Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 594: Escape



Qin double took out a Vientiane fruit, ate it in three mouths, and then examined his body. Although Vientiane was quickly repairing her body, the current spiritual power in the body can only sustain her consumption of flying. It is impossible to attack.

If she attacks the demon saint behind her, she must stop and have no spare energy. While resisting the attack of the demon saint, she flees. Nowadays, the six layers of the demon sanctuary are rapidly pulling in, and it is almost within the scope of the attack. Once inside the attack range, the demon squad attacked and must immediately kill the piano pair. As long as the squad is doubled, the remaining three demon sacs will come. Inability to withstand the siege of the four demon saints.

There was a sneer in the six-layered demon eye behind him, and the big axe in his hand had been lifted. He can see that the piano pair has reached the end of the strong, no effort to resist himself. As soon as you get into the scope of the attack, you can continue to do so, even if you can't kill each other, you can break it.

The double bass in the air feels the power behind the demon's six layers, and her eyebrows wrinkle. The finger touched the storage ring on the finger. Suddenly, her heart violently jumped, the kind of disappearing for a long time, and the feeling of being secretly peeping appeared in her heart again.

"Who is it?" Qin doubled in the heart: "Who is peeping at me?"

Touching the hand on the storage ring, I don't know who is peeping at her. She can't reveal her own cards, because then, it is likely to reveal her identity, and the result is too serious.

Her hand was placed on another ring on her finger. The ring was a storage ring. There were two storage rings on her fingers, each of which stored her spiritual power.


The space behind the room vibrated, and the demon sanctuary pulled out an axe. The axe smashed out, exploding the power of the amazingly amazing light, and the sound of the sharp break in the air, the power of Huanghuang came to the piano. .

The piano double took a deep breath, and the body shape suddenly circling and turning, and the giant feather sword in the hand greeted the light.

The sword cuts the world.

The spiritual power in the Chu Ling ring was extracted madly. Huang Huang, like the sword of the big day, went to the opposite side, vast and sharp, as if to separate the heavens and the earth.


The axe and the sword continually collided in the air, and the space appeared to collapse. The piano spurted the nose, but after this force, it suddenly increased the speed and spurred away from the distance.

"How come?" The six-layered demon stunned: "She... how come? Isn't she already strong? How can she still have such awesome spiritual power?"

I do not believe! I do not believe! ”

The six-layered demon slammed out of speed and chased the piano again. The piano can't help but froze. The spiritual power stored in this storage ring can't make her use the sword field. It can only make all the ways except the sword field. However, these Taos are not enough to kill the six-layered demon.

"How to do?"

"My strongest card, but also to deal with the person who has been secretly peeping at me."

"I have to get rid of them in the shortest possible time, or kill them. If time drags on, I am afraid there will be more demon saints to discover me. At that time, it will be bad."

"Wu Dao, Fa Dao, are not enough to get rid of or kill each other."

"Sound work! Right, sound work. As long as I don't use the instrument to initiate sound work, even those who secretly peep at me can only think that I have a secret attack of soul attack, and will not reveal that I am the identity of Qin double. I don't know if I can use the sound power to kill the six-layered demon scorpion behind me."

"Come on, he chased the scope of the attack."

Qin double can feel that the six-layer demon saint behind him is brewing and attacking, and she is ready to fight back. It’s just that the attack that has been brewed has not happened. This makes the piano a glimpse of the heart, she understands that this is the six-layer demon san want to be closer to some distance, so the power of the explosion will be stronger.

"Let's come soon!"

The piano double slowed down the speed of flying, and the six-layered demon eyes behind him were happy.

"There is little left in her spiritual power!"

The big feet were in the air, and the space under the feet gave birth to a circle of cymbals. His speed suddenly increased sharply, and the piano pair further pulled the distance and lifted the big axe.

"Give it to death!"

The big axe in his hands just pulled out a little, and he saw that the piano double suddenly stunned his body and turned around, but instead spurred him toward him. At the same time, he saw the double opening of the piano and made a sound. High drink:

"The soul burst!"


The six-layered demon saint felt that his soul had a fierce riot, and that there was a trace of soul exploding in the body, so that the high axe he held up was unable to squat again, the nose and nose spurted blood, and his eyes were full of fear. color.

You must know that the Confucianism of Qinshuang has stepped into the realm of the great master, and this realm has been shouldered by the late stage of the demon. There is no instrument, and the power of the explosion is much less. Even so, let the soul of the demon riot riot, the mind appeared a moment of embarrassment.

However, his body is still flying forward in inertia, welcoming the piano. And Qin double this is rushing toward him. At this time, Qinqin has already exploded all the remaining spiritual powers, and Fengxiang has reached the limit. The two hedge, just breathing, they are opposite each other.


A sword sings, and a glimmer of light shines, and the fast sword of the piano pair rushes out. Then he lifted one foot and squatted on the front chest of the six-layered demon scorpion. Turn around and go wild.

The head of the six-layered demon sacred out and the headless body fell toward the ground. The three demon saints behind him suddenly stopped, and his face was horrified, but he never dared to chase the piano.

In their field of vision, the track of the piano double disappeared very quickly.


The piano fell in a jungle, and a "smack" spurted a blood, and the look became languid. I checked the situation in the body, but the injury is heavy, but it is not a problem, because the Vientiane is being repaired quickly. It was only the spiritual power in the body that was almost consumed. The backhand took out a lot of medicinal herbs, but did not stop here. I quickly put on a golden dress and put the Fengyu giant sword away, carrying Jinpengju. The sword, which has become the identity of the tiger, walks around a circle and goes to the direction of the demon door again.

She is not flying fast because she is recovering the spiritual power of her body. And dare not fly to the sky, just fly close to the ground.


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