Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 3: Alliance


In the tone of the tortoise, there is a kind of hateful iron that does not become steel. Then there is no longer a word. No matter how the piano pair asks again, the turtle will not speak anymore. Ewwㄟwん1xiaos confused

At this time, the woman wearing a red dress and a bumpy body with a scimitar around her waist went to the table and attracted the eyes of the piano, and she no longer took care of the turtle. That woman.

As a result, the woman is the spiritual root of the water attribute, higher than the Qin double, today 16 years old, also two years younger than the piano double, known as Ye Piaoping.

When the final test was completed, there were only two top grades, Lu Tiande and Ye Piaoping. There are eight in the middle of the spirit, and the remaining twenty-two are the roots of the next.

The middle-aged man took the jade ruler and looked at the crowd: "The people who have the roots of the spirits live on the fourth floor, the people of the middle spirits live on the third floor, and the people who have the roots of the spirits live on the second floor. The fifth floor is where we **** monks live. The first floor is where sailors and other people live. The bottom bin is where the goods are stored. Don't enter the bottom bins at will.

On the first floor of the restaurant, there are already many people from other places in the three floors where you live. There are many bad-tempered guys. Don't just cause trouble. Also, don't just go to the upper level if you live below, otherwise it will cause the guys in the upper level to be angry, enough for you to eat a pot. The deck is a common place, so you can go up at will. Ok, let it go. ”

The middle-aged monk turned and left the hall, leaving thirty-two boys and girls who were somewhat ignorant.

Lu Tiande walked to Ye Piaoping and the gentleman said: "Ye Shimei, let's go to the dormitory."


Ye Piaoping nodded, his face showed a proud color, and arrogantly swept the piano and so on. In her heart, she had separated herself from Qin and others, and was destined to be not a person of the world.

Looking at the back of the two people, everyone has begun to leave the hall, and unconsciously, thirty-two people have been divided into three groups. Lu Tiande and Ye Piaoping are two top-selling roots. Qin Shuang, Mei Lin, Dong Baichuan, Yang Ying and other eight middle-class Linggen people are a team, and the remaining twenty-two people who have the roots of Linggen are a team.

When everyone went out of the hall, they began to divert. Lu Tiande and Yang Ying had already disappeared. Those who had gone to Linggen went to the second floor, and eight people, such as Qinshuang, walked toward the third floor.

Walking on the wooden stairs, the footsteps continually echoed in the open air. The eight people are very complicated at this time. They have the pride of seeing those spiritual roots, and they have the envy of seeing the two top spirits. Among the eight people, Merlin and Yang Ying's spiritual roots are the best, in the middle of the product, followed by Qin double, Dong Baichuan and a young man named Gu Chunqiu, the remaining three people are the middle roots. Therefore, Merlin and Yang Ying walked side by side, followed by Dong Baichuan and Gu Chunqiu. The piano fell behind, and behind the Qinshuang were the three middle-aged people.

Everyone is silent. After exploring the roots, everyone knows that they are only in a medium position. This kind of qualification is not enough. It is not easy to go further on the road of cultivation with this qualification. Don't look at the middle and top grades just a grade difference, but it's a different day.

Merlin, who walked in front, finally slowed down and said: "Everyone, we are all spiritual roots. Maybe after we reach the ground, we will choose different sects, but at least we will become companions on this road. How is it better to form a team first?"

Yang Ying also slowed down and whispered: "Yeah, not to mention those who are on the fourth floor, but also on the third floor, there are many people who go to the ship in advance." I won't make trouble, but I have to guard against other people to provoke us."

Dong Baichuan sighed, and there was a bit of frustration in his tone: "We are all spiritual roots in the middle. Maybe in a few years, we will be left behind by the two guys who are in the top of the spirit."

Gu Chunqiu raised his eyebrows and refused to accept the air: "This is not necessarily true? Even if our qualifications are not as good as them, as long as we work hard, the future may not be as good as them."

Yang Ying, who walked in front, shook his head and said: "Are you working hard, are others sleeping? Not to mention those who have the roots of the spirit, today's cultivation may not be as good as us. Only their top quality is enough to cause the family they join. The importance of Zongmen or the three major islands, the resources will certainly be inclined to them, waiting for us to cultivate to the late stage of the refining period, I am afraid that they have already succeeded in building the foundation, so it is bound to make their sects and other places more important. What do we compare with them?"

The ancient spring and autumn slightly wrinkled a brow, for Yang Ying's unkind, the heart is a bit uncomfortable, condensed:

“It’s so easy to build a foundation? If the qualifications are better than ours, then we will be able to build the foundation? Maybe they are stuck in the checkpoint of the foundation, but let us come home later.”

Yang Ying looked back at Gu Chunqiu and said faintly: "The success rate of building a foundation is related to personal qualifications. Their qualifications are better than ours. The success rate of natural foundation is bigger than ours. Otherwise, Mishima VI Why do the Zongba Family give priority to recruiting qualified people?"

"You said, at which level of power can we join this qualification, is it the eight major families, or six, or the three islands?" Qin double suddenly asked.

This time, everyone is silent. Half-sounding, Merlin Shen Sheng said: "Although we don't know, but we can analyze it. Linggen is divided into the following products, middle products, top grades and best products. It is said that there is also the best spiritual root. However, it is already a legend, never So there is the top echelon, and the middle of us should belong to the second echelon. I think we should have the qualification to join the six major families of the three islands.

It’s just that after we joined the Three Islands, it must be a very ordinary disciple. It will never be tilted by a little bit of resources, and may even be used as a coolie and cannon fodder. Compared with Mishima, I prefer six. I think at the very least, we should not be used as a coolie and cannon fodder, giving us a relatively fair competitive environment. I decided to join six. ”

"What about the eight big families?" asked a young girl behind the piano.

“I don’t recommend joining the eight major families!” Yang Ying took the message: “The disadvantage of the family is that they always put the family first, which means that their resources will first lean toward the family of their family, even those of them. Disciples are not as qualified as us, which fundamentally limits our exhibition."

"Then we will join six." Eight people soon decided.

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