Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 586: pressure



At this time, a huge collision sound came from the air, and the entire space appeared subtle and fragmented, spreading all around, and the big trees shattered, and the mountains collapsed and the gravel splashed.


The water surface of Zhuo Shui suddenly fell to tens of meters, increasing the density of Zhuo Shui several times. The doubles that shuttled under the water suddenly felt that the resistance of Zhuo Shui had turned several times. Where is it still swimming in the water? Instead, it is more like walking through a solid. The speed is greatly reduced.

However, the speed of the piano doubles suddenly increased. However, this acceleration is not the speed of the piano itself, but the speed of pushing the water behind it. Zhuo Shui pushes forward under pressure and pushes the water higher and higher. The river bank, tall and beautiful, like a raging Tianhe, and Qin double is in this river.

Qin double minded a move, knowing the Jinpeng small sword in the sea around the body, a handle attached to her body, forming a set of gold armor, and released a protective shield.


The river finally couldn’t stand the squeeze, and it burst into flames. The seven cymbals of the piano double spurted blood, and the figure fell like a stone toward the ground.


Her feet fell on the ground, and she did not dare to stay in the slightest. She didn't even look up at the thoughts. She sneaked into the extreme and rushed away.


In the distant air, there was another collision. The piano doubled again, and the blood was three feet. The footsteps were swaying and the figure was shaking. However, he did not stop at all. He bit his teeth and flew away in the distance. After running thousands of miles, he felt that the aftermath of the struggle between the two ancestors had not affected himself.

"噗通", the piano double spread to the ground. This road runs wildly, although the road is not far away, only a thousand miles, far less than the distance of her three thousand miles yesterday. However, this thousand miles of rushing is under tremendous pressure, opening the fire and phoenix body, blending the three attributes of the body, spirit, spiritual power, and will to reach the peak of the rush, the consumption of the piano double can be imagined.

She quickly took a lot of medicinal herbs and rushed into a cave and rushed in.


A bear demon rushed over to her, and the piano doubled a punch. The bear demon flew out and fell on the wall and became a meatloaf. The piano double-handedly threw out a number of flags and sealed the hole. Then he fell to the ground, closed his eyes, and operated Xuan Gong to repair the injury.

"I haven't seen where the two ancestors were. The aftermath between the two ancestors, I almost killed me. The strength of this ancestor's ancestors is definitely not comparable to the human martial arts. ”

"If it is not for the demon family to break the inheritance, there is a problem with the martial arts. And if you want to avoid the words of the Mozu, I am afraid that the Terran has long been destroyed by the Yaozu, or suppressed."

Terran, demon and demons.

There is no doubt that the Terran is the weakest. No matter whether it is alone to the Yaozu or the Mozu, there is almost no hope. The Terran can only seek opportunities to survive in the cracks between the Yao and the Terran.

Ever since ancient times fought against the Yaozu, I am afraid this is the era when the human race is under the most pressure. Not under pressure, or under pressure.

"The warrior continent is the continent of the Terran. Whether it is the Yaozu or the Mozu, it is impossible, and they are not allowed to become the masters of the mainland!"

"The Terran must have a hero who can be compared with the ancestors of the Yaozu.

Is Wu Dongying ok? ”

"While Wu Dongying is not a hero, it is at most a hero. But there is no doubt that he is the strongest person on the mainland of the military. At this time, do you know the simplified practice of his cultivation, or the ancient practice?

If it is a simplified practice, it is impossible to confront such an ancestor. I am afraid that such a demon ancestor can only kill Wu Dongying by a finger. However, if Wu Dongying is practicing ancient exercises, it may not be able to fight the ancestors of the Yaozu.

As the main hall of the Wu Zongdian, the resources of the world are gathered together, should the cultivation be the ancient practice? ”

One day later, Qin’s injury healed. Put away the flag and come out from the cave. I thought of a white tiger, standing on it and rushing toward the distance. Only she did not go to the direction of the demon door, but ran away in the oblique thorn.

"Now I don't know if the two ancestors have finished playing. They must fight in the direction of the demon door. I will stay away from that road, go forward and then go back."

When Qin Qin met the land, he would like to see the white tiger, and when he met the waterway, he would think of Xuanwu. After a day and night of running, Qin double has gone five thousand miles. During the period, I also met the Yaozu. I was able to avoid the past and avoid the past. I was able to confuse the past and confuse the past. I couldn’t get through it. Qinqin would kill all of them and destroy the dead. Fortunately, on this road, she really did not encounter any strong. Presumably, those strong people are still searching for Fengming on the other side of Pingfeng Mountain. The demon monk who chased the Qin and Tiger nationalities could not be strong. After all, the Qin double was only the third layer of the Yuan Ying period, and it was able to kill so many demon saints and demon gods, not because the piano doubles were strong, but Because of the double robbery of the piano, the demon monk who chased the Qin and Tiger nationalities was just some demon emperors. Even if you encounter a double pair, you will be killed by the piano.

Qin double is sitting on the white tiger at the moment, taking a weak water Dan, supplementing the power of the white tiger to consume the sea, and urging the white tiger to move on.

The rush of the day, the heart of Qin double has a trace of exhaustion. And the sense of urgency has always haunted my heart.

She knows that if she can't pass the demon gate as soon as possible, she will enter the warrior continent. The demon monk on the side of the screen mountain will gradually gather toward the road of the demon door, so that she is even more dangerous.

"I am looking farther and farther away from the screen mountain, but the door is not close to the demon door. Although I am constantly moving forward, I am leaning forward. In this way, I will come from the demon door. The farther."

Qin double raised his hand and rubbed his temples, and rushed to make her the power of knowing the sea continue to consume. Although there is a supplement of weak water Dan, the kind of fatigue is not a weak water Dan.

"I need to take a break!"

Qin double scattered the white tiger and stopped thinking. Take the medicinal herbs and walk in the mountains.

"I have been watching the White Tiger and the Xuanwu fleeing in the past few days. Although I am exhausted, I have stabilized the realm of breakthrough, and there is still improvement."

"Just fleeing under such tremendous pressure, both physical and mental consumption is too great!"

The piano double felt a burst of exhaustion, making her eyelids feel heavy. This feeling she has not been for a long time, this time for the Qin double, it is too much pressure. At this point, she really wants to leave nothing to sleep.


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