Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 116: Refining


"Yue Shimei!" The three people all smiled affectionately. The publicly pulled the arm of the piano and lowered the voice:

"Is it being taught by the brothers?"

Qin double smiled and took out three bottles of Ju Ling Dan. Some of these polylings were collected from the outer door, and some were refining on the mainland of the war. Some of her left were handed to three people. Road:

"Sister brother and sister, I have some insights recently that I need to retreat. These three bottles of Ju Ling Dan are given to the brothers and sisters."

The three people from the public can understand it in an instant. Qin double is trained by the brothers. I don’t want to see the inner disciples again. I want to hide in the house. The work of serving the inner disciples will be three of them. I did it, and the piano gave them these scented dan, which was the price of hiring them. When three people even quit:

"Mr. Shimei, you can't live without the cultivation of the inner door."

"You still hold it, this kind of lingling has no effect on me now."

When the words fell, they put three jade bottles in the hands of three people and handed them to three people:

"Working tired three!"

Not waiting for the three people to react, the piano double turned and left, quickly entered his room and closed the door.

"What are you talking about?" Qiu Huang, who was not far away, came over.

"Yue Shimei wants to retreat and cultivate, and gives us a bottle of Julingan." Gong Lijiao said, while opening the jade bottle, and then revealed a surprised expression, a look at the side of Sun Kuan probe, face Also revealing the color of surprise, hurriedly opened his own jade bottle, there are actually ten gatherings of Ling Dan. I hurriedly put the lid on it and put it up. Qiu Huang looked at the door of the piano double, and there was a disappointment in his eyes.

There is no doubt that Qin Double is escaping. In Qiu Huang’s heart, how can this escaping character become a strong person?

After entering the piano, the double entered the first floor of the town demon tower. How do you sit there thinking about what you should do?

Warming up the human-shaped tree, as long as the human-shaped tree is collected into Dantian, you don't need to do anything with the piano. Therefore, Qin double has to find something to do, can not sit in the town demon tower.

"My current Fenghuo Jindan is purified to 95%, and Xuan Shui Jindan is 70%. Instead, it can continue to purify with the agar pulp. The remaining nectar corn should be able to purify the Fenghuo Jindan to 10%.


Now I want to refine the wood attribute avatar, this avatar must only be able to release the wood attribute spells in the future, and I am going to appear as Mu Linggen here, which will not allow the avatar to be too low, or stay Let's use the wood attribute for it. ”

Qin double thought for a moment, decided to go to the seven-string space to pick a few wood attributes martial arts and spell insights. When the mind is moving, it enters the martial arts space in the seven-string space.

The glimpse of the glimpse can continue to be used, and the body method does not have to be selected. There is no need to choose the fingering, but the sword skills need to be re-selected, and the fire lotus can no longer be used.

Qin double minded, she thought of fire lotus is a series of sword skills, not only fire attributes, but also other attributes. Soon after, I found the wood lotus root. After reading the memory, I went to find the wood attribute spell.

She needs to look for a single attack spell, a group offensive spell and a defensive spell.

In the end, she chose two single attacking spells, one called giant wood. Once released, it will condense a giant wood to attack the enemy. This giant wood will become different from the monk. The other is the giant vine, this once formed will form a giant entanglement, entangled opponents.

Group attack spells are an upgraded version of giant wood and giant vines, which are called giant wood emptying. Once released, they will condense a giant wood, cultivate to Dacheng, and the giant trees cover the sky. The giant vine technique will generate a giant vine forest, which is terrifying and replaced with giant vines.

Defence must naturally have Aoki armor. The piano double carefully compares the Luomu Zong's Aoki armor and the Aoki armor in the seven-string space. What makes the piano double is that Luo Fuzong's Aoki armor is higher than the seven-string space. It can be seen that although the level of this world is not high, but the research on low-level Taoism is more profound, which makes the piano doubled the idea, it must take time, study the Tao of this side, and the Tao in the seven-string space. Improvement.

In addition to the Aoki armor, the Qin double chooses a forest-deficient defensive tract in the seven-string space. This forest weakening is released and will absorb the attack that weakens the opponent.

In the end, she also found a kind of sword in the seven-string space, named Aoki Shenglong Yujian. This kind of sword is divided into two layers. The first layer is only the sword skill, and the sword is skillfully excavated. The flying sword is faster, the power is stronger, and the trajectory is more mysterious.

The second layer is Feijian Hualong!

Qin double returned to the first floor of the town demon tower, first took a December fruit, and began to comprehend these exercises day and night, with the help of the December fruit, her understanding of these exercises is simply It is a thousand miles.

This day.

A mysterious feeling floated on my heart. This feeling is very strange. It seems that I have a twin sister who is connected with each other. Qin double wakes up from comprehension and ecstasy in her heart. She knows that the human form tree has been warmly raised.

When the mind was moved, the human-shaped tree came out from Dantian and stood in front of the piano. The piano double stood up and looked at his own body carefully.

The height is the same as the double piano, and the appearance is the same as the double piano, but the eyes are completely godless. Looking at the appearance of the wood, the piano is in the heart:

"It won't work! Make her look like an endless moon."

As soon as the mind is moving, the appearance of the wood avatar begins to change and becomes the same as the endless appearance of the present month. The face of Qin double showed a happy color, and he took out his hand and took out the ghost. Now she has seen how to make a avatar, and also knows why when they came out in the innocent desert, they met the sacred monks when they met the monks.

In fact, the soul bead is a ghost, and it is something that can make the ghosts in the ghosts improve. However, after seeing the Taoist avatar, she knew that the soul beads are still an indispensable material for making a avatar. To integrate the soul beads into the avatar, let the soul beads become the acquaintance of the sea, so the avatar is made successfully. Now that she has a better ghost, she will naturally not use the soulless ball that is not limited in the innocent desert.

After a glimpse of the power of the sea, I entered the sneaky scorpion, and I saw that there was only one ghost left at this time. The rest of the ghosts were swallowed up by this ghost. At this time, the ghost already has it. The ghost will be repaired. This kind of piano double happiness, at least after the fusion of this ghost, the breadth of the sea has been equivalent to the magic period.

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