Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 31: Absorption starter


The elders of Mishima were also surrounded. The six elders had to smile and come up. They were not eligible for such a peerless genius. But congratulations, it is necessary to get to know each other. After the completion of the congratulations, the elders of the Three Islands also promised the treatment of the core disciples, and then looked forward to Sun Xiaoming.

At this time, Sun Xiaoming’s little bit of Xiao Xiaoxia and Lang Tianya’s shackles have dissipated, and self-confidence has been re-established. Although there is a trace of qualification in front of him, who can be sure in the future? He is confident to surpass Xiao Zixia and Lang Tianya again. And he already had a care in his heart, and he prayed to the elder of the island:

"Predecessors, younger generations are willing to join an island."

"Good! Good! Good!" The elders of Yiye Island were excited to look at the elders of Huanglu Island and Snow Island, and they were proud of their faces. The elders of Huanglu Island and Snow Island turned a blank eye. The elders of Snowless Island are still balanced. After all, he has already received a Yuan Shuyi, and there is a stronger line of Xiao Zixia and Lang Tianya on the ninth floor. The elders of Huanglu Island are even more nervous, and everyone will look again. Looking to the ninth floor.

Sun Xiaoming was surrounded by a group of young people, with a happy face, and the atmosphere in the square began to warm up.

The seventh layer of the quenching tower.

There are only two figures, Qin Qin and Xiao Fei. The time is passing silently. The two people do not know what happened outside, and they cultivate their own exercises.

Xiao Fei is still a small fat man, Xiao Fei first opened his eyes, and at this time the piano double ended the cultivation, an hour of time has arrived, she began to check his physical condition again. Ten golden dans have been purified to seventy-eight, and the fog has been tempered to ninety-eight, and only 20% has reached 10%.

Two people looked at each other, Xiaofei Xiaofei will have a thick chest and a chubby little hand:


Two people walked toward the circular table in the center. At this time, they did not talk about others. The father of the little fat man, the Xiao family leader, had been paying attention to him. At this time, he saw the little fat man walking toward the round table, and could not help but hold his hands nervously. At this time, most people are also paying attention to the seventh layer of light curtains. After all, the two people on the ninth floor are refining the brontosaurus there, and there is nothing to watch.


The light curtain on the eighth floor appeared, and the long look of the Xiao family was a glimpse of the eighth layer of light curtain. The people of Mishima are also paying attention.

Two figures appeared on the eighth floor, and then they saw the figure of the little fat man faded and was sent out of the quench tower. On the face of Xiao’s family, there was a trace of regret. On the contrary, the eyes of Mishima were bright, and they stared at the double piano on the eighth layer of light curtain.

Since Qinqin can be on the eighth floor, it is the same qualification as Yuan Shuyi. This qualification is enough for the treatment of an inner disciple.

Qinqin stood on the eighth floor, and his face showed a happy color. He could not help but say to the turtle in Haoran’s heart:

"Xuanwu, I am close to the top grade, is it amazing?"

The tortoise in the heart of Hao Ran was silent, and in the end, he still did not hold back the singer of the piano, and made a sigh of laughter:

"Hey... I really thought you had that closeness?"

"What do you mean..." The look of the piano double changed.

"What do you mean? What do you mean?" The tortoise's tone is even more disdainful: "Isn't that your closeness at all? Is that the name of the sea you know?"

"What do you mean is the merits?" The eyes of Qin double showed amazement.

"Crap!" There is a strong voice in the tone of the tortoise: "Without the merits, you are a salted fish. With that meritorious deed, let alone the top quality, the best, the holy, the perfect closeness no problem."

Qin double listened to a glimpse, and then a bright smile appeared on his face: "It is my closeness, or the closeness of Gongdebei. Mys is mine, and the merits are also mine. Hehe..."

The tortoise was obviously stunned by the piano. After the two breaths, he sighed enviously:

“Actually, today you also have the highest standard of this quenching tower, the closeness of the top grade, waiting for you to refine and refine this meritorious deed, your intimacy will increase. Also, this merit The monument is very mysterious, and there must be other effects, which can only be slowly excavated by you."

"This way!" Qin double's face showed an excited color: "Big baby!"

"Hey!" The tortoise snorted and no longer took the piano.

Qin double smiled and looked up at the sea lotus that had appeared in the sky, and saw that the sea lotus began to rotate slowly. A crystal light column shrouded the body of the piano, and then her body slowly The ground goes up. When the piano doubled the height, it estimated that it was only 20 times, and it would enter the ninth floor. At the same time, a rain curtain sprinkled from the petals of the sea lotus, the piano double rushed to communicate with the sea, swayed the handcuffs, and then absorbed a drop of the solid liquid from the eyebrows into the sea.


Knowing the inside of the sea is a slap in the face. The drop of Gushi liquid melted into her knowledge of the sea, and I felt a sharp pain in the sea, but I also felt that my knowledge of the sea became more stable.

"Good things!"

The piano slammed the handcuffs quickly, and a whirlpool appeared in her eyebrows. A drop of liquid began to converge toward the vortex and poured into her sea of ​​knowledge.

Quit the tower outside.

On the eighth floor of the light curtain, the little fat man Xiao Fei stood beside the Xiao family leader and looked at the light curtain:

"Father, you said that the black **** can absorb a few drops of starter?"

"Sun Xiaoming and Xiao Zixia absorbed 13 drops, and the waves absorbed 14 drops. These three people are the arrogance of our side of the sea, and the endless moon is from the mainland of the war, it should not exceed ten drops... she crazy?"

The Xiao family suddenly screamed. On the light curtain, everyone saw that the piano double was madly absorbing the solid solution. If only the solid solution was absorbed, anyone could be like a double, but whether it was Xiao Zixia. And Sun Xiaoming, or the wave of the world, all three of them are just a drop of absorption, try their own limits.

It should be known that although this solid solution can play a role in the stable understanding of the sea, but the force is too strong, it will also explode to the sea. At that time, the head of the piano pair will be like a balloon, and the explosion will be "squeaky". After all, today's Qin double is only a sea of ​​refining period, the limitations are very strong, her knowledge of the sea is still very weak.

"It's a bandit, from the soil buns of the warriors. I think that the more you absorb, the better!" Sun Xiaoming said sarcastically.

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