Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 62: War ghost


There may be few monks coming here, so the ghosts will be quite a lot. Although the six elders were devastated, they also looked at those ghosts, but they did not dare to stay. Once the physical exertion is too large, it is the repair of their distraction period, and it will fall to this place.

Therefore, the six elders marched forward straight, although the speed was not fast, but there was no pause.

A fierce scream of screaming, the hearts of the six elders could not be overwhelmed. This kind of ghost screams against the soul of the monk. Even the six elders have some discomfort. The face has a dignified color. Wanzhongshan looked at the piano doubles with concern. He was afraid that this ghost would defeat the heart of the piano. Let Qinqin become a walking dead.

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes, because he found that the look of the piano double did not fluctuate much. Just frowned. Rest assured, my heart is also amazed.

"Endless, are you okay?"

The heart of the piano is a glimpse. The ghost whistle attack is very powerful. If it is not the soul of the sixth layer of the martial arts, but also the sacred god, I am afraid that it will be screamed by this ghost. The soul is scattered.


The secret of the soul can't let others know, think a little, and then:

"I'm fine. Now I am a nine-time master. It's hard to affect me."

Wanzhongshan and others showed a sullen color on their faces, no longer worried about the doubles, but continued to move forward.

"Everyone is careful, the master of the ghost is likely to have reached the realm of ghosts and handsomeness."

"I hope there will be no more ghosts in front of me." Juqing said with some concern.

Everyone's look became dignified. In the field of vision, they saw that the ghosts would flash away on both sides, and a ghostly man with a fully solid body appeared in the eyes of seven people. The body is tumbling with a black ghost, and the enormous power is like the tide of the sea, which is oppressed by seven people.

The look of Wanzhong Mountain has become extremely dignified, and the strength of this ghost handsome has exceeded them. Among the six of them, five are the initial cultivation of the distraction, and only Wanshan is the mid-discipline of the distraction. However, the smell of the ghost on the body has obviously reached the peak of the ghost, which is equivalent to the peak of the distraction.

"Wu Yu, you protect endless, let's go together."

Wanzhongshan sighed and the imperial sword had already rushed up. Four people, such as Juqing, also smashed the spirits and joined forces to kill the ghost. Only Uganda was guarding the side of the piano, and the eyes swept to the ghosts.

Qin double took a deep breath and clenched the sword in his hand. There are eight ghosts around, and now she is approaching her and Wuhuan.

Wusong glanced at five people in Wanzhong Mountain. When they saw five people, they were not in the downside, but they did not have the upper hand. The brow could not help but lock up. Then I saw the eight ghosts that were approaching, and the face became more ugly.

If he is alone, even if he is on the top eight, he will always have some confidence in self-protection. But he also wants to protect the integrity of the piano, this difficulty is too big. When he wants to come, the piano double is just a refining period, as long as a ghost will, a slap in the palm can double the piano.

"Follow me!"

The black scorpion sighed, his hands twitched, and his hands lifted upwards, and a circle of earth appeared around the piano and his surroundings.

The eight ghosts floated their bodies toward the wall and then struck on the wall. The physique actually ignored the earthen wall shield, and passed through it, screaming at the piano and the black snarls.

"It's really trouble!"

Wusong drank and looked at the ground with both palms. On the ground around the two of them, suddenly a ground up and a dense ground stab, instantly through the body of the eight ghosts.

The eight ghosts will scream with a scream, and they will break free from the spurs and rush to the piano and the black scorpion.

Broken earth!

Wuhuan's hands turned over, and there were countless stones around the Qinshuang and Wuhuan, like a meteorite belt around a planet.

"go with!"

The black scorpion shouted, and the dense meteorite belt whizzed outwards, like a meteor volley.

A fierce scream, the eight ghosts began to fade the original solid body. However, at this time they have approached the two sides of the Qinshuang and Wuhuan from all directions, and the sharp ghosts have caught them.


The black scorpion screamed and a flying sword came out of the body. Only in an instant, the eight ghosts would cut off the waist and then grabbed the doubles. The figure was a leap and they were far away from the eight ghosts.

However, the shape of the two of them had not yet landed, and they saw that the bodies of the eight ghosts who had been cut off by the waist had merged together, but the solid body was lighter.

Wuhuan took a shot, and the air condensed a big hand, and the bat would be slammed toward the eight ghosts. The eight ghosts will scream and scream, and at the same time, they will poke out a ghost claw in the air. The eight ghost claws will rapidly enlarge in the air, releasing the dark light, and the wind will burst into the air.


A loud bang, eight ghosts tore the smashing hands of the black scorpion. Followed by the other eight ghosts of the Eight Ghosts, tearing the air, with a soothing sharp whistling sound, grabbed the piano and Wusong.

Pick the mountain!

Wuhuan's flying swords are provoked in the air, and each pick carries a heavy momentum, as if to provoke a large mountain.


A series of explosions, Feijian even pick eight times, picking up eight huge ghosts, it is the eight ghosts will not fall back from the body.


Qin double saw the power of Wuhuan, and could not help but marvel.

Hell cage!

Wuhua stretched out a hand and grabbed the direction of the Eight Ghosts. They saw a large ground spurt rumbling from the ground, forming a cage that would cover the eight ghosts.

The eight ghosts will slam into the **** cage without fear, which surprised the piano. She saw that the eight ghosts would ignore the shield of the wall that was released by Wuhuan. But this time it was decidedly different. The eight ghosts had just touched the **** cage, and they saw a layer of light on the top of the **** cage. The light was lingering, and the eight ghosts would scream. It was as if the snow and ice had met the flames and the black smoke appeared on the body.


Wuhuan and Qinshuang spit out a breath at the same time, Wuhuan looked at the battlefield on the side of Wanzhong Mountain, while Qinqin was looking forward to Wuhuan, and the face of Wuhuan became pale. It seems that a series of spells have been consumed by him.

"Wu elder, are you okay?"

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