Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 65: Black forest


"The disciple understands!" Qin doubled and said: "When the elders, our sects are not without Rayong tempering? How to temper the fog to the second layer of great perfection?"

"There are two ways, one is to take Quenching Dan. But taking Qufu Dan has a side effect, which is accompanied by impurities. The future strength will be weaker. The second is to take the quenching fruit, it is a Kind of spirit. Very cherished. Ordinary outside disciples do not have this kind of welfare, even if the outside disciples who have the treatment of the inner disciples do not have this welfare, they want to get the quenching fruit, they only use the points to exchange.

In exchange for quenching fruit, the score is very high. A disciple with the treatment of the core disciples, Zongmen can issue one each year. A disciple like you who has the treatment of a pro-discipline can get one every quarter. Four in a year, eight in two years, should be able to make your fog to the second layer of great perfection. ”

"The disciple understands, the elders, can you tell me about the Zongmen? How is the outer door and the inner door divided?"

"The island where our sect is located is very large and is called Luofu Island. You can also imagine that the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect. The outermost part of the island is the mortal residence that cannot be cultivated. There is a square market in the east, west, north and south, and the east is Dan City. It sells all kinds of alchemy materials and various alchemy materials. The west side is the city, and the market is sold. The material is in the south, the instrument is sold in the south, and the various instruments and spirits are sold, as well as the refining materials. The north is the market, the flag and some refining materials are sold.

Going inside, the circle around the center of Luofu Island is the land of Luofuzong. Entering the mountain gate is the foreign disciple area. The foreign disciple is the place where the disciples of the day after tomorrow and the refining period practice. They are divided into two areas. The outside is the disciples of the day after tomorrow, and the disciples in the refining period are now around 50,000. After walking through the disciples of the refining period, he entered the inner disciple area. To become an inner disciple, he must break through to the foundation period. Today, there are about 5,000 inner disciples, about one-tenth of the foreign disciples.

After passing through the inner door area, you will enter the core disciple area. If you want to become a core disciple, you must become a disciple of the knot. Now the core disciples are only about 500 people, about one-tenth of the inner disciples.

Walking through the core disciple area and going deeper into it is the center of the Zongmen. There is a mountain in the center, called Luofu Peak. There is a place where the lords and elders live. Today, our lord is called the Great Sun, and the sun has reached the peak of the distraction. The elders are divided into top elders and elders. The superintendent of the distraction period is the elder of the top grade, and the ego is the elder of the next product. There are now 16 top elders and thirty-seven old elders. ”

Qin double heard, I remembered that there are hundreds of martial arts only in the fire home, Wushen is also equivalent to the distraction period here, this Luo Fuzong as one of the six, how to distract the monk how less? Can't help but ask:

"so little?"

“A lot of it!” Wanzhongshan shook his head and said: “Although we have deducted the practice of monasticism to the extreme, a distraction period can kill more than a dozen of the gods in the same realm on your side, but it also allows cultivation to be divided. The gods have become very difficult, and you will know when you get to that realm."

Qin double secretly shakes his head in his heart, no matter how strong your strength is, even if you are a distracted monk who can kill dozens of warriors on the mainland of the warrior, but the monk's base is too small. This is the reason why the ants are more than dead. It is no wonder that the monks here have been driven out of the mainland.

"There are six peaks around Luofu Peak, surrounded by Luofu Peak. The mountain peak of Law Enforcement Hall is called Law Enforcement Peak. The Law Enforcement Hall is responsible for the enforcement of the entire Zongmen, and punished the disciples who violated the Zongmen rules. The mountain peak of Gongde Hall is called Gongde Peak, and the mountain peak of the Gonggong Hall is called Chuangong Peak.

There is also a mountain called the Lingbing Peak, where there are various kinds of spirits, and there are also legends and fairy instruments. The fifth mountain is called the trial peak, and it is the place where the disciples try. The sixth peak is called the pro-pass peak. As the name suggests, it is the place where the disciples live. The pro-disciple must be the Yuan Ying period. Today, there are only 48 disciples in our Zongmen. Although you enjoy the welfare of your pro-disciples, you must start from the outside door step by step. ”

"The disciple understands."

It took about a quarter of an hour. During this period of time, Qin Double and others never encountered another ghost. Presented in front of them is a low forest. Every tree is not tall, about one person is taller, but the tree is very weird. Although it has branches and leaves, it always gives people a kind of tree. It is like a human feeling.

The woods are dark, because every tree is dark, which makes the heart of the piano very surprised, because she has never seen a dark tree.

The trunk is dark, the branches are dark, and the leaves are dark. It gives a very strange atmosphere, and there is no trace of movement around it, it is even more creepy.

"This forest is a bit strange." Wanzhongshan whispered: "Everyone is careful."


Everyone nodded, still surrounded by the piano double, Wanzhongshan headed into the woods. As soon as I walked into the woods, I felt the light more dark, and there was a voice that disturbed people's minds.

This kind of voice is very strange. It is not something that can be heard by the ear, but it seems to be straight into the human heart and exudes from the human heart. This is also the reason that everyone can't hear outside the dark woods.

Everyone clung to the mind and carefully walked deep into the woods. Just the more you go, the more insulting the strange voice. And this degree of increase is unconsciously promoted, so that Wanzhongshan and others gradually feel that the surrounding environment has changed, as if this is not a dark forest, but an endless dark forest.

Only Qinshuang still maintains complete sobriety. After all, her soul realm has reached the sixth floor of Wusheng, which is equivalent to the mid-peak of the Mahayana period. Only she can feel that her soul has a sway.

Her heart could not help but raise her vigilance again, and she was more cautious about that strange voice. At the same time, I also worried about Wanzhongshan and others.

Although Wanzhongshan and others are very strong, they can easily kill the piano pair. But their souls are absolutely not strong. Now Qinqin feels that the soul has a sway, so what about Wanzhongshan?

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