Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 454: Guild war



Qin's hands were sideways and suddenly slammed into the air.


Hundreds of dragons around the piano double screamed, and the refining monks who flew in the air rose away. The refining monks on the opposite side felt a huge pressure in the blink of an eye, and the whole sky seemed to oscillate. Hundreds of dragons collided like a rolling mountain to the air-conditioned disciples.

Although those refining monks released various defensive armor, they could not withstand the collision of the dragon.


The defensive armor was broken, and countless disciples of Qingshan Zong refinery fell from the sky like dumplings. When hundreds of dragons were consumed, thousands of Qingshan sects were lying down.


The sky was as dark as it was, and a large handprint appeared in the sky, and the monks of the Qingshanzong refining period in the air were photographed.


A cracking of the sky generally rang, and thousands of Qingshan sects of the refining period were broken under this palm.


The remaining disciples of the refining period no longer dared to rush toward the piano, or fled to the sides, or turned around and fled to the depths of the Zongmen. The time has become a mess, and even worse, they have collided with each other and fell from the sky.

Qin double is too lazy to care about them, the body shape lasing toward the Castle Peak. Not yet close to the inner door area, I saw a group of Qingshan Zongxiu appear in the air, this time is not a royal device, but the imperial air, all of them are Qingshan Zong Neimen building base disciples.

Qin double minded a move, knowing that the six-handed golden swords in the sea merged into a giant sword and walked out of the body. They were caught in the hands by the piano and turned into a thorn in the air.

The stars are flat and wide!


The starlight in the sky is shaking, and the thousands of stars are falling, just like a sword rain, as if the starry sky is short, and the earth becomes vast.

"Oh ah..."

There was a scream of screams in the sky, and a strip of people fell from the sky. It was only less than three minutes, and there were more than a thousand base-building monks in the dead.

A sect of a sect can only have a number of base-building monks. The singularity of this type of singularity is almost wide, and almost kills one third of the Qingshan sect.

The piano stepped on the ground, the earth was cracked by her footsteps, like a spider web, and it looked like a spider web. When I looked up, I saw the discerning disciple of the Qingshan Zongzhuji in the air looking at her. The eyes are cold and mans, and it is a sword.

The stars are flat and wide!


In the sky, the Qingshan Zongzhuji period monk fled and fled, and the figure of the Qin double pulled out a residual image on the ground, like a dragon shadow undulating on the ground, rising toward the Qingshan Zongmen.

The Qinshuang Road has killed the disciples of Qingshan Emperor, the disciples of the refining period and the disciples of the foundation period, so that the disciples of Qingshanzong have no chance to even take shots, or they have been killed or fleeing.

"The piano is bold!"

"Aoyama Swords!"

In the air, I remembered the sound of violent screaming, and the plucked piano double looked up and saw the disciples of the nearly a thousand knots in the air. At the same time, there were crowds of people and swords, and they had to form a sword array.

Qin double is to kill people, but not to learn from them, how can they give them a chance to form a sword?

When I stayed in shape, my knees were slightly bent, and then I suddenly stood up, and a sword stabbed out. This sword broke out the power of the Qin dual-infant.

The stars are flat and wide!

The sky is slamming, and the stars are falling, such as the rain of the sword, such as the galaxy pouring, dense and sharp, covering the earth, simply do not give any space to escape.

The Qingshan sects in the air have not yet had time to lay down the swords, and they have released the defensive armor, and sacrificed the spirits to resist the swordsmanship of the stars.

"Puff puff……"

The disciples of the Dandan period can not resist the release of the doubles of the piano. The most important thing is that the piano doubles first, and there is no chance for the Qingshan Zongxiu to take the shot, and the Qinshuang released the star in the Yuan Ying period. Wide, the original power can be more than the other side, so these Qingshan Zongjie Dan disciples are also tragedy, countless monks fall from the air.

However, the knot period is the knot period, which is much stronger than the base period, so it is much more hurt and less dead.

"Sacred Castle Peak!"

There was a loud voice coming from afar. When the piano looked up, I saw hundreds of infants and disciples who had already laid a sword array in the air. They drifted toward her, and the swords were rotated, and the green hills were formed out of thin air. Pressed to the piano double head.

The sacrifice of Qingshan, Qinshuang has been seen, it is still in the identity of the Qinshuang on the sea and the Qingshanzong monk pair, at that time there are three distracted monks in the other side, she is very understanding of the power of the Qingshan. Immediately, I thought about it and put away the Jinpeng giant sword in my hand. I transferred thirty-six small Jinpeng swords from the sea of ​​knowledge and built a small Zhoutian sword array to protect myself in the sword array.

This is not a sword to pull out a small Zhou Jianjian array, but a 36-handed Jinpeng sword to build a small Zhou Jianjian array. In fact, this is indeed a small Sunday turmoil, not a small Zhou kendo. However, it is made up of thirty-six-handed Jinpeng swords, so it also contains kendo, and its power is multiplied.


The Qingshan Mountain is on the small Zhoutianjian array of Qinshuang. The monks who release the Qingshan Mountain are also in the Yuan Ying period, and the number of infants and nurses in the Yuan Dynasty is higher than that of the Qinshuang. It is also a dozens of infants. Joining hands, just a round of attacks, will make the Xiao Zhoutian sword formation crumbling.

"I dare to marry the mountain gate of Qingshan Zong, killing my Qingshan sect, and the moon is endless. You are looking for death!"

Qingshan Zongyuan infant disciples saw the Xiao Zhoutian sword array faltering, one by one, the heart was set, and they screamed out loudly. The piano doubled and stared at the fingers, then raised their hands to the left and right fingers, from the doubles. In the sea, there were seventy-two small Jinpeng swords around the body, and each of the thirty-six handles was built around, and a small Zhoutian sword array was constructed. The Qingshan, which was oppressed by the air, was strangled.


The two small Zhoujian sword arrays are like two stars, and countless stars are rolling up and hitting the green hills that were worshipped by the Qingshan sect. The power of the 72-handed Jinpeng sword is already strong enough, not to mention the construction of the Xiao Zhoutian sword array.

At the time of the three interest, it hit dozens of times. The huge green hill in the air was covered with cracks, and finally burst into a burst.

At the moment of the break, the double sleeves of the piano flew forward, and the small Zhoutian sword array guarding her, a total of three small Zhoujianjian arrays crushed the dozens of Yuan Ying period monks.

Three small Zhoutian sword arrays, like three stars, are spreading toward the dozens of Yuan Ying period monks. In the eyes of the dozens of monks, that is the three Sundays running, mysterious and majestic, let alone resist Just look at it and feel a sense of powerlessness.



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