Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 534: Improve the fire phoenix body



"According to the energy absorbed by the second bridge is twice that of the first bridge, then the energy of the next bridge should be double that of the second one, which is four times that of the first bridge. I don't know my fire and phoenix experience. Will not be promoted to five products at once?"

The heart of the piano doubleed up and immediately got up and walked towards the edge of the platform. When I came to the edge of the platform, I saw that there were two light bridges connecting the two platforms. At the end of the light bridge, there was a light door, and the light lines on the light door flowed. It is the inheritance of three-color light.

A invincible, split Tianzhu and Fox Mei Niang and other demon monks are staring at the piano double, and finally, the cracked sky whispered:

"Feng sister will not cultivate the first two layers to perfection, so when passing the light bridge, did not suffer a little damage?"

The Yao Yaozu looked at Feng Jiao and Kong Qiang because the two men walked a bridge with Qin.

At this time, how did Feng Jiao and Kong Qiang not know the perfection of Qin Double?

Because the two of them fell behind the piano doubles this time, and they saw the double light of the piano double shining, and the **** vortex under the foot was not left.

Seeing Feng Jiao and Kong Qiang's face ugly nod, the demons all took a breath. Some of the demon monks even had the first two layers of inheritance to realize the perfection of the realm here, but at the thought of limited time, they finally gave up. A invincible looking at the knees and sitting, is comprehending the inheritance of the piano double, his eyes flashing:

"Sure enough, the insight is amazing."

The Scorpio also nodded in the side: "Yes, almost catching up with me."

The demon turned a blind eye, no one was paying attention to him, one by one to seize the time to adjust the interest, and then came to a light door, began to comprehend.

For the three-color light, the piano double did not comprehend. At this time, I am completely immersed in comprehension. It’s just that she is not a Yaozu after all, and she is not born close to the Yaozu, let alone she is not the blood of the Yaozu. Fortunately, she is still a phoenix body, let her realize that the three-color light is not as difficult as the sky. Even with the help of the December fruit, the effect is that because of the long time of cultivation in the town demon tower, there is almost no effect, only one double the comprehension, which makes the understanding of Qin double difficult. stand up.

"This is not okay! You have to eat another December fruit! Just eat here, it will be discovered by other Yaozu. Waiting for you to quickly understand the inheritance, you will be suspected by other Yaozu."

Qinqin reluctantly sighed and had to continue to comprehend.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Without the blood of the natural closeness, and without understanding in advance, Qinshuang still did not comprehend the three-color light to the perfect state, let alone to promote the way to suit the human race.

At this time, A invincible stood up and began to walk towards the light bridge. Then there is the second demon, the third demon...

In the following three days, the remaining twenty demon monks all set foot on the light bridge, such as the invincible and the cracked Tianzhu and other demon monks, but also began to comprehend the fourth layer of the demon inheritance, each Yaozu Before the monk stepped on the light bridge, he looked at the piano and shook his head. One by one, the secret:

"This Fengming still wants to realize the perfect realm. Where will it be so easy? Waiting to leave the secret and then comprehend it is not enough? I don't know if she is stubborn or stupid.


It must be stupid! ”

After the last demon monk walked into the light door, Qin double opened his eyes. The corner of the mouth was tilted up, revealing a smile. A touch of the storage ring, a more fruit in the hands of the December, a few mouths will eat the December fruit, the fruit core into the town demon tower, let Feng Ming go planting. Then he began to stare at the tri-color light and enlightened.

Twelve times the comprehension is really different, but it took less than half an hour. The piano pair not only realized the three-color light inheritance to the perfect state, but also perfectly derived the way suitable for human cultivation.

When he got up, he came to the front of the light door, shone three colors of light, brushed off the light door, and stepped in. Stepping out to the opposite side, brushing out the **** vortex, the mysterious ability quickly raises the phoenix body. When Qin double walked through the light bridge, the eyes showed a slight regret, and his own fire and phoenix body finally rose to the peak of the late four products, and only a little improved to five products.

Looking around, I saw seventeen people sitting in front of their respective light doors and comprehending. Looking toward the light bridge, they saw that A was invincible, and the Scorpio and Fox Mei Niang had already stepped onto the light bridge.

"The comprehension of these three demons is very strong, and I have to speed up!"

When the piano was double-shaped, it came to the front of the light door of the four-color light, sitting cross-legged and began to comprehend. Shortly after she realized it, she saw Kong Qiang stand up, ignited four colors of light and walked into the Guangmen. After a quarter of an hour, Feng Jiao also stood up and saw that Kong Qiang had already set foot on the light bridge, and Qin double also came here, his face could not help but sink, opened the light door and walked into the light bridge.

After more than half an hour, Qin double also smiled and stood up. He came to the front of Guangmen, shone four colors of light, opened the light door, and walked into the light bridge. He saw that Kong Qiang was about to walk to the light bridge. At the end of the phoenix, Feng Jiao also walked halfway, then moved the lotus step and walked toward the front.

Just a fifth of the walk, the body of the piano doubles, a layer of flame spreads out of her body, and every flame is circulated. In less than three minutes, the flame will retract the body of the piano.

"Call..." Qin double vomited a long breath, and his face showed a happy color: "Finally, the fire phoenix body will be upgraded."


Qin double surprised, saw the invincible on the shore again and passed through the light, embarked on the fifth bridge of the light bridge. And A invincible all the way to keep moving forward, showing how strong his understanding.

However, Qin double did not speed up the pace, still slowly, while brushing mysterious energy, while raising his own fire and phoenix body. At this time, she had a discovery that the higher the level of her own fire and phoenix, the more helpful it is for the understanding of the nine-color light heritage. It seems that this magical power has begun to get close.

"I was so embarrassed that I encountered the five-color light of Kong Qiang. If I could comprehend the nine-color light, I would have a strong magic weapon in the future."

His eyes swept over other demons, and he said in his heart: "Just don't know what magical comprehension is all the magical powers? However, since it is the inheritance of the ancestor level, it should not be weaker than the nine-color light. If they can comprehend perfectly, and they are right. I am afraid I may not have an advantage.


Can they understand it perfectly? ”

The double-pitched corner of the piano has a smile, and the clothes are fluttering. The four-color light is constantly moving forward, and the quality of the body in the body is constantly improving.


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