Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 86: Ten Xuan Shui Jin Dan (second more)


Qin double also handed the identity card in his hand to the deacon. The deacon smiled and took away the 100 merit points. Then he looked at the two people and drank:


The young man's body flew backwards, and at the same time, a layer of golden armor emerged.

Sharp gold armor.

At this time, the flame armor was only half constructed. Even so, the young man’s eyelids jumped and the piano double progressed too fast. How could she have such a high level of understanding?

Quickly swaying the finger squat, a flying sword stalked out of the body, and a little bit toward the piano, the flying sword screamed. The eyes of Qin double are a glimpse. This person makes the realm of Feijian much higher than the previous year. Whether it is speed or angle of attack.

Qin double will not be stupid to use the moon fine wheel to intercept, the other side of the flying sword is obviously a medium-sized instrument, the moon fine wheel hit the flying sword, will be damaged. The right foot is tilted one step, and the two pianos are illusory. The fingers are volleyed, and the Yuejin wheel hovers toward the other side.

The mouth of the other party slightly tilted up, revealing a sneer, the left hand tangled in front of the cloud like a cloud, and a golden silk appeared in the air, just like a dragon stalking toward the piano.

Gold wire winding!

At the same time, the flying sword in the air once again stabbed the back of the piano with a strange angle.

The double eyelids of the piano are a hop, and it seems useless to stab the instep, but the hair of the piano is standing up. She instantly noticed that the flying sword that stabbed her instep was just a sham. When she was dodging, the flying sword would suddenly pick up and stab her own abdomen.

This is definitely a dead end.

Can not retreat, can not hide, otherwise it will completely expose their own dead angle to the other party, once the dead angle is exposed to the other party, Qin double can be sure, he will be injured.

Between the two, the other's flying sword has been spurred, and the gold wire is not far from their own, like a noose wrapped around their neck.

The piano double raised the left foot, and the flying sword really raised the tip of the sword. He wanted to cut the abdomen of the piano from the bottom up, and the smile on the opposite side of the young man’s mouth was already expanding.


Qin’s left foot slammed down abruptly, stepping on the sword on one foot, and the sardonic color appeared in the eyes of the opposite youth. He did not think that the feet of the piano could withstand the cutting of the flying sword. The sword pointed to a pick, and then the ridiculous smile was a stiff.

He saw a flaming mask under the feet of the piano, and covered his flying sword. The mask was like an inverted bowl, and the piano was standing at the bottom of the bowl in a golden chicken posture. On the left hand, the golden thread that wraps around her neck is greeted, as if to grab the gold thread.

However, from the palm of her hand, a fire **** emerged, and the mouth was wide open, and the golden thread was swallowed in. Then the fire **** was drilled out from the palm of the piano, and the long squat was tight. Then, in the air, it became a huge fire, and swooped toward the opposite youth.

The opposite side of the young man’s right hand was emptied, and a golden sword was condensed in his hand, smashing toward the circling moon.

"Dangdang Dangdang..."

On the top of the ring, there was a dense metal collision. The moon was afraid of his flying sword, but he was not afraid of the golden sword he had condensed. Every time he hit, the golden sword would be broken by the moon. Just under the time of the moment, the top of the Golden Sword is a staggered. At the same time, the huge fire was approaching him. The young man's left palm was in front of him, and then the big sleeves were raised. The dense gold silk came out and went to the huge fire.


The big mouth opened by the giant python, sucking hard, all the gold silk would flow into the sea like a stream of water, and it was sucked into the belly by the fire. The gold wire was swayed in the hot house, but it was melted by the hot flame.

At this time, the young man already knew that the repair of Qin double must be higher than himself. Moreover, Feijian has been trapped by the double piano, and then playing it down, it is just an insult, and the figure flies back and forth, screaming:

"I surrender!"

The double figure of the piano flew back and reached for a stroke. The moon fine wheel whizzed back, and the flame cover also dissipated. The flying sword flew toward the opposite youth. The fire in the air also turned into a little aura to dissipate.

There is no slightest joy in the face of Qinqin, because her heart is very clear. If it is not because of her own body, she will step on the other side’s flying sword. Although she may not lose, it will definitely make herself temporarily. Falling at the disadvantage, even the injury.

It seems that there is still a gap in this aspect of the law!

Take a deep breath and decide to spend more time practicing spells in the future, heading to the opposite side:


The young man shook his head in vain, took his identity card from the deacon, and flew away.

Qin double also retrieved his identity card. When he saw no one to fight himself, he also stepped on the moon and flew away. In any case, the experience gained today, and the income of nearly 200,000 merit points, let the piano double happiness back to his own house. Entering the first floor of the town demon tower, first adjust its state to the best state, and then begin to condense the last Xuan Shui Jin Dan.

After an hour, in the Dantian of Qinshuang, the tenth Xu Cloong Jindan was finally formed, and the essence of the last beautiful tears in the body frantically rushed toward the Xuan Shui Jin Dan in Dantian, and the tenth Xuan Shui Jin Dan began to slow. Slowly increase.

However, it is obvious that the remaining beauty tears are not enough. The rich aura in the town demon tower began to frantically pour into the body of the piano. The body of the piano double is like a bottomless pit. It constantly absorbs the rich aura. Gradually, the piano double has disappeared in the town demon tower. The body, her body is drowned by the rich aura that comes together...

After a full four hours, the aura that wrapped the body of the piano began to dissipate, revealing the shape of the piano pair. Qinqin opened his eyes and showed a happy color. However, she did not immediately get up, but immediately let go of the suppression of the fire phoenix body, began to use the phoenix fire to burn the toxins of the beauty tears. Layers of toxins are burned and then excreted, but erysipelas still has residues. Qinqin took out the Qingdan Dan suit, and the erysipelas was also discharged from the body. When the last trace of erysipelas was excreted, the repair of the piano double was irreversibly improved.

"Fire and Phoenix Collection" was promoted to the fourth floor of Wuwang. The "Xuanwu Collection" was upgraded to the second floor of the Chengdan period.

Opened his eyes again, the brows of the piano double could not be slightly wrinkled. She found that the aura in the first floor of the town demon tower was a lot less. It was equivalent to fifty times the outside world, and now it is more than twenty times.

The second is even more, there is one more.

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