Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 260: Xuan Shui breakthrough


"Hello, come on!" There was deep pain in the shackles of Qin.

"What? Come on?" Fengyin was also surprised by the sudden opening of Qin Double, and asked awkwardly.

The double arms of Qinqin slowly opened to the sides, looking at Fengyin, and the look and tone were full of disappointment and despair.

"Are you not killing your heart? Then let's do it."


"I hate you!" The sound of the piano is light, but the tone is full of resentment: "Why did you give me hope of meeting the companion, and then personally ruined my hope?

I screamed but asked for a confession. You gave me hope and ruined my hope.

Ignorance, what is love?

come on!

Are you not coming to kill me?

I am fulfilling you!

Let me go with Cui Liuqin..."

"say no more!"

Fengyin screamed and screamed, and as she screamed, tears burst out.

"I was wrong, shy and see you, leave."


Fengyin, who just turned around, stayed in the footsteps, but did not look back, sadly:

"What else do you want?"

"You destroyed my Tsui liuqin, is there no compensation?"

Feng Yin nodded, Shen Yan said: "I see that you are practicing the fire attribute exercises, I can give you a drop of my blood, so that your cultivation can be greatly improved."

The piano doubles and pouts, and the heart secretly says: "I can't easily peel off the other blood in the blood. Who wants your blood? Do you think it is fun?"

"I don't need it!" Qin said faintly: "I am just a cloud of cultivation, and your blood can't make me understand the rhythm. What should I use?"

Shen Qiu and others are nervous to the extreme, Qin double's tone is so strong, they are afraid of angering Fengyin, let Fengyin become angry and turn to kill, this will no one can stop her.

However, they know where the Fengyin has been eaten by the piano. Her heart is only the shackles of the piano, and there will be murders.

"Then what are you going to do?" Fengyin's tone is full of helplessness.

"I need to be calm, only calm can wash my dirty heart."

The sound of Fengyin was shocked, and the silence said: "Well, I promise you. The Yaozu no longer invades the Moon Empire."


Fengyin swelled from the clothes and grabbed the clouds in one hand and left.


Qinqin spit out a long breath, once the body relaxes, the body's sweat will rush out like a spring, sweat out like a pulp, and instantly wet the clothes.

"Great!" Shen Qiu wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.


Godsend and blood clothes fell to the ground, Qinshuang and Shen Qiu quickly squatted beside the gods and the **** clothes, the power of the soul swept through the blood and the blood.

Godsend opened his eyes and said weakly: "I am fine."

Qin double frowned and said: "Your body is severely damaged."

"That doesn't matter!" Tianci struggling to sit up, and with the help of Qinshuang, stood up and said: "The wounds of the body will soon recover, but the swordsman that I originally condensed is now only left. Seven points, I don't know when I can recover."

The blood coat over there also woke up, and Shen Qiu asked in confusion:

"Blood clothes, what's wrong with you? How can the breath be so weak?"

"Oh..." The **** clothes sighed bitterly: "My way of killing was washed by the voice of the woman. Although I was helped by my Majesty, there was no break, but there was a crack."

“Can you recover?” Shen Qiu asked with concern.

"Can! Kill more monsters and you will be able to recover."

Three days later.

The godsend's body has been restored, ready to retreat to repair the swordsman. The blood-stained body was healed, left alone, went hunting and killing the demon, and repairing his killing.

Qin Shuang gave the state affairs to Qinwu, to explore all of Wu as an excuse, and left the city of Tiebi. Before leaving, he refining some of the medicinal herbs for the martial artists who were at the critical point of breakthrough and distributed them.

I walked in the night, and flew toward the purple sea. With the cultivation of Qin double, the fire and phoenix body was opened, and the flying phoenix dance was used. It took 19 days to quietly leave the mainland of the warrior and enter the sea. Inside.

Within the sea, Qin double released the flying boat and drove in the direction of Luo Fuzong. The main purpose of her return this time is to ask Master Wanzhongshan, and he has repaired a water attribute silk thread. Is it also necessary to build a foundation? At the same time, her Xuan Shui Jin Dan has reached the tenth peak of the knot period, she needs to find a place to break through to Wu Wang. The reason why she did not break through in the Iron Wall City is that she has never heard of a person practicing two attributes, so she decided to look for a deserted island to seek a breakthrough.

After flying for three days, the piano doubled up the flying boat and landed on a deserted island. This small island is not big. The piano spent half a day exploring the entire island. There is nothing to threaten her monster. This has chosen a highland on the island and started to run the Xuanshui Collection. ", seeking a breakthrough.

With her state of mind and soul, I really don't need to take any breaks. The original difference is just the concentration of reiki needed to rush. But now there is a calf in Dantian, and all problems are solved.

Just less than three hours of time, Qin double broke through the realm of Wu Wang, ten Xuan Shui Jin Dan turned into the seven 魄 of the Xuan Shui Spiritual Law, know the sea, Dan Tian and the heart.


When the robbery came, the piano couldn't help but want to smash the sky. The level of the robbery did not come according to the Xuan Shui Wu Wang. It is still in accordance with the rank of Fenghuo Emperor. In other words, Qin double has to go through a five-nine-day robbery.

The piano double sacrificed seven water thunder beads, and then cultivated the iron body forging body in the thunder through the water thunderbolt. It has already experienced a five-nine-day robbery, and the mood of the piano pair has been waveless. After successfully passing the catastrophe, the body strength of Qin double is still the peak of the seventh layer of Wushen, but it is infinitely close to the eighth layer of Valkyrie.

Looking back at the inside.


The body of the body is in accordance with the head of the calf, and the phoenix spirits grasp the tail of the calf. The Xuan Shui spirits hold the two hind legs of the calf in both hands. The fire splitter and the demon split each hold a front of the calf. leg.

It’s just that the body of the Mavericks is only one-third of the original size. Don’t say that the piano has broken through to the tenth level of the Emperor Wudi. Qin Double feels able to break through to the ninth floor of Emperor Wu.

Going to the soul space to check out my own yin, so that the piano doubles and laughs, the Yinshen quietly and silently broke through the eighth stage of Wusheng.

"How did that happen?"

The piano squinted and blinked, and suddenly remembered that when I fought with Fengyin, it seemed that I had a breakthrough...

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