Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 604: Moon King is back



The breakthrough of Qin double is still attractive to them. Not to mention ordinary warriors, even Wu Wang and Wu Di have come to the square.

However, when their eyes were just focused on the body of the piano, the face was ecstatic.

"It’s the emperor!"

"The Moon King is coming back!"

Over the past year, they have also suffered from endless pressure. When the news of the death of Qin double began to spread, they also sneered. However, when the news spread more and more, but did not see the slightest news of the Qin double, the hearts of these people began to worry. Especially in the last two months, when the base camp of the Yaozu was pushed to the wall city for five hundred miles, their hearts became even more anxious.

Although, today's Chronicle Empire has appeared a Wu Sheng. That is revenge. However, in the hearts of all the people of the Crescent Moon Empire, even if the enemies broke through to the first floor of Wu Sheng, the strength is far from the Qin. They know that Qin Shuangha is just a Valkyrie, but they know that Qin double has defeated Wu Sheng.

Although this year and a half, the Crescent Moon Empire has three more Valkyrie, six Emperors, and hundreds of Kings. Some of these people have had a breakthrough in the martial arts of the original empire, and some of them have come from other places. However, this still does not allow them to settle down in their hearts, because they have one less sea **** pin in their hearts and one less spiritual pillar.


Today, their spiritual pillars have returned, and they have broken through before the public.


Once the people in the Iron Wall City learned that the people who were breaking through at this time were their moon emperors, their previous worries would vanish in an instant, and their self-confidence would burst into shackles.

Because their moon emperor is back!

Because their Yuehuang cultivation has been upgraded!

"Sirius Luna, what happened?"

An old man, who exudes a strong breath, sees the excitement of Godsend, and asks strangely, looking at the excited eyes of the gods, is the woman who broke through the bench. Perceived the breath of breakthrough, but also the level of Emperor Wu. And there is only the appearance of the ninth to tenth layers of Emperor Wu. Is this so exciting?

This old man is called Bai Bing, from the Frost Empire. In the fierce conflict between the Frost Empire and a deacon of Wu Zongdian, he fled all the way to the Jiuyue Empire. The repair of one body has reached the eighth floor of the Emperor Wu, which is the highest in the ranks of the Emperor of the Moon. The momentum of this breakthrough, he Bai Bing feels average, but as the **** of the moon God is excited to be like this. I also carefully perceived it, and I couldn’t help but reveal it in my eyes:

"It is just a breakthrough in the later stage of the Emperor Wu."

"Ha ha……"

Godsend smiled twice. But Bai Bing can hear a hint of sarcasm from the god-given laughter. When the piano double broke through, Tianci realized the familiarity. When I suddenly jumped in my heart, I knew that Qin double was back. This was the first time I came to the square. For the ignorance of Bai Bing, he can only hehe.

But Bai Bing didn't know, and he couldn't help but blink. He has been in the empire for a year, and he has a certain understanding of the godsend. Godsend is a very honest person. It is difficult to see him angry or ridicule others, even if it is a bit of sarcasm. However, now he clearly can hear the sarcasm. Turning his head and looking around, he saw two Wudi who joined him like himself. The other Wudi were full of excitement.

"what 's wrong?"

Open your mouth and want to ask. But I found that no one took care of him, and every star emperor looked at the woman with a burning gaze. There was an anger in his heart.

"In order to be such a woman, I am ridiculed with me. I have always regarded me as an outsider. Can I look down on me? Hey, if you don't give me an explanation, my white ice will not be left in the empire."

Yellow building.

Huang Riwu Sheng Shen Qiu eyes opened a line and closed his eyes again.

Blood building.

Blood Moon Valkyrie did not even open his eyes.

Wind building.

The three martial arts gods sit and sit, talking and laughing. A Valkyrie glanced out the window and smiled:

"Another little guy broke through!"

Another Wu Shen smiled and nodded: "In today's warrior continent, it is difficult to find such a paradise!"

The third martial **** sighed a sigh: "But the Yaozu began to push in. This peaceful atmosphere does not know how long it can last? Moon King she..."

The wind building was quiet.

After two hours.

The rich aura began to dissipate, and the rhyme of the silk began to disappear.


At this time, a greater breath suddenly emerged from the body of the piano, and the breath burst out of a large pillar of fire, straight into the sky.


Heaven and Earth aura is more madly gathering toward the piano, and more rhymes are revealed, such as Qi Feifei.

Qinqin immediately released the suppression of the martial arts after he broke through the ninth floor of the Yuan Ying period. The barriers on the fourth floor of the Valkyrie were broken.


Bai Bing suddenly exclaimed.

It is necessary to know that Qin Shuangwudao is not a method of cultivation. The practice of her cultivation is only the practice of Luo Fuzong, and it is only two layers higher than the ancient practice. The warrior of the mainland is one level and two layers higher, so Yuan The breakthrough in the infant period is equivalent to the Emperor Wu of the mainland. However, the martial arts of Qinshuang is different. She cultivates the phoenix phoenix, and he is different from those of the fire family. Although the people of the fire family are also practicing the phoenix phoenix, no one has condensed ten golden dan At most, it is the condensed nine golden dan, and it is very rare. However, Qin double has gathered ten golden dans, and cultivated the phoenix phoenix to the extreme.

Don't look at the ten golden dragons and the nine golden dragons, but it is a world apart. That is the difference in level. It is precisely because Qinqin has cultivated ten golden dragons that her strength is higher than that of those who practice ancient exercises, such as the former monks of the mainland, and the higher the ordinary warriors on the mainland. Two steps. Even now, because her cultivation has reached the realm of the **** of martial arts, it is impossible to rise two levels higher, to reach the level of the immortal, to be suppressed by this side of the world, the more the suppression is higher, the more severely suppressed, only before can reach In the late period of the Valkyrie, but once it broke through to the fourth floor of the Valkyrie, its true strength has reached the peak of the late Wushen. Moreover, the power of her soul is too high, and it has reached the peak of the ninth layer of Wusheng. At this time, the heavenly road that hangs down is the tenth floor of Wusheng.

The aura caused by the aura reached the peak of the tenth layer of the Valkyrie, covering hundreds of miles, forming a thick cloud of clouds, a huge cloud of whirlpool spiraling over the wall of the city, a huge funnel facing the piano on the square. Double drooping. The rhyme of the tenth floor of Wusheng, Qi Qifei, the entire iron wall city is in the envelope of heaven.


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