Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 428: status



Qinqin once again came to Gongdetang, and replaced the 500,000 points with the seeds of various spiritual fruit trees. The grades of these spiritual fruit trees are very common, but is it normal that the fruit trees are not?

The elders of Gongdetang looked at the piano doubles strangely, because there was never such a person who exchanged points for so many seeds of the fruit tree. In the heart, is the endless moon wanting to plant the endless peaks with the fruit trees?

But how long does it take to wait for the fruit tree to grow up? How long does it take to wait until I can get the fruit that comes out?

It is necessary to know that the growth of the fruit tree is twice as long as that of ordinary trees. Even if it is an ordinary psychic tree, it takes at least a hundred years to get adult, and it takes a hundred years to get results. The talent of Qinshuang is now the peak of the knot period. I am afraid that it will be in the Yuan Ying period in less than a hundred years, and will it still live in the endless peak?

Is this child not a mess?

Qin double did not pay attention to the strange eyes of the elder, and returned to his endless peaks happily. After entering his own Dongfu, he entered the town demon tower. The endless moon was also moved from the sea of ​​knowledge into the town demon tower. In addition to the magical body, the three people divided the seeds of the fruit tree into three parts, and then began planting.

Three days passed quickly, and Qin Double once again moved the moon into his own knowledge of the sea, and then came out of the town demon tower, left the endless peak, and flew toward the trial peak.

"Mr. Sister!"

"Mr. Sister!"


Along the way, the meteorological disciples who met them all greeted the courtesy and politely, no matter how old or young, in fact, in the discipleship area of ​​the knot, there is no age smaller than the piano, but now they are called the piano. The two are sisters. From their demeanor, they can already see that in their hearts, they have regarded the piano as the first disciple of the knot.

Qin double also politely returned, and soon came to the trial peak. I saw the trial peak, Xu Feibai stood there with a group of Yuan Ying disciples, and saw the double line of the piano, and greeted them together.

"Yue Shimei!"

The piano looks like a sigh: "You brothers and sisters, are you here?"

Xu Feibai Yan Yan said: "We are here waiting for you, go, we go to the sky."

"How dare you work for the brothers and sisters to wait for me!" Qin double modest.

"Let's go!" Yan Xia went up and said: "After a while, the Sovereign should be coming soon."

"Please ask your brothers and sisters."

Originally, there were many Yuan Ying disciples who, at the request of Xu Feibai, waited for the piano pair here today. My heart was still somewhat unhappy. Even though Qinshuang showed strong strength yesterday, it was also within the scope of the knot period. They are the Yuan Ying period. How can I actively wait for a disciples?

It’s just that Qin double has just won the face of Luo Fuzong, and Xu Feibai’s chief master’s request, the most important thing is that Qin’s master is the only Mahayana monk in Luofuzong.

Therefore, they are very good at face, but it does not mean that they are comfortable. But now that I saw the piano pair is very sensible, the unhappiness in my heart gradually dissipated, and everyone entered the trial peak and flew toward the sky.

Hundreds of Yuan’s infants flew through the air, and the converging powers plunged from the sky, making the monsters on the trial peaks honestly afraid to make a sound.

Soon, Qin and so on came to the trial peak, but they did not go to the front of the sky, but fell to the side of the peak, leaving the position before the sky to Yang Yingtian and others.

"Sister." Yan Xia looked at the piano standing next to him and whispered.


"Master said that you are a great master, really?"

Although Xia Ke's voice is extremely low, but above the peak, all the Yuan Ying period monks immediately focus on the body of the piano, just like they are moths, and the piano is a light source. Xu Feibai also looked at the piano pair with a gaze, and he also listened to the master Yang Yingtian said that Qin double is a great master.

"Yeah!" Qin double nodded gently.

“Really?” Yan Xiake confirmed again.

"Yeah!" Qin doubled nodded again.

"Hey..." there was a sound of cold air sucking around.

Since the external forces such as Mishima came to Luofuzong, they did not know that they had been passed down. It is said that the endless moon is a great master.

To be honest, no one believes in the Luofuzong disciple, let alone the foreign forces such as the Three Islands. Every day, they listen to the ridicule of those foreign disciples, and let their hearts have an endless view of the moon.

However, they never imagined that the month was endless, but today they admitted that they were the Grand Masters. If it was three days ago, I am afraid that the endless months will immediately greet the violent sarcasm and ridicule of these Yuan Ying disciples. But after three days ago, after the double battle of the piano double picks seven, they did not believe that a monk who could pick one seven would lie.

So they were excited. They moved to the piano double, but in an instant, they surrounded the piano in the middle.

"Sister, you said that the lack of Andao can not repair the sky?"

Xu Feibai looked nervously at the doubles. He couldn't be nervous. Only Luo Fuzong existed. His chief master was there. If Luo Fuzong was annexed by Huanglu Island, his chief master of Luo Fuzong will surely become the first batch of cannon fodder, and if you want to get the resources of today's Zongmen key, then don't think about it.

"He? Can't fix it."

“Really?” Xu Feibai’s look is a joy. As long as An Dao can’t repair the sky, he can’t swallow Luo Fuzong.


“Can you tell me why?”

"It's very simple. If you want to repair the sky, you must be a great master."

"But... I heard that the sky can be repaired with the aid of materials."

"That is just the guess of An Dao." Qin doubled his head and said: "If you want to repair the sky wall, you must have a peak of understanding of the road. If you don't reach the peak, you can't fully understand the sky wall. Also talk about how to repair the sky wall? Even with the aid of materials.

The material is only an aid, and it is still a comprehension of the way. ”

"Is it that the lack of An Dao can not repair the sky?"

"I can't say that." Qin double shook his head again: "After all, he is already a great master of the late stage, and he is only one step away from the peak. Therefore, he should still be able to repair some."

“Can you fix a few?”

"I don't know about this."

"Great!" Xu Feibai said excitedly: "The bet of ours and Huanglu Island is that he must completely repair the sky wall. As long as they do not completely repair the sky wall, they lose their bets. So the more the sky wall he repairs The cheaper we are, Luo Fuzong. You said that if An Dao’s lack of repairing the sky wall is 90%, the last one will be worse. Will An Dao’s lack of blood vomiting blood? Will Huanglu Island be mad?”


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