Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 542: Two invincible



"Oh, huh... a little bit interesting, the nine-color light is a bit magical!"

Qin double is also a glimpse of the heart, she did not think that her nine-color light did not even brush off the other's weapons, and then think of the other side is also the ancestor-level magical powers, but also the most mysterious space magical powers, they put away the frustration of the heart, seriously Looking to the opposite side of the invincible.

"Ha ha ha..." A killing of the invincible body is getting more and more prosperous.

"Feng Ming, you are very strong, it seems that I have to be serious."

The eyes of the piano are slightly stunned, and the force of knowing the sea spreads out. If you want to lock the invincible, you will see the invincible figure disappear instantly. The heart of the piano is a glimpse of the heart, the power of the sea violently sweeping around, but did not find the trace of invincible.

"Nine colors of light!"

The magnificent light revolves around the piano double, and the piano is covered in it. At the same time, Qin Shuang's power of knowing the sea is centered on himself and spreads around. He wants to find out that A is invincible.


Two interest!

Three interest!

Still, there is no trace of invincibility, and the power of the Qins is rapidly being consumed. Frequent use of nine-color light, the power of her knowledge of the sea is very expensive.

"He was able to hide in the space. Do I have to fight with him for the long time?" Qin double frowned.

In the empty hall, the piano double stood alone in the center, constantly releasing nine colors of light, in addition to that, there was silence.

Suddenly, a burst of laughter came from all directions.

"Hahaha... Fengming, you can't find me. I will wait for your flaws. As long as you have a flaw, it's your Siqi. I am near you, but unfortunately, you can't find me. Hahaha... I am a Hydra, and I know that the power of the sea is nine times that of other demon monks. My body is also strong to the extreme. The space magical power makes me unpredictable, and what is the idiot of the demon **** list? Under the demon, I am the first."

Qin Qin double heart, she suddenly felt that she could not be invincible with A. As A invincible said, he is a Hydra, with nine heads, and he has nine seas. Even if his own knowledge of the sea has reached the distraction period, I am afraid that it will not be a Hydra.

not to mention……

My knowledge of the sea is still the power of knowing the sea, and invincible is already a god, this is the difference in quality, and it is absolutely invincible.

"The demon knife is a high-pitched day, and it is also arranged in front of me!" A invincible voice is still oscillating around the space.

Qin double closed his eyes, and the force of the sea released a nine-color light, spread out, shrouded the entire hall, and then spurred the feather feather sword in his hand toward the air.

The stars are flat and wide!

At the time of life and death, Qin double also refused to reveal his identity.


The infinite star power hangs down like a fine rain, but it is so extreme that it descends through the stars.


The force of the sea that the piano double spread out captured a star force and changed the trajectory.


The double left fist of the piano was shot out, and the shock was superimposed from the body. The fifth layer wrapped around the phoenix fist seemed to have broken the space. Ten fire phoenixes wrap around the left arm and circled.


An invincible figure emerged from the space, and the figure was bombarded like a projectile, and it slammed into a cave.

The double backhand took off the scabbard, and the sound of "锵" inserted the feather feather sword into the scabbard. Holding the scabbard in his left hand and holding the hilt in his right hand, facing the cave where the invincible invaded, the upper body leaned forward slightly and made a sword-drawing posture.


There was a thunderous snoring sound in the cave, and an invincible figure was shot out of the cave like a sharp arrow.


Qin double right hand pulls out the sword.


It seems that a starry sky appears in the invincible view of A, and it is magnificent and magnificent. The stars are like pop, and they are invincible toward A.


The invincible figure was doubled faster than the speed of the star, and it was blown back by the fast-moving stars, and there was a bang in the cave. Then a silence was restored.

However, this piece of silence makes the piano double bones.

"Nine colors of light!"

The piano doubles the mind and releases the nine-color light. The magnificent nine-color light encloses the piano in it. Her nine-color light just shone, and she found that a gun tip was only half a foot away from her face.


An invincible figure appeared in front of her, and the figure retreated toward the rear. It opened a hundred meters away from the piano and landed on the ground, looking gloomyly at the piano. When Qin Qin saw that he did not use the space magical power, he put away the nine-color light. In the face of a strong invincible, she must save her ability to know the sea.

Suddenly, the doubles of the piano double stood, the footsteps stepped, the feet were burning, the body shape floated toward the side, a big gun rubbed her left arm and pricked out, cutting a piece of meat on her left arm. Going on, the blood spurts out. The piano stepped under the feet, only the fire and phoenix hovered, the body shape flew for hundreds of meters, then looked down to the back, the look is a glimpse, there are two invincible smirk looking at her.

"This..." Qin double scalp numb: "How come two invincibles?"

"Is it a avatar?"

The eyes of Qin double swept over the two invincible bodies, only to find that the two people were exactly the same, the breath was exactly the same, and the strength was exactly the same.

Qin double has a avatar, but it is the first time I saw someone else have a avatar. Moreover, the strength of the piano double is uneven, but the strength of the two invincible in front of the eyes is not divided.


The two armored invincible, each with a big gun, attacking the piano. The two invincible guns are different, but they are complementary, and the piano is tightly clamped in the middle. Even the piano double was suppressed and fell to the bottom.

However, the heart of the piano pair is slightly loose. These two invincibles do not use the space magical power. It can be seen that the use of space magic power is invincible. However, the piano does not dare to take it lightly. Once A invincible suddenly makes room for magical powers, it is even more difficult to prevent.

"Ha ha ha..." A invincible attacked, laughing, the two invincible laugh together, the left armor invincible to open:

"Feng Ming, I just made less than 30% of the force, can you not do it?"

The invincible on the right side then said: "I am a Hydra, there are eight avatars, and there are nine on the body. Now I have released a avatar. You can't do it. It's really not fun. Hahaha..."

The piano doubles back and stuns. A invincible has such a supernatural power, and it is really arrogant, with arrogant capital.

Ssangyong water!


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