Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 219: Yaozu


When the voice did not fall, Li Qinghan suddenly looked up and saw an old man coming out of the jungle. Li Qinghan said:

"Old man, here is dangerous, you still have to leave here."

The old man looked at Li Qinghan and others with a smile, and his mouth drooled:

"Flour, good meat!"

Li Qinghan instinctively felt the danger, and the figure suddenly stood up and shouted:


Everyone is unclear, but still habitually followed Li Qing Han, the old man laughed:

"Want to go? Where are you going?"

I saw that the old man suddenly took off his clothes, and his body was covered with an eye. The one eye only opened, and a golden light spurred out.

"Puff puff……"

A golden light shot through the body of a warrior, and all of them fell to the ground one by one, but less than twenty people had already died more than a dozen times. Less than ten people left, under the leadership of Li Qinghan, ran wildly toward the mountain.


A thick tail pulled out a shadow in the air and pumped it in. The sound of the air rang in the air. Li Qinghan and others were drawn by the thick tail. The body was already in the air. The deformation has not yet fallen to the ground, and it has already died.

A woman appeared in the middle of the body. Her upper body was a woman with a bumpy face, while the lower body was a long tail. The tail quickly shortened and became two legs.

"A lot of sweet meat!"

The old man rushed forward and turned into a huge cockroach, plunged into the mouth of a corpse, and the corpse dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sound of "噗", the dried body, opened a hole in the stomach, and the inside of the donkey climbed out and climbed toward the other body. The woman also rushed to the ground and turned into a big cockroach. She bit the upper body of a corpse, and the body squirmed, swallowed the corpse and swam toward the other body.

In less than two quarters of an hour, the two demons would have eaten more than twenty bodies. The cockroach and the cockroach were raised up and turned into an old man and a girl.

"It's delicious!" said the girl.

The old man looked at the direction of the string moon army: "There is a lot of fragrant meat over there, it is better to eat as much as we can."

The snake woman shook her head and said: "This time we are commanding the Goshawk adult, secretly sneak into here, looking for the baby that the goshawk adult needs, don't want to have extra-budgets, and there are too many flesh and there are no shortage of masters. If we go, maybe The fragrant meat can't be eaten, but it becomes a dish for others. We are still looking for the baby of the Goshawk adult. If there is a fragrant meat, we might as well eat them."

The old man’s face showed a charming smile: “The snake girl, you are the confidant of the Goshawk adult, the goshawk adult is far away from the iron wall, how can you know that there is a baby here?”

The face of the snake woman showed the color of pride: "The goshawk adult is a big demon who can scream out of the sin. The grown-ups have traveled and felt the baby here."

"There is another fragrant meat coming." The old man suddenly whispered.

Twenty people are coming to the green hills, headed by a young man who said while walking:

"Brothers, we are all people of the Liege Kingdom. Now we have made a descending army. Now that the Kingdom of the Sun has no more, and the violent family is cruel, now we are a string moon, and there is nothing wrong with it. Today, we will all It’s a test for us, and we don’t think about running away. Now there’s no difference between running out and running and looking for death. We try to find more materials and give our boss a good impression.”

A young and heroic woman said: "Wei brother, among us, only you and Li Qinghan are the early divisions of the martial arts. I heard that he also took people up the mountain to find materials."

"The people in front wait!"

When the woman’s voice just fell, she heard a voice calling behind him. When everyone looked back, they saw a young woman walking towards them.

"Big brother, big sister, what are you doing?" The woman came over and asked with a smile.

The young man looked up and down the woman who came over: "We are the string moon soldiers, are you?"

"Oh, I am the alchemy teacher of the string month." The woman smiled.

The group of people looks a glimpse. The original alchemy teacher was a respected profession, and the women in front of them were still the alchemists of the string month. These descendants naturally lowered their posture. The man was praying:

"In the next Wei Daxiong, dare to ask you?"

The woman waved her hand: "Dr. Wei is not polite, my alchemy level is not high, my name is Qin double."

"Qin double?"

The look of everyone has become weird, half-sounding, the young woman in the team said:

"You will not be the younger sister of the Majesty, the repair of the Emperor Wu, a slap in the palm of the squad and the 100,000 army killed?"

"Wu Di Xiuwei? Still slaps off the 100,000 army?" Qin double could not help but scream: "Is this myth already passed?"

The woman saw the piano and the gods, and saw that there were no two swords behind the piano. The look on her face was a moment of relaxation. She reached out and photographed on her chest:

"Scared me, I thought you were the mysterious piano pair. I heard that the piano is always carrying two swords, you are not, you are not."

When Qinqin came out, he put the two swords into the storage ring and shook his head and said:

"What are you doing here?"

"We are going to dig herbs."

"I am going with you." Qin Double said: "What does this sister call?"

"My name is quite brutal. Qin Qin, are you an old man in the country of the moon?"


"I heard that the master of the piano is an Emperor, is it true?"

"Like... no, no."

Very savagely, I looked at everyone with a sigh of relief: "How? I thought before that the master of the piano could not be Wudi, a 19-year-old man, and a half-step spiritual master. The repair was definitely not high. I think it is definitely not as good as our Wei Da Ge, we are the first master of the green onion."

Wei Daxiong will wave his hand: "Now the green hills are no more than before, not to mention that there is a squat, just like Li Qinghan. Although both of us are early martial arts, I really can’t beat him. ""

Very savagely, he shook his head: "Li Qing Han is already over forty years old, and Wei Da Ge is twenty-five years old. If Wei Da Ge arrives at the age of Li Qinghan, maybe it is Wu Wang. Qin double, are you saying?"

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