Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 93: move


Qin double looked at him faintly: "Five thousand merits."

The face of Ding Feng is a stagnation. He is a new disciple. Where is the 50,000 merits? Gently staring at the double track:

"Are you afraid?"

The piano turned around and walked toward the road. The little fat man and Merlin and others also turned around, and immediately followed the Qin double, behind the sound of the peak of shame:

"The moon is endless, you are a timid coward."

Qin double completely ignored the front of the front, who would marry her, and promised to fight, the piano double must not be exhausted?

The little fat man turned back and dismissed a slobber in front of Ding Feng: "Poor ghost!"

The front of the dynasty was so angry that he couldn’t get 50,000 merit points, so he was so angry that he could grind his teeth there. Qin double glanced at the little fat man and turned to walk where he lived.

When I came to the place where I lived, I didn’t wait for the piano to open the illusion, and the little fat man beamed his eyes and circled around the illusion:

"Is this a magical array?"

The piano looks awkward: "Can you see it?"

The little fat man said the fat man's chest: "I am a master of the road. Don't open it, let me study it."

Qin doubled too lazy to take care of him, opened the magic array, led Merlin and others to go in, saw that the little fat man did not come in, still staring at the magic array there, then closed the magic array, leaving the little fat man to study outside.

After Merlin and others came in, they were a little dumbfounded, because there is a lot of people living here, so many people come in and appear small. Looking around, Merlin said:

"The endless, we look forward to moving. The outer door is very big, there are many places in front of the aura."

Qin double chose this place because it has ready-made houses and she is too lazy to build a house. When I heard Merlin talking, I grabbed my head. Merlin saw the mind of Qinqin and hurriedly said:

"We go to pick a place, and the house is covered by us. By then you will move this magical array."

With such a good thing, Qin double nodded immediately. Merlin was excited:

"Go, I know a place is good. Endless, let's go see."

The piano nodded twice, and then Merlin and others made a magical array, and walked toward the direction of the aura. At this time, the little fat man was completely immersed in the study of the magic array, and he did not look at the piano pair and others.

After walking for about an hour, I came to a bamboo forest. The aura here is richer than the place where the piano is in, and the location is in the middle of the forest where the inner disciple is located to the Luofu River.

In fact, the plains around the forest are very large. More than 20,000 refinery disciples live here. They are very empty. As long as you don't have to squeeze to the edge of the forest, large areas can be provided for cultivation.

Qin Shuang also liked this place very much. Several people planned it. Then Merlin started building the house. Qinqin returned to the original station and closed his door to the first floor of the town demon tower.

I explored my own knowledge of the sea and found that the waterline had an eight-inch tempered wire, but the length of the 13-foot waterline became less than ten feet, which needed to be condensed into a mist and then smelted into water. line. In fact, the cultivation of this period is a water mill.

Nowadays, there are two ways in which Qinqin can quickly condense the mist. One is to take the empty lotus seed liquid, and one drop can solve all the problems. It’s just that Qin Double is really not willing. According to the turtle, she uses the empty lotus seed liquid in this realm, that is waste. The Nether Lotus Seed Liquid is a treasure even when it is the realm of the Mahayana period. The second way is the weak grass that she got at the beginning. This kind of grass is not only extremely effective for the soul, but also for the sea. It is just a waste of the realm of Qin double. What's more, if the weak grass is just taken directly, it is not a waste of one and a half. If it is made into weak water, a weak grass can refine twelve weak water Dan, and each weak water medicine The effect is twice that of a weak grass.

Thinking about it, she suddenly remembered Yuan Lingdan. This yuan Ling Dan was taken to the Yuan Ying period master, but Qin double felt that although he is now a refining period, but the space for knowing the sea is definitely greater than the Yuan Ying period, maybe you can take it.

Backhand took out a Yuan Ling Dan, thinking about it, and finally cut a Yuan Ling Dan into four petals, took out a serving.

The energy of the dragonfly spreads in the body of the piano double, like the tide of the sea. Before the piano double absorbs the energy of this dragonfly, the dark **** in the depths of the soul suddenly opens his eyes, opens his mouth and sucks, so the sly Energy is absorbed by it from time to time.

"Big sister, do you stop a little bit better?" Qin double could not help but fill his heart with resentment: "The more you absorb, the higher the realm, the higher the realm, the more my body will be overwhelmed."

However, the Yin God simply did not take care of the piano pair, and still kept his mouth open. Qin double also hurriedly began to look at the sea and compete with the Yin God to absorb energy.

Yuan Lingdan really deserves to be the medicinal herb that can be taken in the Yuan Ying period. This is only a quarter of the medicinal medicine, and it has to be robbed by the Yin God. Even so, the piano is missing the three missing in the sea. The water line of the water is also quickly condensed out of the mist, and the piano double uses the endless shock, while absorbing the energy of Yuan Ling Dan, and quenching it into a water line. After doing all this, start to remove the iron wood bamboo pen and the paper, write the Thunder Millennium, and start to quench the water line.

Three days passed.

The little fat man actually cracked the magic array and walked in. When the door of the piano double was closed, he scratched his head and walked back and forth in the yard.

It has been four days. Several people from Merlin came back with great enthusiasm. Qin double has been transmitting a little soul power outside the town demon tower. Before seeing the little fat man, although he was shocked by his understanding, he was too lazy to care for him. At this time, when Meilin and others came back, they knew that the house had been built over there, and they came out from the town demon tower and pushed the door out.


She just pushed the door out and saw that the little fat man rushed up and hurriedly lifted one foot. The figure of the little fat man was one inch away from the soles of the piano pair, but suddenly stopped and looked forward. Playing the piano double track:

"Boss, do you understand the law?"

Qin double took back his foot, stretched out his hand and pulled it on his fat head, pulled him aside and walked past him:

"Master Merlin, is the house covered?"

"Yeah!" Merlin nodded excitedly.

"Then we move!"

There are also some excitement in the heart of the piano. In any case, with these few people accompanying, I am no longer so lonely. Waving the flag and collecting it, several people walked toward the bamboo forest. Just entering the bamboo forest, they heard the voice coming from inside.

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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