor also said: "The Terran, as long as it is the same as the realm of the realm, no matter who out of you, some have been taken."

When the words fall, the wolf looks around: "How? Is it not afraid? Well, you have been rushed to the barren land by the warriors on the mainland of the warriors. Even the warriors on the mainland of the warriors have been beaten by us. You are afraid of us. There is nothing unusual about it."

The eyes of the people could not help but look toward the main island of Mishima. They called for a glimpse of the eyes of the clouds, and the cold colors in the eyes of the eyes looked at the two demon saints and the demon road:

"You are not afraid to die here?"

A yellow robe demon sings and laughs loudly: "With you, you can't leave us."

Calling to extend the look of the cloud is a stagnation, and the demon sac is really good. Although they have eight Mahayana monks on this side, there is no problem in trying to defeat these four demon saints and demon saints, but if these four demon saints and demon saints want to escape, they can't stop it. Things are too sudden and completely unprepared. If you know ahead of time, you have a well-planned plan and you have dug up the pits, and you may not be able to leave them all. Hu Yanyun said faintly:

"Even if you can't stay for four, there is no doubt that the rest of the death is here."

"Not bad!" The demon holy nodded: "But we don't care."

The expression of the extension of the cloud is a stagnation. He now has a hint of fear in his heart, because he does not know whether the demon and the two are only coming to the eight. Is there a large number of demon and two masters outside the city? I want to get rid of the monks in the city. If this is the case, the monastic world can be described as being hit hard. Eight Mahayana periods, countless distractions, and countless elites. If you die in this battle, this is a catastrophe in the monastic world.

"Several people, you will not come in abundance, just want to die?"

The eight demon and the demons laughed loudly, and then the demon sacred road that began: "Nature is not."

"Please also make it clear!" Hu Yanyun said faintly.

"I heard that the monastic community wants to enter the mainland of the warrior?"

"Not bad!"

Calling for a glimpse of Yun’s heart, it seems that the two demons have always paid attention to the monastic community. However, it is not surprising to think about it. In order to enter the mainland of the warriors, the monastic circles have been brewing for a few years, and the demon and the two should also know. I am afraid that Wu Zongdian over there also knows.

"I hope that the island of Huyan will cancel this plan!" said the demon faint.


Calling for the extension of the cloud to become fierce, do not enter the mainland of the war, he worked hard to open the door of the demon? Do not open the door of the demon, where does the demon have the opportunity to enter the mainland of the warrior?

However, he still can't say these words.

"By the strength!" The demon sage said disdainfully: "However, we will not give you a chance."

Having said that, the demon saint glanced at a demon emperor and a demon emperor on his side:

"As long as you have people in the same realm and defeat any of them, we can sit down and talk."

"Ha ha ha..." The demon emperor laughed loudly, waved a punch, slammed toward the ground below, and shouted in his mouth:

"Let's make a place!"

In the air, a huge fist was condensed, and the past was bombarded toward the bottom. There are countless Terran monks who are looking up and watching, and these Terran monks are all in the Yuan Ying period. How can they withstand the demon emperor?

If this fight goes on, I am afraid that dozens of elite tribes will die. Among these people, there are Luofuzong disciples, Hu Feier and others are among them.

The piano stepped out in one step, and the figure was like the same floating light. It was translated into a kilometer, and it was blocked in front of the demon emperor's boxing. A punch banged out, and the air slammed into the air.

The look of Yang Yingtian is a change, ready to shoot. Qin double looked at the demon emperor, and said coldly:

"I really thought that I was a dish, even if you are a dish, I will eat you today."

"Endless, come back." Yang Yingtian finally couldn't help but say: "You come back first, wait until we make a decision."

"It’s just a chicken, and the disciples sent him away. The seniors talked to them."


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