Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 407: Sky wall space


Zhang Zongzheng no longer spoke, but at this time, Qin double spit out a sigh of relief and opened his eyes. When I saw my disciple woke up, Wanzhongshan hurriedly asked:

"Endless, how are you? Have you recovered?"

Qin double gently shook his head: "It is only a slight recovery, I want to recover completely, I am afraid it will take nearly a month."

Qin double did not lie, she did not spend the time to know the power of the sea in the sea, she spent three and a half hours, after consuming the power of the sea, immediately supplemented with weak water Dan, and then consumed , and then add, it is repeatedly consumed, so repeated, and it is repeated repeatedly, it has a slight damage to her knowledge of the sea, it takes a certain amount of time to slowly repair.

When Wanzhongshan heard his disciple say this and saw the pale face of the piano, he remembered the words of Zhang Zongzheng just now. Not only did Zhang Zongzhen glance at Zhang Zongzheng, but Zhang Zongzheng stood there without speaking.

"Endless, is this really a peak of the great master?" Yang Yingtian asked anxiously.

Qin double thought about it: "Yes, it's just that Weineng should not reach the top of the Grand Master. It should be the power of the nine-level master."

"You...not that you are the great master of the peak?" Yang Yingtian asked nervously.

"Well, I am the great master of the peak." Qin doubled and said: "But now my cultivation is too low, and I have not generated God. I have realized the realm of the great master, but because it is not the sake of God, use The power of knowing the sea replaces the knowledge of God, and the power will be reduced."

"That repairs the sky?"

"The sky wall can be repaired, but it can't be completely repaired. After all, I haven't generated God. I don't know what kind of monk is effective in the realm?"

"It is effective for monks in any realm." Yang Yingtiandao: "According to the records, the Tianbi is divided into eight layers, which are suitable for the day after tomorrow, the refining period, the foundation period, the knot period, the Yuan Ying period, the transformation period, the distraction The eight periods of the period and the Mahayana period. After each monk enters the sky wall, it will be automatically transmitted to the corresponding level. Of course, the monks who feel that they are strong can also enter the higher level themselves, but the strength Strong monks can't enter the weaker layer."

Qin double thought for a while: "I should be able to repair the sky wall to allow the monk to enter the monk, want to completely repair, it requires me to enter the magic period, after the generation of God."


Yang Yingtian is not disappointed, and some are just excited. It is already a surprise to be able to repair the sky wall to this level. The monks of the sacred period can enter the cultivation, and the strength of Luo Fuzong will have a leap-forward growth in a short period of time. Chu Yun on the side asked with concern:

"Endless, making a symbol, you will lose it. Your power to know the sea can guarantee you to repair the sky? Don't hurt your knowledge of the sea."

When Chu Yun’s words came out, Wan Zhongshan, Yang Yingtian and Zhang Zongzheng all showed their concern.

Qinqin smiled bitterly: "If it is repaired by my ability to know the sea, it can't be repaired naturally. So, I have to rely on external forces."

“With the help of external forces?”

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "In fact, if it is a great master above the stage of the gods, he can rely on the power of the road to repair the sky. But I can't, so I need some materials to Repair the sky wall. When my repair is to break through to the gods, and then re-repair the sea, I don't need materials."

“What materials do you need?”

Qin double took out the jade slip that was endless to her, and handed it to Yang Yingtian. Yang Yingtian took over the jade slip, and the gods swept away, and his face was dignified.

"The sovereign, the material is very precious?" Chu Yun looked to Yang Yingtian.

"You wait for me for a while."

Yang Yingtian’s body shape instantly disappeared into the hall, and Wanzhongshan took the shoulders of the piano pair:

"Endless, go, go there and take a break for a while, the Sovereign to see the material."

Four people sat down in the main hall. If this was before, in the face of a Mahayana monk, two half-step Mahayana monks, there would be no place for the piano to sit.

But it is different now.

Qin Shuang is the identity of the great master of the peak, not to mention that they are in front of them, that is, in front of the three islands, they also have the qualification to sit down.

"Endless, Shigu has a few questions to ask you." Chu Yun's face showed embarrassing color.

Qin double hurriedly said: "Don't dare, you can communicate with Shigu at any time."


"Stop!" Wanzhongshan's face was unpleasantly stopped by Chu Yundao: "The endless sea of ​​knowledge has not recovered, don't consume endless energy. Endless, you continue to adjust interest rates and repair the sea."

"Right right!" Chu Yun's face is full of sorrow: "It is the teacher and the neglect, we will communicate later."

Qin double did not consume energy at this time, but nodded apologetically, and took out a weak water suit, began to close his eyes and adjust his interest.

About three quarters of an hour, Yang Yingtian returned to the hall and heard the footsteps. Qin double opened his eyes. Yang Yingtian went straight to the front of Qin Double and handed a storage ring in his hand to Qin Double Road:

"The endless, the materials you want are here, but there are still six materials missing, I will immediately let the Zongmen collect."

Qin double took over the storage ring, wiped the force of the sea, then closed the storage ring and nodded:

"Well, what is good to collect the sea, notify the disciples. Just..."

"What is it?"

"Only the disciples should repair the sky, should the Zongmen be rewarded?"

Yang Yingtian heard it and couldn’t help but smile: “There is a reward in nature, but have you not repaired the sky?”

Qin double grabbed the head and said: "Can't you advance?"

"What do you want?" Yang Yingtian laughed.

Qin Shuang took out a jade slip and handed it to Yang Yingtian: "The disciples need these herbs. How many, how much."

Yang Ying Tian Shen swept away, then smiled: "These herbs are all sacred, but the stock is not a lot, these herbs are very cherished, not easy to get. So, the sect of the sect is still to be kept, after all, you still have not Repair the sky wall. The herbs you need here, each of which I give you half of the sacred door. After you fix the sky wall, I will give you the other half. And then, give you 100 million door points."

"Thank you, Lord." Qin double hurriedly stood up for the ceremony.

"You don't have to be polite, this is what Zongmen should give you." Looking at the pale face of the piano, Yang Yingtian was concerned about the earth: "If you go back and cultivate well, I will collect the materials as soon as possible."


On the other side, Wanzhongshan opened up to Zhang Zongzheng and Chu Yundao: "You two also look at jade, if you have all the herbs you need, you can take them out. I use other resources to exchange with you."

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