Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 209: WISP


Qin Jingyun closed his eyes. After the three interest, he opened his eyes and condensed his eyes:

"I want to go back to the moon and razor the kingdom of the sun."

Yuan Fei whispered: "With our strength, destroying a hot sun kingdom is only between the backhands. But after it is extinguished? Are we giving up the reconstruction of the crescent moon, going back to the green hill, waiting for the lady, or rebuilding the string month? If rebuilding String moon, we will face the demon!"

Qin Jingyun took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. Think carefully about the feasibility of the plan.

They all have flying horses. If you crouch in the night, and fly above the clouds, the possibility of alarming the demon and the demon is very low. They can basically reach the Kingdom of the Sun and the Kingdom of the Crescent Moon without any risk. With their current strength, as it is said by Yuan Fei, destroying the Kingdom of the Sun is only a backhand.

But what about destroying the Kingdom of the Sun?

The entire Daqin empire was smashed by the Yaozu and the Mozu, and their strength could stop the attack of the Yaozu?

At this time, Yuan Fei, Yuan Ye and Qin Qian looked at the Qin Jingyun. Regardless of the decision made by Qin Jingyun, they will follow. This time, the time of the piano is long, and about half an hour’s time, the piano is stunned:

"Hate must be reported. As for revenge, how to decide, we will discuss again at that time. Immediately select two thousand strongest fighters, and the remaining warriors stay here to protect women and children. We leave at night, with flying horses, crouching at night. ”


Above the clouds, under the night, Qin Jingyun and others ride the flying horses to break the clouds and fly quietly.

The piano double walked under the night, surrounded by a group of wildfires, so that the piano double seemed to walk in a group of fire.

These flames are not red, but white, with a faint glow that flutters around. These faint white flames are commonly known as wildfires. After the death of a person, the yang contained in the body begins to transform into a flame formed by the yin. This kind of flame does not exist for a long time, it will slowly dissipate between the heavens and the earth, and in the human cognition, these wildfires have no harm to people, except for horror. It is often seen in the graveyard as usual.


The scene in front of me is a bit too spectacular, and I often see a few ghosts in the graveyard. However, now in the field of Qin double is full of secluded ghosts, has been like a long river formed by wildfire. Looking far away, like a galaxy.

It is really too many people buried here, more than 200,000 warriors are buried here, and it is still just buried. It is the yang that transforms the yin and forms the intensive period of the wildfire, so Qinshuang saw a spectacular scene. .

The warriors looked at the scene with great interest, and even some of the warriors reached out to catch a wildfire, and then the palm of the hand flew, and the wildfire drifted away.

"More than 20 million warriors will sleep here!"

The piano looked at the floating fire, and the heart was a bit stunned. Strolling back to my carriage, she opened the door and jumped in. She didn't close the door, but leaned on the carriage and looked at the secluded ghosts floating outside the door, and the grief in her heart gradually expanded.

"I don't know how many people will become this one in the catastrophe."

Qinqin gradually fell into an unconscious state, and the refining of the medicinal herbs in the past day made her mind very exhausted. This moment she fell into a state of half-sleeping and half-awake.

In her dantian.

The flaming seal on the eyebrows of the Spiritual Law gradually radiated a ray of light. Gradually, the light shrouded the entire spiritual power.

Qin double unconsciously frowned, and she saw a phoenix, a dying fire phoenix.

A whistling sound rang from the mouth of the fire phoenix, and the body of the phoenix phoenix gradually disappeared, leaving only a pair of phoenix eyes, but still shining and unyielding.


The phoenix has become a sea of ​​fire, and the shape of the sea of ​​fire is like a fire phoenix. The red flame is rising, and gradually becomes a faint white flame, like a phoenix that is gathered by a fire.

"Bathing fire rebirth?" Qin Shuang's heart inexplicably gave birth to these four words.


Outside the carriage, the boundless ghosts and fierce fires suddenly swayed, like the glory of the genius, rushing toward the carriage of the piano double, pouring in from the door, wrapping the body of the piano double, pouring into the double. body.


A sound like the phoenix of the newborn sounded, and the spiritual method began to rise, such as the same circle, and then the law began to distort and transform, eventually turning into a phoenix, but not a red phoenix, but a white The flaming flames of the flames.

A faint geek fire entered the body of the piano double, turned into a white gas, and automatically operated for a big Sunday, rushed into Dantian, and melted into the fire phoenix.

Qin double could not help but frown a brow, feeling that the body gradually became cold, the feeling of cold makes her awake from the unconscious, suddenly stunned the shocked eyes.

She saw the gaze of the galaxy rushing in from the outside of the car door, rushing into her body, her face was palely mapped by the secluded ghosts.

Immediately she felt the changes in her body, sinking into consciousness and began to explore her body. A trace of silver energy automatically runs through the meridians, into the Dantian, into the faint white fire phoenix.

"What about spiritual power? What is my spiritual law?"

Qin Qin was shocked and didn't know what was going on. Tightly locked my brow and watched the fire phoenix. Gradually there was a speculation.

"Is this phoenix in Dantian my spiritual method?

However, why does my spiritual law become a phoenix? And why is this fire phoenix a white scent, not a red flame? ”

The piano opened his eyes and looked at the outside of the car. Then he saw a piece of white, and the dense secluded ghost fire poured into the carriage like a galaxy.

This vision has already alarmed the big camp. At the beginning, it was only a part of the warriors who did not sleep. Later, more and more people were discovered. One of the warriors walked out of the tent and looked shocked at what was happening in front of him. The blossoming wildfire drifted past them, and the secluded ghost fires into a line, like a stream, and then returned to the sect, and gathered toward the carriage of the piano.

"Seven sisters!"

The double face of the piano coming out of the tent changed greatly, and rushed toward the carriage of the piano pair. He came outside the carriage, but did not know what was going on inside. He was afraid to disturb the doubles and shouted loudly outside the carriage:

"Seven sisters! Are you there? What happened?"

"I'm fine!"

The sound of the double piano was transmitted from the inside of the compartment, and then the piano raised its hand and grabbed it toward the compartment door. The compartment door was closed with a bang. However, the secluded ghost fire still came from all directions, and simply ignored the blocking of the carriage, penetrated the carriage, and rushed into the body of the piano.

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