Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 456: Qingshan delisting



The ancient green hills in the sky have changed dramatically, and the figure suddenly plucked out. In midair, he lifted a big foot and stepped on the huge sword that ran across the sky.

"Sword field?"

The elders of the Qingshan sects in the sky are all huge changes. How big is this piano? Just in his early twenties, he is said to have been practicing for three years. He even cultivated the sword field. In the whole Qingshan ancestor, only the lord ancient Qingshan cultivated the field.

Too enchanting!

This person must die!

The eyes of the monks gathered on the ancient Qingshan Mountain and gathered on the right foot of the ancient Qingshan.


One foot of Gu Qingshan stepped on the sword of the sword in the sky. A circle of enthusiasm rips away and tears away.

The sword couldn't hold the earthquake, and the cracks climbed, and eventually burst into flames. Two figures suddenly emerged, and a figure flew toward the rear, and a figure fell toward the ground.

Gu Qingshan reached out and grabbed the falling figure, and the figure flew back in the air. He was caught in the hands of Gu Qingshan. When he looked down, he couldn’t help but squint. He looked up and looked steady in the air. Live the shape of the double, bite the tooth:

"The moon is endless, you dare to kill Jianfei!"

The piano double raised his finger and gently wiped the blood stains at the corner of his mouth, staring at the ancient Qingshan Road opposite:

"Gravity field!"

"Sure enough, it is a genius. However, this sect has ruined you this genius today!"

Qin double hands and stand, faintly looking at the opposite ancient Qingshan, the corner of his mouth bent, revealing a trace of irony:

"Kill me? Hehe... You think too much, don't forget my other identity."

"What identity?"

The sarcasm on the face of Gu Qingshan is even thicker than that of the piano, and the surrounding Qingshan sects and elders are also ridiculous. Now Qinqin has been surrounded by many people, and it also faces the ancient green hills of the peak of distraction. What is your identity?

Can identity protect your life?

"Oh..." Qin double smiled again and said, "I am still a great master of the peak!"

"How is that..."

Gu Qingshan just said four words, his face is a huge change. However, at this time, I saw the piano with both hands flying, throwing a symbol.

That is two swords!

Two big masters at the beginning of the peak grade sword!

It is equivalent to the sword of a monk at the beginning of the Mahayana period.


The swordsmanship oscillates and turns into two pieces of starry sky. Each piece of star power is a sword, and hundreds of millions of stars are hundreds of millions of swords, rushing toward the ancient green hills. The entire sky was covered by the swords and swords, and the traces of the ancient green hills were lost.


After the hustle and bustle, the bustling and ruined, the traces of the ancient green hills have disappeared in the sky, and even a **** has not been left.

Gu Qingshan is only the peak of the late part of the distraction, and the two swords are like two monks at the beginning of the Mahayana period, and he can strike him at the same time. How can he withstand it?

The surrounding Qingshan Zongxiu's face has changed. At this time, do they know what the identity of the Grand Master of the Road? The disdainful color of each face disappeared, and the fear was replaced. The strength of Qingshanzong is similar to that of Luofuzong, who did not have a Mahayana monk. The monks and the distracted monks originally had a total of thirteen, but one less than the original Luofuzong. However, when I ambushed Wanzhongshan in the Red Sea to protect the Qin Shuanghui Zongmen, I died. Later, Qinqin killed two on the sea. Soon after, I killed one in the Red Sea, and today I killed Guqingshan. There are only six remaining in the current period of the gods and distractions. In the face of a monk who is a great monk, and is still a strong monk who beats Gu Qingshan in a strong way, how can they not fear in their hearts?

A distracted monk sternly sneaked: "The moon is endless, you have no killing my lord, slaughtering my sect, and I am not afraid that the three islands will dispose of you. I am not afraid that the whole practice will regard you as a demon, and will force you to encircle you? Now that I have retired, my sect will immediately close the mountain for a hundred years and will not care about you."

"Innocent?" Qin double sneered, took a jade from the storage ring: "I will let you see how innocent!"

If the words fall, the jade will be sacrificed to the air, and the jade will bloom, showing a light curtain. The entire Qingshan Zong people will focus on the light curtain, but it is the scene of the three evils chasing the piano pair. As a scene, after a sentence of dialogue appeared, the entire Qingshan Zongxiu was as dead.

Qin Shuang gaze over the Qingshan Zongxiu, and coldly said: "I was accepted as a disciple by Luo Fuzong in Dengxian City. On the way back to Luofuzong, I was forced by the Qingshan ancestor Gu Qingshan with a thousand prison peaks, and In order to protect me, my elders, Wusong, were killed alive. At that moment, I swear by the soul in my endless months, and I will surely destroy your three evil sects and avenge the elders of Wuhuan. From today, Qingshanzong was removed from the practice circle."

When the words fell, the piano doubled up with both hands, and sacrificed the last four masters of the Grand Master. After the sacrifice, they no longer paid attention to the six Qingshan ancestors, and the four swords were surrounded by four sides. In the direction, the monks at the peak of the four Mahayana periods joined forces, and the six elders of Qingshan Zong had no chance of surviving. Therefore, Qin Shuang began to sacrifice one of the masters of the Qingshan ancestors to the surrounding Qing dynasty disciples. The figure was displayed as a glimpse of the glimpse of the genre, flying in the Qingshan ancestral air, and a piece of Zhang Zongshi’s realm was sacrificed. Each of the guru's realm swords is equivalent to a distracting monk's dedication. The entire Qingshan sect is the sound of the sword, and the glory of the glory is four wild.

At the time of three quarters of an hour, the entire Qingshanzong was quiet. The six elders of Qingshan Zong have been smashed into powder, and tens of thousands of disciples have only escaped thousands of people, and these thousands of people are also weak disciples. The majority of the disciples are the majority of the disciples. disciple. Because when the piano doubled out the sword, it was directed at the high-ranking disciples, but the low-level disciples were omitted.

Even if you escaped a few knots, or Yuan Ying disciples, it will not be a big event, and Qin double is also tired, it is not physically tired, but the tiredness of the soul, looking at those Qingshan Zong The disciple ran towards the beach and stopped chasing.

Taking a deep breath, the power of a powerful soul spread out. Then he swept away and swept away toward the Qingshan Mountain.

"The time for harvest is here."

One day later, Qin double left Qingshanzong and flew in the direction of the mainland of the warrior. There was a glimmer of fire behind the piano.


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