Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 638: The direction of the offensive warrior continent



"Chu Shigu is quite good. The strength of the warrior is not comparable to us and the demon. Their strength is bigger than our land. It is for this reason that half of the mainland of the warriors are now In the hands of the demon and the two races, and the demon smashed the Daqin empire with the ravages of the dead. Now the people of the martial arts on the mainland can still occupy half of the country, in fact, even half of the wall is not, the 72 fortresses of the life line have They were each occupied by ten demons and each of them, and based on this, they occupied a lot of frost empire. It can be said that today's warriors are divided into three parts of the world. The demon, the demon and the human race each occupy almost the same territory. .

And the reason for this situation is not how strong the Terran is, and it can be established with the demon and the two. There are many reasons here.

The first reason is the number of people in the mainland of the warrior. Compared with the democrats and demons, the only advantage that they have today is the quantity. And as far as the current situation is concerned, this is not an important reason. The important willingness is that the Yaozu and the Mozu are jealous of each other. They need the Terran as a buffer between the two communities, so they give the Terran a chance to survive in the cracks. There are also some factors inside the Yaozu and the Mozu, which I am not very clear about. I said this, just to prove that, at present, the strength of the Terran is not the opponent of the two demons.

The human race that I am talking about also includes us. Do not think that our cultivation practice is not only superior to the military in terms of simple attack power or defensive power, but also higher than the demon and the two.

not like this.

The body of the demon and the two are very powerful, and often exceed their own realm.

Our cultivators have a weakness that cannot be ignored, that is, the ontology is too weak. If it is a simple attack or a simple defense, we may be stronger than the demon and the two in the same world. However, when encountering the two demons, simple attacks and defenses are unlikely to occur, and we must attack in defense. So not only will the power drop, but the consumption will double. But in this respect, in fact, we have no advantage for the two demons. Even in a downwind. ”

Everyone in the hall nodded, and they had to admit that Qin double made sense.

"Also, our cultivators have never experienced such a large-scale ethnic battle. I am afraid that in the encounter between the two demons, the evil spirits and murders will cause our monks to collapse and become the lambs to be slaughtered. Compared with the sectarian disciples who have seen me in the big ratio, I am just murderous, they are pale and heart-shaking. So, what will be the result of not being slaughtered by the demons? ”

Everyone's look became dignified, and Yang Yingtian looked at the piano and said: "Is there still?"

Qin Shuang Shen said: "I want to ask, what is the plan of our monastic community on the mainland of the warrior?"

"Well, you should know as the chief disciple of Zongmen."

When Yang Yingtian’s words fell, he took out a jade simple activation and a light appeared in front of everyone. The piano looks at the light curtain, and the gaze is shrinking. The light curtain reveals the landform of the mainland of the warrior.

"This is the entire landform of the mainland of the warrior!" Yang Yingtian looked at the piano and said: "You should be able to see it?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "Where did this get from?"

"As long as there are some ancestral gates, such as the Three Islands, the Five Masters and the Eight Great Family, they are all passed down from ancient times."

Qin double heard, carefully watched the mountains and rivers on the light curtain, and it is somewhat different from the current mainland. But it is still roughly the same.

Yang Yingtian stretched out a finger and pointed to the light curtain: "This is the southern wasteland. In the southern wasteland, there is not only the gate of the demon, but also the magic trail. If we land in the south, we must face both demons. So it is not suitable for us to land."

Having said that, Yang Yingtian extended his finger to draw a line on the light curtain: "This is the life defense line that is said in the endless mouth. From here to the west is the territory occupied by the human race today. If we are here When you log in, you will directly collide with the warrior. Nowadays, the demon is rampant, no matter how much hatred we have with the warrior, after all, it is a human race. If we enter the warrior continent, it will be in conflict with the warrior, but it is cheaper. The main island of Mishima does not recommend landing from the West."

Yang Yingtian drew a line on the light curtain: "This is an innocent desert. From the innocent desert to the east is the crescent moon empire. We don't want to land from the east, so only the north is left. It is here.

This vast territory is between the empire of the Crescent Moon and the line of life. It belonged to the territory of the Great Qin Empire and is now occupied by the demon and the two. Our plan is to land here and lay a zone in the territory occupied by the two demons as a foothold for our monks. ”

"That is, after we entered the mainland of the warrior, we did not want to have a direct conflict with the warrior?" Qin asked.

“Not bad!” Yang Yingtian nodded and said: “We entered the mainland of the warriors in order to occupy a territory, not to conflict with the warriors. The meaning of the three islands is that the pressure of the two demons is very great. It is precisely this kind of pressure that forces the warriors to join us. As long as we are allied, we have the first step in establishing a foothold in the military."

"This idea is right." Qin nodded and said: "To be honest, although today's warriors have been ravaged by the demons and the tribes, they have experienced this cruel baptism in advance of our monks. Their minds have been tempered, and if they say something bad, if we have a direct conflict with the warrior, we may not be able to take advantage of it.

On the one hand, because the minds of the warriors have been tempered, and the second is that through this cruel war, their martial arts and experience have been greatly honed. The third aspect is the large number of warriors. Together, these three aspects do not predominate.

Moreover, Mishima may not know, because of the restoration of heaven and earth aura, now Wu Zongdian, the Frost Empire, the Daqin Empire and the Yueyue Empire have begun to publicize and promote the ancient exercises. That is to say, in the weak aspect of practicing the practice, the military is only temporary. Once the warrior who cultivated the ancient martial arts grows up, the only advantage of our cultivators in the practice of cultivation is also lost, but it will become a disadvantage.

In other words, the warrior has actually walked in front of us, and we are already behind. ”

The silence in the hall, half a ring, Yang Yingtian's gaze became firm.


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