Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 539: Fighting armor invincible



And now I see the warfare that broke out on the piano pair. It is obvious that the piano pair is very much looking forward to fighting with the invincible, and they can't help but sigh with both of them. This Fengming is really deep enough.

"A invincible is not just as simple as a young man." The screaming sullenly said: "In the realm of the demon god, the old demon is not his opponent. On the demon list, he is ranked third. He used to Killing a half-step demon holy, even the real demon saint has no way to take him, and he is calmly retired. Of course, the demon saint who once chased him is only the beginning of the demon."

The Scorpio condensed and said: "He is very strong. So far, there is no such demon or demon who has forced his real card."

Fox Mei Niang pale face: "You don't look at invincible manners, courteous and polite. In fact, the character is extremely cruel. His path of growth can be described as a **** road. Whoever offends him, he is not only going to kill The demon, but also to kill the whole family of the demon family, the only failure of his first time was that a small monk of the rat family offended him. He used this as an excuse to kill the home of the rat family. The family is very large, with millions of children. He was slaughtered for most of the time, and finally the ancestor of this rat family, the beginning of a demon sacred. The demon sac was seen in the early days of his family being invincible and killed. Furious. Chasing invincible invincible, but was escaped by A invincible several times. And after he escaped, he did not immediately escape, but sneaked back and killed all the remaining monks of the Rat. In the year, the Rat ancestors chased him everywhere, but there was no way to take him."

Qin double wrinkled her brows, she did not think that the invincible A invincible would kill like this, Fox Mei Niang said:

"There is a legend that the invincible cultivation of the demon is the devouring magic of the demon family."

"Devouring the magical powers?"

"Not bad!" Fox Mei Niang nodded: "Because he killed the other party, he will swallow the other body. So..."

The face of Fox Mei Niang became more and more pale: "If you are not an invincible opponent, if the armor is invincible, I am afraid that the two of us will be swallowed up by him."

Qin double silently said: "He is the third master on the demon **** list, then who is the first and second master?"

Split Tianzhu interface said: "The first master is an old demon god, the dragon dragon is through the sea. The second master is the same young Junjie as us, the demon knife Gao Litian."

"King knife? What family is he?"

"Green cattle family!"

"He didn't come this time?"

"Come on, but did not reach Wan Yaoshan, it should be bad luck, died in the mouth of the corpse."

"The demon knife is high plowing!" Qin double thought: "The two of them have handed over?"

"No!" The splitting of the sky and the fox Mei Niang both shake their heads at the same time.

"Since I haven’t handed over my hand, why would I put the knives in the front of the invincible?"

"Because the demon knife Gao Li Tian Tian killed the real demon saint, although no one knows how he killed the demon saint. But with this alone, he can be ranked in front of the invincible."

The scorpion scorpion dignified: "Feng sister, A invincible is not only the strength of the body reached Wu Sheng, but his body has a regenerative power. Once the demon smashed his arm and thigh, but it reappeared in a flash. It does not affect his strength at all."

Qin double frowned, suddenly remembered, on the light bridge, A invincible once disappeared seven times, and then grew the eighth head.

"Is this not killing?"

"It's killing!" Splitting the sky and nodding his head: "Otherwise he will not escape from the demon's hands repeatedly. Feng sister, you must be careful, I and Mei Niang are praying that you will win. If you are dead, estimate us. Both are also invincible by A invincible."

Qin doubled and said: "Reassured, he is strong, but I am not weak."

If the words fall, the piano will no longer speak, close your eyes and make a comprehension. Because at this time, Fengming has already sent the nine-color light magic that is suitable for the cultivation of the human race. The two great demons of the Scorpio and the Fox Mei Niang, also sat down on their knees and began to heal.

One and a half days later.

Qinqin stood up and at the same time, the splitting of the sky and the fox Mei Niang also opened their eyes, worried to look at the piano double. The piano nodded and a little war spread out of her body.

"You can rest assured that I will definitely come back."

The piano double-lighted the lotus step, before coming to the light door, illuminating the nine-color light, brushing the light door, stepping into the light door and embarking on the light bridge. The rich **** vortex swallowed toward the piano, and was brushed by the nine-color light of the piano. The mysterious energy boosted the quality of her phoenix body and made her feel almost comfortable.

The **** vortex at the foot is getting more and more fierce, so that the speed at which the piano double releases the nine-color light is constantly increasing. When it reaches half of the light bridge, releasing a nine-color light can no longer completely remove the blood color vortex, and needs to be released several times in succession. And the speed is extremely high, a little slow, it will be swallowed by the **** vortex.

On the back platform, the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang looked nervously at the piano double. On several occasions, in their view, the piano double was almost swallowed by the **** vortex, and the calves began to bleed, so that both of their hearts were raised. To the eyes of the blind.

"Come on, it's going to be over!" The two big demons, Scorpio and Fox Mei Niang, stood up nervously.


When there were three steps away from the end of the bridge, there was a huge **** vortex at the end of the bridge.

Do not!

It was a **** whirlwind, rising from the end of the light bridge, like a **** dragon, the front end bent down from the sky, swallowing toward the piano double, the **** vortex center is like the big mouth of the dragon, screaming .

The cloak of the piano pair is close to the body, flying backwards and hunting. The cracked Scorpio and the Fox Mei Niang were nervous and clenched together. If Qin double died on the light bridge at this time, the two of them only thought that they would immediately escape, and they still did not know whether they could escape the invincible pursuit.


The piano double released nine colors of light continuously, and above the light bridge, it was magnificent, as if there was a magnificent waterfall, welcoming the **** whirlwind like a dragon.

Scorpio said nervously: "I don't know if Feng sister can get through?"

Fox Mei Niang was also nervous to the extreme, and the clasped hands were exposed.


The **** whirlwind suddenly spit out a nine-color light, brushed the piano to the past, and the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang could not help but scream, could not help but close their eyes, and the heart screamed. After a few interest, the two big enchanted eyes opened, and they saw two nine-color lights constantly colliding, regardless of the outcome.

"She...not dead!" Fox Mei Niang surprised and screamed.


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