Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 54: Pan-wave red sea


Thinking of this, Qin Qin double heart can not help but angry, have the ability to eat goods, but also want to let him dig inside Dan, this is ... is simply deceiving too much.

The tortoise felt the power of the soul of the piano double exuding a malicious, body shape, and showed a sly expression in the direction of the force of the double soul of the piano, and then turned into a streamer and drilled into a blood snake.

"What is lazy to do, you give me waiting!"

The piano double whispered, and then took a piece of the ring from the storage ring that was not swallowed by the tortoise and placed it on the beach. Then he dug the inner Dane inside, and lifted it up to see it. Then he took it up and put it. The body of the blood snake was thrown into the sea and swallowed by the whirlpool.

Behind her, Wanzhongshan's eyes opened slightly, but she couldn't help but smile.

"This girl has worked hard to dig out Nei Dan, and it will not be useful to know Nedan, who knows the blood snake. I don't know if I will cry."

Qin double is also deliberately so. He heard Wan Shanshan said that in this red sea they will encounter a lot of monsters. When they go to the storage ring, they will inevitably cause their doubts. Where did the blood snakes go? Therefore, the piano doubled there to dig the inner Dan, and then gave Nei Dan to the tortoise, throwing the body of the blood snake into the sea.

Anyway, she threw it slowly, and she couldn’t throw much. As long as they let Wanzhongshan pay attention to themselves occasionally, they will see that they are still throwing into the sea.

It took about two quarters of an hour, and the voice of the tortoise rang in the consciousness of the piano.

"Taro, the inner Dan in this ring is finished."


Qinqin whispered a little, then took a storage ring from the town demon tower and put it on his hand. The turtle turned into a streamer and drilled in. Qin double took the previous storage ring into the second floor of the town demon tower, and thought of it, "哗啦", the blood snake in the storage ring appeared on the ground floor of the second floor of the town demon tower.


In the second floor of the town demon tower, a chain of stylized chains was drawn, and the bodies of a group of blood snakes were entangled. The bodies were quickly decomposed and absorbed. Qinshuang always paid attention to the second layer of space and found the second layer of absorption. After the bodies of these monsters, there were finally some changes. The cracks in the earth began to close, although there were still some cracks, but they were already a lot smaller, and they could not help but be overjoyed. After retiring from the town demon tower, he began to dig inside Nei Dan, let the blood snake body look like those who are not far behind.

After three hours, the tortoise finally finished eating all the blood snakes in the three storage rings. The piano double threw all the blood snakes into the town demon tower, then clap and stand up. They walked toward Wanzhongshan. Wanzhongshan opened his eyes and smiled on his face:

"Why don't you dig?"

Qin double knows that the six people in Wanzhongshan only paid attention to her at the beginning, and then they tried their best to adjust the interest rate. They did not pay attention to her, and their faces showed a shy look:

"It feels useless, don't dig, throw it away."

Six people looked at each other and then laughed loudly: "Ha ha ha..."

Qinshuang’s face looked even more shy, ran to one side, sat on the ground, and shyly lowered his head. Six people looked at each other and were afraid that the piano face was too thin and they all smiled. Wanzhongshan on the double track:

"You also adjust your interest, rest here tonight, we will cross the sea tomorrow."


Qinqin should have a voice, and he also sinks his heart and begins to practice the "Xuanwu Collection" and condenses Jindan.

Nothing happened overnight.

When the sun rises from the air, Qin double will enter the second floor of the town demon tower, and the face will show a happy color. At this time in the second floor of the town demon tower, the earth has no cracks, but it is still a declining appearance, giving the piano a double feeling, this second layer should be restored.


The piano double snorted and she noticed a pond with a radius of about ten meters in a corner of the second floor. The pond was filled with dark red liquid. The power of knowing the sea is close to the past, and you feel the toxins.

"This is a toxin? It is a toxin extracted from the blood snake body!"

Thinking about it, I have to put it in this way. I looked at the second floor and sighed in my heart. It seems that the square is not small. In fact, it is only a hundred meters long and wide. It is really not big. Going to the first floor of the 100-meter-wide size, the aura concentration here is more than fifty times that of the outside, but the space of each ten meters in length and width is even smaller. It can only be used as a place of cultivation, and nothing else can be done. If it is big enough, open a medicine garden here, then it will be sent.

However, looking at this layer of forced space, Qin double regretted to retreat and opened his eyes. After a period of less than ten interest, six people in Wanzhongshan also ended their cultivation, but Qinshuang could feel that their state was not good.

Can be blamed!

The original strength can only be used to half, and only the body of the Yuan Ying period, at most the physical condition of the early days of the gods, so that they are very uncomfortable in this gravity environment. Most importantly, in this kind of gravity environment, the aura has become heavy and very difficult to absorb. To recover the power of consumption, it takes several times to spend time and energy, but it consumes quickly.

"Call..." Wanzhongshan spit out a sigh of relief and looked at the red sea, which was full of whirlpools. He looked solemnly at a thin old man:

"You are in trouble, you are in trouble."

Juqing did not speak, but his face nodded solemnly, and walked toward the beach. Qin and others followed. Standing on the beach, Juqing offered a golden enamel, which was enlarged in the air and landed on the surface of the Red Sea.


Ju Qing shouted, and his body shape floated, and he fell into the shackles. Qin and so on also flew up and fell into the hustle and bustle. In accordance with the orders of Wanzhongshan, Qinqin sat in the middle of the hustle and bustle, and six people in Wanzhongshan sat around in a circle, protecting the piano in the middle. Juqin controlled the hustle and shunned the whirlpool in the Red Sea and headed for the front.

Wuhua also extended a big hand and took a strong shot on the shoulders of Qinqin: "Endless, don't be afraid. Even if I die, it won't cause you problems."

Qin double looked at the straight face of the country, and his heart was moving. Soft voice:

"Thank you!"

"Don't be thankful!" Wu Hao said with a big hand: "We can't do these old guys, and Luo Fuzong pointed to you and grew up."

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