Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 76: Endless shock

V3=}4n56k68cfqoi>y-t! \\r


Yang Ying's robe sleeves, a jade box, a jade bottle and a storage bag float in front of the piano double. \\r

"The endless, the jade box is a quenching fruit, the jade bottle is five yuan Ling Dan, the storage bag is 30 pieces of the lower spirit stone. Today will be given to you in advance. You will need to come in person later. The meritorious deputy of the disciple’s disciple received it.”\\r

"Thanks to the head of the division!"\\r

Qin double put the jade box jade bottle and storage bag up, Yang Yingtian said with a smile: \\r

"The endless, the rule of the Zongmen is that the outside disciple does not have a master..."\\r

"Headmaster!" Wanzhongshan suddenly interrupted Yang Yingtian's words and said: "I have received endless for my disciples."\\r

Yang Yingtian’s face was a stiff, then he shook his head and smiled again: “The younger brother broke through to the peak of distraction, and he won Lei Lian for the Zongmen. This disciple, the brothers will not fight with you.”

Others also showed regret in their eyes, but as Yang Yingtian said, the ability to become a master of the piano double is only Yang Yingtian, Zhang Zongzheng, Chu Yun and Wanzhongshan. Monk. Wanzhongshan brought back Leilian, which undoubtedly gave Yang Yingtian, Zhang Zongzheng and Chu Yun a chance to break through the Mahayana period. This is a big human condition, and naturally it is not good to compete with Wanzhong Mountain. Therefore, everyone has also been happy with the Wanshan Mountain, and Wanzhong Mountain is naturally smiling. \\r

"Wan Shidi!" After He Xi, Yang Yingtian said with a smile: "The piano doubles to the outside door, it will be handed over to you."

"The younger brother understands!" Wanzhongshan paused: "But when I got Lei Lian, it was full of enthusiasm. Even if there is no endless, don't say that I got Lei Lian, we have all fallen. So, the younger brother. Thought that Zongmen should give endless rewards."\\r

Yang Yingtian smiled and pointed his finger at Wanshan Mountain Road: "You don't want to be a disciple for you because of hentai." The new disciples have the rules of new disciples, and the welfare of the pro-disciples is already very high. \\r

"No!" Wanzhongshan urged: "I am telling the truth, you can ask the younger brothers."

When Yang Yingtian saw Wanzhongshan, he did not stop, and his face also showed an unpleasant color: "Wan Shidi, some have passed, you will all fall into a crisis, what can you do to help?"

"That is because the endlessness has also cultivated the sound..."\\r

Wanzhongshan said that the piano used the sound to kill the ghosts, and the people in the hall looked at the piano pair with surprise. In the eyes of Yang Yingtian, he’s beating the surprise: \\r

"Endless, can you play a song?"\\r


Qin double knows that this is Master's struggle for his own interests, and naturally he will not give up. Immediately sit on the ground, take out the Tsui liuqin, put it on the knees, and play the chapter of the sleeping soul. \\r

At the end of the song, Yang Yingtian’s face showed a shocking color. Wanshanshan nodded happily: "The younger brother said that it is not bad, the endless sounds are really superb, it is my realm, and it has also received the impact. It seems that the younger brother is not empty."

Wanzhongshan heard a smug look, and Yang Yingtian smiled and said: "It is for you to have a good disciple. If you give it, you will also give him 10 million points."

Qin doubled up Tsui liuqin, Shi Lidao: "Xie Zhangmen Shibo."\\r

Yang Yingtian nodded, and then to Wanzhongshan Road: "The endless has not yet entered the Zongmen, and there is no identity jade card. I will first enter the merits point into the teacher's identity card, and then you will transfer to the endless." \r

"Yeah!" Wanzhongshan nodded, and then said: "Brother, is that Lei Lianzi also give endless one?"

"It's worth it!"\\r

Yang Yingtian thought of the 10 million merits, and did not miss a Leilianzi. He took out a Leilianzi, flexed his finger and shot it to the Qinshuang. The piano doubled and took it, and closed it up. \\r


When Yang Yingtian saw Wanzhongshan open again, he said with a smile: "Teacher, what do you want for your disciple?"

"This... I don't know, I want to see what my disciples like."\\r

"'s unreasonable." Yang Yingtian pointed his way to Wanzhongshan. \\r

"Brother, don't worry, wait until I finish talking."\\r

"You say!" Yang Yingtian, if you can't say the reason, you will not finish your look. \\r

Wanzhongshan said with a smile: "When we crossed the Red Sea, we did not look at the tide and realized a kind of practice. The brothers tasted."

When the words fall, the eyebrows transmit a ray of light and shoot at the eyebrows of Yang Yingtian. Yang Yingtian did not dodge, let the light enter his own sea of ​​knowledge, carefully tasting the message in the light, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the piano double: \\r

"Endless, is this the practice you have realized?"\\r

"If it is the practice of quenching the fog, it is the disciple's understanding."\\r

"Can you comprehend the second layer?"\\r

"There are some clues that take time to deduct."\\r

"Good! Good! Good!" Yang Yingtian said with a smile: "Can this name have a name?"\\r

Qin double shook his head: "Not yet named."\\r

Yang Yingtian slightly sighed and said: "This method is created by you, it is called endless shock, how?"

"It’s all about the master." \\r

Chu Yundao on the side: "Sister, listen to what you mean, endlessly create a practice that can be used to quench the fog?"

“Not bad!” Yang Yingtian nodded happily: “This kind of work created by Endless can quench the fog to the first layer, without the need to quench the tower. You also know that the operation of the quench tower is maintained. It is necessary to have a spiritual stone. Once this sect has this kind of practice, it can save a lot of spiritual stones for Zongmen. This contribution to Zongmen is not huge, and the quenching tower space is limited. Satisfy all the disciples, but with these exercises, everyone can quench the fog. Endless! What do you want?"\\r

Qin double grabbed his head and thought about it: "The head of the teacher, the Leilianzi is like a lotus petal, only taking one is effective?"

"That's not, you want Ray Lotus?"\\r

"Yeah!" Qin nodded. \\r

"Okay, then give you one more."\\r

Yang Yingtian took out another Leilianzi, and slammed it into a pair of pianos. The piano doubled up the Leilianzi. Yang Yingtian has a hand: \\r

"Okay, everyone is gone."\\r

Everyone has to say goodbye, Wanzhongshan took the piano pair to enter his own Dongfu, let the piano sit down and then: \\r

"The endless, the two Leilianzi don't take it first. You have to practice the quenching method, and wait until the breakthrough barrier is taken."\\r

"Yes!" Qin doubled the road, and then said: "Master, I will pass the forging to you, can tap the effect of Lei Lianzi more."

Wanzhongshan is shaking his head: "If you want to be a teacher, you have already opened it to you. It is your uncle who will also open your mouth to exchange with you. But where do we have time and energy to cultivate what forging? Physical fitness is not a one-step thing, it also needs to be carefully polished and it takes a long time. For the teacher, use the Lei Lianzi to directly quench the body."\\r


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket! \\r


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