Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 623: Da Dandan



Yang Yingtian released his hand and sighed. Xu Feibai said with difficulty: "Master, don't bother, my own body, I know, I can't be better!"

Yang Yingtian said softly: "Flying white, don't think about it. Although the teacher can't repair your Dantian and the broken meridians with spiritual power, there is no problem in repairing your internal organs. Although it is difficult to repair the meridians, there is no hope. Just find a few precious herbs, just this dantian... oh..."

"Nothing, Master, it’s not bad to be an ordinary person, just not being able to work for Master and for the Zongmen."

"These things, you don't have to think about it anymore, you can raise your wounds. You talk to the endless, Master, go check some information."

Yang Yingtian nodded to the piano and said, "Take care of your master."


Yang Yingtian left in a hurry with anxiety. Xu Feibai was his only disciple, and he was a son. Now Xu Feibai has been beaten like this, not to mention that it is cultivation, that is, the station can not stand. As a master, even if he can't cure Xu Feibai, he must try to continue Xu Feibai's meridians, so that Xu Feibai can stand up and live the life of ordinary people.


Xu Feibai looked at the piano pair and made a strong smile.

"Master! You..."

Qin double sticks his finger on Xu Feibai's wrist veins, his face is changed, the body loses the guidance of the meridians, and the spiritual power has dissipated, like a sick person. Qin double immediately released the power of knowing the sea and checked Xu Feibai's body.

Xu Feibai smiled bitterly: "The endless, don't bother, hurt me like this, there is no way for the three islands. At this time, the world has not heard that the rupture of Dantian can be cured. You ran out for a year. Half gone, I can safely come back, my brother is already very happy."

"Master, I..."

"Help me get up, always lying down, uncomfortable."

Qin double gently lifted Xu Feibai, put the pillow on the bed, let Xu Feibai lean on it, whisper:

"Master, you can rest assured that there will be a way."

Xu Feibai shook his head gently: "I don't worry about myself. It is already like this, but the Zongmen..."

"Zongmen will not have anything." Qin double said seriously.

Xu Feibai thinks that Qin double is safe and has a smile on his face. Qin double is sure to cure Xu Feibai in her heart. She has already checked Xu Feibai's body. Although it is very serious, it is only a matter of time before a Vientiane fruit is eaten.

But where is the Vientiane at this time?

If Qinqin rushes to produce a Vientiane, I don’t know what the consequences will be and what kind of trouble.

The piano double thought quietly, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Da Dandan!

Dadan, which is made from the main medicine of Vientiane, has the same effect as the Vientiane. Qin doubled a moment to check, the refining of Dadan Dan's herbs have their own, but that requires Dan Dafeng's great master to be able to refine, but today's piano double realm is not enough.

"Endless, what are you doing now?"

"Yuan Ying period peak."

Xu Feibai’s eyes are bright: “The endless, the future of Zongmen depends on you. However, you have to remember. Even if you break through the period of the gods in the sky, you can’t be the chief disciple, and the Mishima. The chief disciple of the monk is fighting. Although you are a genius, you have not yet grown up. To understand Tibetan mastiff, I hope to see you grow up and take Luo Fuzong to the day of glory."

Looking at Xu Feibai's face full of sincerity, full of concern, the softness of the piano heart is touched. She is in the mainland of the warrior, in the demon world, killing and killing, intrigue, but now Xu Feibai shows her is Lang Lang feelings, no half-false care.

Her last stretch of heart relaxed, and her face smiled happy:

"Master, I will not be the chief disciple. This responsibility is still up to you."

"I?" Xu Feibai smiled bitterly: "You have not seen my current situation."

"Tell the master brother one thing!" Qin double mysteriously blinked and said: "In addition to being a great master, I am a Dandao master!"

"Dan Da Da Master... Grand Master?"

"Yeah!" Qin doubled his head and looked at Xu Feibaidao with a playful look: "Give me some time, I will refine a medicinal medicine for you to keep your medicine sick."

"You..." Xu Feibai's face was shocked by the color of myopia, half-sounding, and spit out a long breath, the complex complex said:

"I really don't know how you cultivated? You can learn so complicatedly, and you can practice in the Yuan Ying period in just a few years."

"Qualification is good, talent is high, willing to work hard!" Qin double will spread his hands.

"Oh..." Xu Feibai couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you talking about? Let you be so happy?" A voice came from the door, but it was Yang Yingtian who came back. Seeing Xu Feibai, who has been trying to keep calm, even smiled happily, and he could not help but be happy.



Yang Yingtian nodded and came to the bed and looked at Xu Feibai, who had a smile on his face:

"Flying white, I found two kinds of herbs for your teacher to continue your meridians, but the amount is a little less, so I can think of a way for the teacher."

"Master, no need!" Xu Feibai smiled.

"How can I not use it!" Yang Yingtian's face was a sinking voice: "Flying white, you don't lose confidence. If you are a teacher, there will always be a way."

"No!" Xu Feibai shook his head: "It is endless."

"Endless? What's wrong with it?" Yang Yingtian looked at the piano pair.

"Master, you still don't know, endless is not only a great master, but also a Dandao master."

"Dan Da Da Zong Shi?" Yang Yingtian's eyes suddenly brightened: "Endless, flying white is true?"

"It's true." Qin said with a smile: "Give me some time, I will refine the master to a great Dan, and protect the master from the beginning."

"Great!" Yang Yingtian's face showed an excited color: "Endless, what is missing, even though I said. Even if the sect is not, I will find a way to get it from somewhere else."

"No, I have herbs. I have been traveling outside these years, but it is not a waste of effort. The sovereign, the endless first words."

"Good! Good! Go back to alchemy."

Qin nodded and turned to look at the master's brother: "Master, peace of mind waiting for me, waiting for you to heal, endless thinking about learning with the master."

"Good!" Xu Feibai said with pleasure: "Let the masters see how much you have grown in the past year and a half."

Qin double left Luofu Peak and walked toward the endless peak. Passing through the pro-peak, you will see a lot of Yuan Ying period monks there, or oral communication, or hands-on discussion, and some disciples gathered to talk about something.

"Yue Shimei." Suddenly a voice came.


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