Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 573: Fengtian



When the words fall, the piano is two-way with a singularity: "Farewell."

With a wave of sleeves, he turned and strode away. The piano double does not have the emptiness, so as not to give the zebra a kind of feeling that he wants to escape.

Bian looked at the back of the piano pair, his eyes glimpsed, and he waved his hand. The team followed the back of the piano and kept the distance not far away.

The piano moves forward step by step, each step is down to the inch, although there is no flight, the speed is extremely fast. Between her eyebrows, the British air is flying.

The killing of these 20 days has made her realm after the breakthrough. As long as she re-raise her cultivation to the peak in the future, she can choose to break through.

While walking, while sorting out what was gained during this period of time, the understanding of the Fadao was greatly improved.

Wan Yaocheng.

The two models of the piano entered the city gate, and when they looked away, they looked at the two monks who stood in the doorway not far from the city gate. The two monks saw the piano double coming in from outside the city. The look is not a glimpse. To see the piano two-way, the two of them came, the look could not be changed, showing the color of tension.

"You, you, you... what are you doing?"

Qin double stood in front of the two young monks, and smiled lightly:

"Go back and tell you elders, I Fengming said that if you want to destroy your family, you will destroy your family. Your monk who came to the Wanxiong City of Qing Dynasty was killed by me."

When the words fall, the piano doubles and walks away from the sleeves, and the wind and the double-bell-like laughter come from the wind.

The two monks of the Qingniu family faced each other and then hurried away.

Feng Ming from the inn came out of the room and left the inn. When Qin double went to an alley, he turned in and saw Feng Ming standing in the hutong with a smile. Qinshuang’s face also showed a smile and walked toward Fengming. Feng Minghua made a streamer and entered the town demon tower.

The habitat of the Qingniu family.

After listening to the two disciples, the five elders did not wait until he spoke, and they saw another elder suddenly screamed:

"Impossible! The two elders are the eight layers of the demon, and Feng Ming is absolutely impossible to kill the two elders."

The five elders locked their brows and thought for a moment: "Seven elders, you immediately leave the city of Wanxue and go out to check it out."


The seven elders hurried away.

Qingqiu Mountain residence.

Fox Mei Niang heard the piano double back, and then rushed in, standing in front of the piano double, looking up and down, seeing the piano double nothing, then relieved:

"Where did you go?"

"Going outside the city, the monks who intercepted the Qingniu family went."

"Ah? You, you... really want to destroy the Qingniu family?" Fox Mei Niang grew up with amazement.

"Do you think I am joking?" Qin said with a smile.

When the voice of Qinshuang just fell, a voice came from outside the gate: "Feng, Feng Xiaoyu asked to see Master Feng."

"Come on!"

Qin double smiled and got up, she also expected that the Phoenix will see her. The last time I left the Demon City too fast, this time the Phoenix people naturally feared that they would disappear again. After all, there was a legacy of nine colors of light on their bodies. I am afraid that in addition to the Qingniu family looking for themselves, the Phoenix people have been looking for themselves.

"Fox sister, let me go and see."

"I am with you!" Fox Mei Niang also stood up.

"No!" The piano walked out and said: "I am afraid I will go see some of the Feng nationality elders."

"okay then."

Qin double came to the gate and saw a young woman standing in the doorway. When she saw the piano double coming out, she went up to the ceremony:

"Feng Xiaolan met with Master Feng."

Qin double smiled: "We should be peers, we don't have to call me a master, our sisters are commensurate."

Feng Xiaoyu’s face immediately burst into a smile: “Xiao Xiao met with Feng Ming’s sister.”

Qin Double took out a jade bottle containing five thousand smelting body Dan from the storage ring and handed it to Feng Xiaoxiao:

"Call me a sister, always give you a face to meet."

"Thank you sister!" Feng Xiaoying happily grabbed the jade bottle in his hand: "The elders want to see you."

"Great elders? Didn't the ancestors come?"

"The ancestors have not come yet."

The piano nodded twice and went along with Feng Xiaoying to the residence of the Feng people. Along the way, Feng Xiaoyan said non-stop, there is worship of Qinshuang, and there are also introductions about the Phoenix. Unconsciously, he came to the residence of the Feng nationality. As Feng Xiaoyu entered the gate, he was led by Feng Xiaolu and headed for the back. Finally stopped in front of a large hall. In front of the main hall, Feng Xiaoyu lived in the footsteps:

"The elders are inside, my sister, go in."

The piano nodded twice and then moved the lotus step and stepped into the door.

"Finally, you have shown up!"

As long as there is only one person in the hall, it is a graceful woman. At this time, she is sitting in the upper position, and the sleeves are lightly swayed. The door behind the piano is suddenly closed.

"This Feng nationality elders Fengtian."

Qin double stepped forward and said: "Feng Ming sees the elders."

"sit down!"

"Thank you!" Qin double seated.

Feng Tian looked up and down the piano, and his face showed a sense of color:

"I didn't think that you alone could be cultivated to such an extent, and you can still get Dandao heritage."

"It's all coincidence." Qin double whispered.

Feng Tian nodded and said: "However, you are also very courageous, even dare to kill the genius demon knife of the Qingniu family, but also release the rhetoric, to be one person to the other. It seems that you are alone, temper It’s too wild.”

Qin double smiled and said: "The elders recruited me today, not to say that I am a wild child? However, my temper has been used to the wild, can not change."

Feng Tian heard, his face is a change. In fact, she is also very troublesome about the Qin double. In the history of the Feng nationality, there are no orphans that have not been left outside. These loneliness are killing themselves, and each one is difficult to train.

"However, I also know that the purpose of putting the nine-color light stone in the Yaozu Temple in the Yaozu Temple is to pass on the nine-color light. It should also be the obsession of the ancestors of our Feng nationality, so I will not monopolize my income. ”

Feng Tian’s face is a joy, bursting into a smile: “It’s really the blood of my Feng nationality, although it’s falling outside, but it’s not a heart of a red heart. Feng Ming, you can rest assured. From now on, you are no longer Being alone, standing behind you is a powerful phoenix. The family that the blue ox family threatens you, the family will solve it for you. Right, where have you been these days?"

"I went outside the city and intercepted the Qingniu monks who came to Wanxue City to participate in the Wanxue Festival." Qin said with a relaxed attitude.

Feng Tian’s face could not be changed: “Have you gone to intercept the Qingniu family?”



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