Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 14: Choose Zongmen


The next day.

Qin double and his party once again came to the Baicao Building, and soon saw Yudong. When the two sides are seated, the piano does not return, but asks directly:

"Yu brother, there are some things that I want to ask my brother."

"I know nothing!" Yu Dong said quickly.

"Yu brother, you also know that we are all newcomers who have come over on the mainland of the military. I don't know much about this. The qualifications of these people are the roots of the Chinese goods. Do you think that we are better to join? ”

Yu Dong’s eyes sparkled. He didn’t think that the eight people in front of him were actually the roots of Zhongpin, and they thought a little about it:

"In terms of the spiritual roots of your eight people, you can fully join the six sects of the three islands of the Three Islands, and of course we have the Baicao Building. In fact, the information you get on board is very general. In addition to our Baicao Building, there is the Rune Hall, the mysterious Palace, Tianjie Pavilion. This building, a hall, a palace, a cabinet are not inferior to the six forces.

However, if you don't have the talents of the four aspects of the Danfu array, then it is best not to join these four forces. Because the first thing that Baixuelou pays attention to is the disciple with alchemy talent, the first place that Fu Wendian pays attention to is the disciple with the talent of the system. The Xuanyuan Palace first attaches importance to the disciples with refining. Tianlaige first attaches importance to the disciples with the arrangement. If you join these four forces and finally find that you don't have the talent in this area, you can only become a disciple of these four aspects. The resources of cultivation will not be inclined like you. ”

Speaking of this, he looked at Qin Double: "Yue Shi, although you are now only an alchemy teacher who can refine the medicinal herbs, but the success rate of your refining medicinal herbs is really high. First, it is the success rate. The so-called success rate is that it takes several herbs to successfully refine it into a potent drug. The second is the rate of Dan, the so-called Dandan rate is a successful refining of a potent drug. How many medicinal herbs will be produced. The third is the grade of medicinal herbs.

Nowadays, although you can only refine the medicinal herbs, your rate of Dan has reached 30%. No, it is a little more than 30%. This is already an excellent alchemy teacher. We must know that even those excellent disciples in our Baicao Building have very few people who can achieve a 30% rate.

This is not your best place, your best place is the success rate. Usually, each alchemist is able to refine a batch of three herbs and is qualified. You can refine a pot of soup with two herbs. You are excellent, and you can refine each herb and you can't evaluate it with excellence. Therefore, if the monthly division is willing to join us, we will definitely get the **** of resources. ”

Merlin and others looked at the piano doubles with surprise. They didn't think that the alchemy level of Qin double would be so high. Looking at Yu Dong’s eyes and shining brightly at himself, Qin double shook his head and said:

"Yu brother, I am not in alchemy."

Yu Dongyi shook his head regretfully, and his eyes swept over Merlin and others: "If you have the talents of the four aspects of the Danfu Array, you can also consider the Baicao Building, Rune Hall, Xuanyuan Palace and Tianzheng Pavilion."

Merlin and others looked at each other and saw a confused color in their eyes. Yu Dong left with a smile:

"Okay, don't say this. Let's talk about Mishima first. Your qualifications can be added to the Mishima. But it is ordinary treatment, there will be no resources to lean toward you. Mishima will only pour resources upwards." The roots are tilted. Of course, if you show strong strength in the future, you will also get the resources of the Three Islands.

Your qualifications are added to six, and there will be no resources to lean toward you. However, as in the Three Islands, if you show strong strength, you will win the attention of resources and the inclination of resources. Equivalent to the three islands, the qualifications of the six disciples are much worse, so it is much easier to be able to take the lead in six cases than in the three islands.

Once in the early six, showing strong strength, naturally will win the inclination of resources. The eight major families pay more attention to their younger brothers. Both resources and inheritance will first tilt toward the family disciples. Especially inherited, you will never get the inheritance of the eight family families. Therefore, among the eight major families in the three islands of Mishima, I tend to have six. ”

Qin double eight people looked at each other, and Yu Dong’s statement was the same as their analysis. Qin double road:

"Yu brother, we heard that these six cases are also true and evil!"

Yu Dong nodded and nodded: "The big face is like this. Shanglin Zong, Luo Fuzong and Bai Shuizong are right. Qingshan Zong, Tai Yizong and Heiyue Zong are evil. This is mainly because of their own practice. Different. The core of Shanglin Zong, Luo Fuzong and Bai Shuizong's practice is to be clear-minded, so it is relatively peaceful.

The Qingshanzong, Taiyi and Heyuezong pursued the strength, so there is some unscrupulous means. However, this does not mean that Shanglin Zong, Luo Fuzong and Bai Shuizong did not have intrigue and dark things. Similarly, in the Castle Peak, Tai Yi and Hei Yuezong, it does not mean that there is no justice and heroism. ”

"So what do you think of us?"

"Or choose Lin Zong, Luo Fuzong or Bai Shui Zong." Yu Dong said from a paragraph: "This is not because the three sects are called positive, nor because of Qingshan Zong, Tai Yizong and Hei Yuezong. The so-called evil. I have had the privilege of hearing about the six of our landlords."

Everyone's eyes are bright, and they can become the masters of the first floor. The cultivation is different from the definition of the eyes. Qin double immediately handed the ball:

"Please also give pointers to the brother."

Yu Dong left the hand and said: "This is nothing, I just repeat the words of the landlord, it is not my own opinion. Shanglin Zong, Luo Fuzong and Bai Shuizong's cultivation practice is more avenue. Although in the same realm The disciples will be weaker than the other three disciples. But they can go further."

"That... Shanglin Zong, Luo Fuzong and Bai Shui Zong are the three better ones?"

"Luo Fuzong, the foundation of Luo Fuzong is stronger than Shanglin Zong and Bai Shuizong."

Qin Double and others sincerely thanked him and then left. Out of the Baicao Building, everyone was only briefly discussing and decided to join Luo Fuzong together.

Solved the problem of Lingshi coins, and thought about which Zongmen to join, eight people completely lost their minds. These two days, I strolled around Yangyou City, but the Yangyou City was very small, so they were very uncomfortable.


Qin double eight people came to the Baicao Building. When the piano double took out the jade card, he was led into a wide room. After walking in, I saw that there were nearly 200 seats in it and there was no box. It seems that a small town like Yangyou City has a very simple auction.

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!

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