Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 300: Lingbing Peak

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Speaking of this, I looked at Qi Qidao: "Qi Qi, you have no worries. You can become an alchemy teacher so quickly, prove that your understanding is very good, the only difference is qualification. If I get other medicinal drugs in the future I will send it to you."

Qi Qi smiled and said: "Yue Shijie, don't have to worry. I am very confident about building a foundation. As long as my alchemy realm continues to improve, I will have enough medicinal herbs to force me to improve my spiritual power. And I The understanding is not bad, so I should be able to break through to the foundation period. However, the foundation period is already my end. I can't refine the Dan, nor can I rely on the medicinal herbs, and then push my cultivation to the end. However, I am very happy to be able to build the foundation."

It is rare that Qi Qi can satisfy the happy music, and Qin Qin is also very happy. Gu Chunqiu and Dong Baichuan went hunting and killing a monster. Merlin bought some wine and returned, and seven people drank for one night. Until the dawn of the next day, Qin double left the outer door and returned to the inner door.

"Endless, can you break through in the sky?"


"After waiting for the Lingbing Peak, you will go back. I see that your building base has been very stable and fit, and it is time to break through the knot period."


“How long does it take to get into the big masters?”

"Half a year."

The piano nodded and calmed down. Beginning to comprehend Xiao Zhoutian's kendo, and the endless moon of wood is the beginning to comprehend the Qinglong supernatural power.

Time soon came to the third day.

Qinshuang flies on the ancient road leading to the Lingbing Peak, and the glimpse of the floating light is displayed, like a gliding on the ancient road.


Qin double is in front of the peak of the soldiers, then I saw a lot of people gathered in front of the peak of the soldiers, there are hundreds of them, most of them are Yuan Ying period monks, Qin double knows in these There is a core disciple in the Yuan Ying period monk, but I don’t know how many forty-eight core disciples have come.

"Ha ha ha..." A burst of laughter came: "Moon Shimei, I know that you will definitely win the inner door than the first."

When the piano doubled his head and saw it, he saw that Xu Feibai was beckoning to her. He stood by his own brother Xia Ke, and stood eight people on both sides. , get the top ten people.


Is the big machine standing there?

Can he still break into the top ten?

Seeing the doubts in the eyes of the piano, Xu Feibai laughed and said: "Stunned? Don't say it is you, even I was shocked. This time, the big brother is shocked, and this time he is shocked. However, he was only behind the brothers and won the third place."


"Oh, huh..." He smiled thickly.

Qin double saw the lord Yang Yingtian, and his own master Wanzhongshan and others also stood in front of the peak of the soldiers, then went to see. In this way, those Yuan-Yuan disciples who were present also knew that Qinqin turned out to be the only disciple of the majestic monk Wanzhongshan in Zongmen, and all of them showed the envy.

The two-way monks in the two-way dynasty were not seen. Then nodded, the three disciples who saw the Qin Dynasty were the disciples of Wanzhongshan, and did not dare to take the big ones. They nodded and returned.

"Okay!" The lord Yang Yingtian said: "This is your chance. Each of you has only one hour of time to find your chance on the peak of the soldiers. Go."

Fourteen people were overjoyed in their hearts, and one by one, they flew to the peak of the spirit soldiers, hung on the peak of the soldiers, and one by one explored the power of their own seas toward the peak of the soldiers, hoping to have a spirit automatically. Choose them.

Only Qin Double did not find out the power of knowing the sea. She already had some understanding of Lingbingfeng. She once read the records of the Lingbing Peak in the library in the Gongtang Hall. In the edge of the Lingbing Peak, it is to spread your power of knowing the sea. What is your attribute of the sea, and you will attract the spirit of what attributes, and the strength of your knowledge of the sea will attract different spirits.

Usually, you will get a spirit.


Qin double is wondering what kind of property he chooses to know the power of the sea. Her current knowledge of the sea has three bases. They are fire attributes, wood attributes and water attributes.

The wood attribute already has a fixed sea sword, which can be placed at the end. If the previous two have not touched the chance, then select the wood attribute. Both fire and water properties are lacking in spirit.


In contrast, the fire attribute still has weapons, and it is still a very advanced weapon, which may be unique in the entire warrior continent. That is the fire phoenix.

Of course, Qin double is now unable to refine the whole fire into a weapon, but there is no problem in cultivating a fire phoenix feather. And in the entire mainland of the warrior, I am afraid that no one's weapon is comparable to a phoenix feather.

“Just use the water property to understand the power of the sea.”

Qin Shuang really lacks a water attribute weapon that can now be worthy of her. The seven water mines are too high-end, and the high-end piano can't be used at all. It can only be as sultry as holding a stone. The flying needle she used has been too low.

When there was a decision in the heart, the azure building base was communicated, and the three-story azure base was hovering. The power of knowing the sea spread like a mercury rush, and it shrouded the past.

The entire Lingbing Peak is full of various weapons, swords and swords, and various kinds of Qimen weapons. From afar, it is impossible to see that it is a mountain, but a huge weaponry.

Just a third of the Lingbing Peak, Qinqin felt that there were several fluctuations from the Lingbing Peak, and then saw three streams of light spurting toward the piano, and then circled around the piano.

"So fast!"

Under the peak of the soldiers, all the monks were shocked, and the lord Yang Yingtian’s eyes flashed. He knows the way to attract the spirit soldiers on the peak of the soldiers. The higher the cultivation practice, or the more pure the power of the sea, the more attractive the soldiers.

At this time, no one of the other thirteen people attracted a spirit, but Qin double attracted three at a time. This is really an accident for everyone. To know that on the peak of the soldiers, but there are ten yuan infants, three knots of monks, which repair is not her high?

At this time, Qin Double did not find that all the people under the Peak of the Spirit were paying attention to her, but they fell on the three spirits. The three spirits were a sword, a pen and a moon wheel. . When Qinqin was thinking about which one to choose, he felt that the water-beads in the sea had fluctuated a bit. A pressure spread from her knowledge and swept the three spirits. The three spirits The soldier was shaken like a fright, and then he slammed back to the Lingbing Peak and inserted it on the peak of the soldiers, motionless.


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