Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1062: Fire home


"Okay!" Qin double stopped the steward and said: "I understand what you mean, you mean that although the fire family...including all the big families of the Daqin Empire, although each generation of patriarchs is the ninth-level peak of Wuwang Yes, but this does not mean that these big families are the highest-ranking people. They are the ninth-level peaks of Wuwang. Their old patriarchs, old patriarchs, etc. are all Wudi and even Wushen. Is this what it means?"

"Not only this!" The steward said seriously: "Every generation of patriarchs in each big family has their own squad, such as the fire home. Do you know who the strongest group is?"

"who is it?"

In the heart of the piano, the fire home is now its own enemy. She believes that the fire home should have been thoroughly understood by herself, but she does not know much about the fire home.

"Tianhuo! Every generation of fire family leaders will choose the best and most potential 300 people from the family to establish the Skyfire team from the moment they take over the family. The Skyfire team always maintains the number of three hundred people, and one is dead. One, but definitely not to expand. These 300 people have the original qualification talent, plus the inclination of resources, and now the contemporary fire family leader has been in place for more than 800 years, although the old slave has not seen the three hundred days of fire. Shooting, but in accordance with the practice of the previous major families, these three hundred people must be the peak of the ninth layer of Wuwang, even if there are people, not many."

The piano double wrinkled a brow, and the three hundred wuwang nine layers were later peaks. Then I thought that today’s huge string moon kingdom has not even a martial arts king. It’s just a glimpse of the whole leopard. This is just the Skyfire team. Wu Wang, in other words, in addition to these three hundred martial arts kings, there should be no more than three hundred martial arts kings, and even thousands of martial arts kings. Only these three hundred martial arts kings should be the strongest martial arts king of the fire family, that is, the martial arts king who condensed more Jindan. Maybe these three hundred martial arts kings are the martial arts kings who have at least condensed seven golden dans.

"But..." Qin double thought and asked: "Is there no member of the Skyfire team who broke through to the Emperor during the fire family?"

"This is exactly what the old slaves want to say." The steward's look became dignified: "Of course, there are such cases. Once such a person appears, they will immediately leave the Skyfire team and replenish a martial ninth layer of the late peak. And that person will completely disappear in front of everyone, no one will see them again."

"Where did they go?"

"Do you still ask?" The housekeeper smiled bitterly: "Qin Hou, just now the old slave once said that every fire family leader will have his own Skyfire team, but once the fire family leader breaks through to Emperor Wu, he will immediately abdicate. I will no longer be the head of the fire family. No one will see the fire family again in the future. The three hundred days of fire will disappear with him.

The fire home does not know how many former patriarchs have seclusion, focus on cultivation, and ignore the vulgar thing? And with each patriarch retired, there are three hundred days of fire. How many days will the fire team be added?

These successive patriarchs and successive squadrons, the worst repairs nowadays should also be the Emperor Wu, and of course there will be Wushu. As for whether there is Wusheng, I don’t know.

This is only the patriarchs and the Skyfire team, and other members of the Fire House will disappear after they have broken through the Emperor. Adding these people together is definitely a huge and desperate force. Once Qinhou left the emperor..."

The housekeeper does not speak, which means that as long as you leave the emperor, there is only one result, that is, death.

Qin double fell into silence, and his heart was lost. The pendulum hand gestured to the butler to leave, the piano double sitting alone in the empty hall, the sky gradually darkened, the light was swallowed by the darkness, and the hall was dark. At this moment, the piano double seemed to be swallowed by loneliness.

I don't know how long it took, the piano opened his eyes, and there seemed to be two lights in the dark hall.

"Heavenly fire team? Come, come on."

Qin double carefully analyzed his current situation. If Qin Qinyun did not die, as long as he quickly settled the civil strife of the Jiuyue Kingdom, he then left and left. As long as you give the fire home a painful lesson, I believe that the fire family will not dare to move the moon kingdom before they kill themselves. I am not worried about myself, I can fight slowly with the fire home. If the piano is already dead, then the Kingdom of the Crescent Moon has nothing to do with itself, and he is also the dragon to the sea.

At that time, the fire home was clear, and it was dark. It is not easy for a fire home to find itself.

In the time period of the Ming Dynasty, it was only during the period of the internal chaos of the Jiuyue Kingdom, that is, during this period of time, he was in the most dangerous period. However, it is impossible for the fire family to send out those hidden strengths. Even the contemporary Skyfire team may not be sent. After all, their cultivation is now only the second peak of Wuwang. In the eyes of the firehouse, they are themselves. The ants can be pinched at any time, which gives them a chance.

Even if the firehouse sent out the Skyfire team, or even the old Skyfire team, they did not retreat, and once they retreated, their own state of mind would be flawed. In the future, they would like to step into the peak of the martial arts.

You can lose, you can even die, but you can't retire!

"Housekeeper!" Qin double called in the dark hall.

"Qin Hou!" The figure of the housekeeper appeared at the gate.

"I need the distribution of all forces in the fire house."

"The old slaves will take it."

The housekeeper quickly left, but it was a glimpse of the piano. When the housekeeper came back with a booklet, after the piano double took the booklet, he could not help but curiously ask:

"Are you ready?"

“Yes!” The butler nodded. “This is a must-have quality for every butler. It is necessary to organize all the forces into a book.”

“Every family has it?”


"Is there a royal family?"

"Yes! But the old slaves are only some of the forces that are exposed outside, like the Firehouse Skyfire and the patriarchs who have lived in seclusion. The old slaves don't know."

"This... is already very good!"

Qin Qin double heart can not help but sigh, what is the necessary quality as a housekeeper? That is, the stewards of the royal family or the big family have this quality?

"Head lights!"

Immediately came in and lit all the lights in the hall one by one, and the hall was lit up little by little. Qin double began to look at the book in his hand. The shock of the face is getting thicker and thicker.

The ancestral home of the fire family is within this imperial capital of Qincheng, with more than 100,000 disciples in the ancestral land. Then there are 568 shops in the capital, operating in various industries. At the same time, there are 12 workshops within the Imperial Capital. There are 18 mines in the surrounding area outside the Imperial Capital. As for other shops, workshops and mines in other states, it is a bit far from the emperor.

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