Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 225: Inside the mountain


"Wu Chuanlie?" Qin said faintly.

"Bold, dare to call Wu Tangzhu!" The man snapped.


The piano double backhand slaps a slap in the face, and the man flew out and landed in the second pit. Three Wu Zongdian martial artists lay in a pit.

She was hesitant to kill the three Wu Zongdian people, but she did not have hatred with these three people, but also robbed the other people's whip, and then killed each other, the heart can not get through. Slowly walked to the side of the pit and looked at the three humanities in the pit:

"You have offended me for no reason, you have to be a little damn? That whip is your gift."

When the words fell, they no longer paid attention to the three people in the pit. They stretched into the sky and flew toward the green hills.

Between the two, I came to the green hills.


Looking at the eyes of Qin double, I saw an old man and a young girl chasing a group of people. The group of people had only a dozen or so left, and there were six or seven bodies on the ground.

"Wei Daxiong!"

The dozens of people were Wei Daxiong and the barbarians, and the look of Qin double changed because she smelled the demon from the old man and the girl. The figure swooped down to the bottom and took out the long sword.

The old man felt someone in the air, suddenly looked up, and saw the piano double, his face was changed. These two people are the demon and the snake demon. When Qin and Wu Zongdian’s women played, they watched in the distance. After the piano and other people went away, the two of them came out from the hiding place to catch up with Wei Daxiong. For them, Wei Daxiong is the flesh. Wei Daxiong, who did not have Qinshuang, made the two Yaozus have no scruples.

However, the two of them did not expect the piano to come back so fast. The demon suddenly took off his clothes and spread an eye on his body. At this time, he opened his eyes and looked at the piano in the air.


The piano double feels that his body is stiff, like a stone, falling down towards the ground.

"What is this supernatural power?"

Qin Shuang’s heart was a shock, and his mind spurred the spiritual force. The spiritual force in Dantian raised his head, and the eyebrows of the eyebrows flashed.

Ash field: Fire and phoenix development.


A phoenix phoenix came out of the body, and at the moment of hovering around the body of the piano, it smashed the shackles of the scorpion.


When the piano doubled out, the scorpion became two halves from head to toe. The body fell to the ground and became a huge skeleton that was cut into two halves.


The snake woman stood with a gust of wind and fled to the distance. The shape of the piano pair fell on the ground, waved the body of the demon into the storage ring, and then to Wei Daxiong:

"There are demon people here, you have to go down the mountain."

Subsequently, the double body of the piano flew up and chased away toward the snake woman.

One person and one demon whizzed through the air. Between the two, the piano double has already caught up with the snake girl. The snake girl is discolored and her body shape is rolling in the air, and the original shape is formed. A long snake is flying in the clouds. The speed is a little faster.

"Hey! Demon, where to go!"

The piano doubled out and grabbed a hand and grabbed it toward the snake. In the air, a large hand was shown, and the tail of the snake was caught.

The big snake was also decisive. When she saw the piano double grabbed her tail, she ran a demon power, and the half tail burst into a blood flower, losing one-fifth of the body, bloody, and the speed was enhanced. A few points.

"Want to run?"

The piano was so bright that he just wanted to make a flying phoenix dance, but when he saw his eyes, he saw several figures flying over the peak of the skull. When the snake girl saw it, he called out loudly:

"Senior brother save me!"

The piano doubled out and stabbed out, and there was a dragon whistling in the air. A fire dragon screamed with the sword of the double.

Dragon and Phoenix sword skills: Dragon swallowing beads.

The big snake was instantly twisted into a powder, and several demons from the opposite side were shocked. Then they turned their directions and fled toward the skull-like mountain.

Qin double did not chase immediately, but stopped and looked at the mountain.

At this time, she was not far from the mountain, watching the demons rush into the mouth of the skull-shaped mountain and disappeared. I carefully looked at the mountain.

The mountain looks like a huge head, and there is a pair of horns, looking like a bull.


At this point, several of your demon rushed into the mouth of the skull-like mountain. There are three people in it, one of them is a tall man, his face is hair, and he looks back:

"What do you do in a panic?"

"There was a warrior outside and killed the snake girl."

The man with a long face and long hair was a change. Then he pulled a hair from his face, and then his face swelled red and forced a transparent thread from the eyebrow to hide into the long hair. The hair flew into the air, then bowed up, and then a bomb, like a sharp arrow, rushed out of the mountain, spurt away.

When the piano eyes flashed, she saw a golden light shining from the mouth of the mountain and disappearing instantly. After thinking about it for a moment, I stopped thinking about it and flew toward the mountain. I stood at the mouth of the mountain and looked into the inside.

From the mouth, the stocks are enchanted, and the piano double senses it carefully. It feels that this kind of monster has a growing trend. After careful consideration, there is some speculation.

This Niu Taufeng should be a big demon, but it is because the military's mainland aura is thin, so that it is in a state of sleep. Now the warriors of the mainland have begun to make awakening, so that they will gradually wake up.

The heart of Qin double could not help but jump, and one thought came to light.

"Don't this big demon still die?"

The piano double-shaped and waved in the hands of a long sword, forming a sword screen, rushing into the mouth.


The piano was closed and she was not attacked. The figure slowly landed on the ground and looked toward the front.

"Well? Where are the demons going?"

In her vision, there is no demon, but a series of criss-crossing mountains.

But how do these mountains look like a mold?

The piano double-empty stepped, the figure slowly floated, and the more it floated up, the mountains gradually became smaller and were accommodated in the field of the piano.


The piano double screamed. In her vision, the mountains were all like a cow, like a statue of a cow, but the statue was too big, like a mountain. In this space, criss-cross.


She saw seven people walking in the canyon between the Niushansa. Four of the seven were the demons who had escaped here.

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