Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 514: Scorpion


The corpse flew out of the sword and the sword, and flew out like a projectile.


When the piano looks a little, she finds that she has smashed the sword, but she did not split the corpse in half. She just pulled out its crust and broke a black blood from the gap. The shape of the corpse that was smashed in the air, and then rushed toward her, very fast, like a black lightning, the double body of the piano evades around the tree, but the raging black corpse is straight Hit the trunk of the big tree.


A series of explosions, the black corpse actually penetrated the thick trunk, rushing toward the piano double.

"Feng Wings!"

When the piano doubled out, a giant phoenix-like sword was displayed in front of her. The black corpse was swept out by the double-sword, and the shell on the back was broken. The gap was bigger, and the corpse flew back again, but it was no longer rushing straight toward the piano, but it was hovering around the piano double as a black light.

"Black light!" Qin double in the heart: "The only thing that eats the green cow is the corpse. Just the other corpses? Why is there one left?"


I want to kill it as soon as possible, and maybe a lot of corpses will be attracted in a while. ”

Qin double-minded view of the white tiger, a slender sharp gold silk burst from the eyebrows of the piano double, suddenly intercepted on the way around the black corpse, in the twinkling of an eye, that sharp gold wire will be that The black corpse is entangled.

Gold silk wrapped around the wrist!

Chicken feet!

A red-red claw claw appeared in the air, and the sharp claw tip stabbed into the black beetle, and the phoenix fire spirit burned in the beetle. The red-red chicken feet caught.


The body of the black corpse was finally shattered and fell to the ground.

The piano doubled in the footsteps, staring at the black corpse, and saw that its body had been broken, but it was not broken.

"Should you die?"

Qin double thought, but still not assured, first released a defensive spirit shield, and then waved the hands of the Feng Yu sword, bursting a sharp sword, and smashed toward the black corpse.


A black light was blasted from the mouth of the black corpse, and it turned out that the black corpse sprayed the mouthpiece out, like a sharp arrow spurting toward the piano.


The mouthpiece was shot on the piano's spiritual shield, blocked by the spiritual shield, and dropped to the ground. Only the venom in the mouthpiece is rapidly eroding the spiritual shield of the piano.

The piano double was scared, and the figure hurriedly flew back. At the same time, the spiritual guard was scattered, and the big sleeves were raised. A gust of wind blew through and the poison gas was blown away.


The sword that went out of the piano smashed the black corpse, and this time it was too dead to die.

When the piano doubled out and grabbed it, the mouthpiece was caught by the piano double, floating in front of the piano double, the rich poison gas drifted out, so that the piano double could not be dizzy, hurriedly took out a jade, the root device Put it into the jade, and put in the storage ring. The operation of the phoenix fire dispels the poisonous gas, dissipates the fire phoenix body, and the body shape is swept away. At the foot, only the fire and the phoenix are born. Feng Xiang is unfolding, pulling out a vague residual image and going away for a while.

After half an hour.

On the shore of a lake, there was a figure, which was the plucking of the piano pair. The eyes glanced around and shook a sigh of relief. No black corpses were found, and the piano was relieved. . But then she frowned slightly, because she lost her way, actually not lost, because she did not know which direction she should go.

"Taro." The basaltic tone on the shoulder is dignified: "You still have to find a place to break through, otherwise I will not be able to play once I encounter the insect king!"

Qin Qin smiled and said: "Don't say it is the worm king, it is the ordinary corpse, if you come, I can only escape, and I still don't know if I can escape."

"Yeah, your fire phoenix body has a gram for the corpse, but the time for the phoenix body to open is limited, or you need to improve your strength. For example, the gold wire wrapped around you can only be entangled. The corpse. But if you can break through the eighth floor of the knot, you might be able to harm the corpse."

"I also know the importance of improving strength, and now I have reached the critical point of breakthrough in all aspects. If you choose to break through, you will immediately improve your training. Just where do I choose a breakthrough? Everywhere is dangerous, who knows In the process of my breakthrough, will there be corpses coming over? Or will there be a demon monk coming over?"

"The demon monks may not come over, they are all looking for opportunities. It is obviously not a chance. It may not be that you are far away from you. You can't find a breakthrough. Even if you find it, you may not be willing to delay your time. Those corpses are a problem, but in general, corpses are fearful of water. If you break into the bottom of the lake, it should be safer."

Qin Qin smiled and said: "You all say that it is normal, if they can enter the water?"

"Then I don't know, you always have to make a choice. Right, I just forgot to tell you. The corpse that absorbed the blood food of the demon or the demon, the body will also condense the inner Dan, they absorb The blood of the monk, so Nedan is very pure, absorbs the energy of Nedan, and has a strong auxiliary effect on your cultivation."

"You don't say it early?" Qin double airway.

Xuanwu said: "Anyway is a corpse, waiting for you to encounter a large number of corpses, but also afraid of getting inside Dan?"

Qinqin squatted for a while and shouted: "Forget it, I still don't meet."

"Oh..." Xuanwu laughed.

"Laughter and laugh?" Qin double and airless: "I will go to the lake to break through, the water is your territory, you give me protection."

If you fall, you will not be able to display the water, and jump directly into the lake, sinking in a thousand pounds and sinking toward the bottom of the lake. After half an hour's clock, the feet of the piano fell to the bottom of the lake. The lake was very clear. The piano looked around and went to the deepest part of the lake center. It went all the way to the bottom, sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the lake.

First, I took out the Lingshi and set up a polyling array around myself, and then swallowed a two-grained golden dragon. When the mind was moved, the town demon tower was held in the hands, and began to think about the white tiger, impacting the eighth layer of the knot.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

The first layer of the sharp gold building base in the sea began to roll, and the golden dragon on the top was wrapped to form a layer of Jindan. The sharp gold method was broken into the eighth layer of the knot.


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