Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1046: Double soul fight


At this time, the warriors and monks in the Black Dragon were another scene. They did not feel the pressure of the outside, and they were shrouded in the space, resisting the invasion of the magic, and the face was an urgent color. Even Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng are the same. Both of them are the same as the Qinshuang. They once broke through the Black Dragon and rushed out, but they were swallowed back by the Black Dragon. They know that even if they rush out again, the result will still be swallowed back. Therefore, before I thought of evading the way Black Dragon swallowed, I rushed out, just wasting my spiritual power.


A loud thunder penetrated the black dragon, even if every warrior and monk sealed in the space could faintly hear it. Although it was faintly heard, what kind of grand, which kind of respect, but they never I have heard it. They even have a feeling that if they break through the king of Wu, they will be turned into a gray as soon as they are thundered.

"This is... Is there a monster that is robbing outside?"

Their thoughts just floated up, and they felt a sway in their body. It wasn’t that they were shaking, but the space where they sealed their swaying, then they saw a spurt of light from far and near, from their heads. All around, like water.

If you look down in the sky of the Taikoo space at this time, you will see a black dragon that spreads in the sky and then travels from the sky to a bucket-like thunder bombarded on the black dragon. Finally, the thunder is bombarded. At the center, the dragon and the dragon suddenly spread, and the whole black dragon suddenly became a brontosaurus.

The magical power of the black dragon on the black dragon was refining by the Thunder, and the magic soldiers who built the black dragon made a burst of whine.

Black dragon body.

In a space.

The godsend looks awkward, his eyes are red, and suddenly he opens his mouth and sucks. The magic around him is like a genius to be sucked into the mouth.

However, at the moment, the god-given eyes returned to the Qingming, not only closed their mouths, but also released a spiritual shield to prevent the invasion of magic.


Deep in the soul of Godsend, the crack of the seal expanded again, and the Gorefiend absorbed the magical power, and grew again, turning into a **** face, swallowing away toward the god-given soul.


The seal trembled, and a layer of seal floated up, forming a white jade face, swallowing away toward the **** face. The two faces continually collided in the depths of the soul of the piano pair, making the god-given soul fierce. The shock.


God-given seven spurts of blood. The whole body began to crack.


The group of fine elements from the bottom of the river quickly spread to the gods and repaired the god-given body. However, the god-given body is still twitching violently, from the collision of two giant faces in the depths of the soul, so that his soul seems to be dissipating.

In another space.

The bloodqin suddenly said: "What are you doing there stupidly? Continue to strip the blood."

"Also... want to peel off?"

The sound of Qin double is shaking, it is really painful when peeling blood.

"This is a day when you can't destroy these magic soldiers. You must continue to let the sky be punished and bombarded. Hurry up, don't sharpen."


The piano doubled his teeth and began to peel off another blood. In fact, Qin double does not know how many demon bloods are merged in his blood. In the endless moon, who knows how much?


A series of fines were bombarded and illumined the space of the Taikoo. A thunder wave shimmered with dazzling light, flowing on the black dragon that spread 10,000 meters. A trace of magic was annihilated, and a stalked sorcerer screamed. sound.

The black dragon body, this time is not dark, the thunder's light has begun to reveal a space, the hearts of a warrior and a monk, both fear and expectation.

They have never seen such a mighty thunder, so they are afraid.

However, they are expecting this downfall to smash the black dragon and get them out of trouble.

In the body of the godsend, the power of the two faces erupted more and more fiercely. If the power of the god-given soul has reached the concentration of the Wusheng level, it has long been tossed by two faces. However, even so, Godsend felt that he was not far from the soul. He can see that the power of the two faces is constantly improving. That is because there is a blood line under the **** face. It is the blood that constantly rushes out from the cracks in the seal. The blood is the **** demon. The blood of the blood is rushing out of the crack and pouring into the **** face. The white face is also growing. It is a layer of seal from the seal that blends into the face, making the power of the white face stronger and stronger.

In this way, Godsend will eventually stop the power of these two faces, and the body will be broken and die. Although the squadron is constantly repairing his body, it is exhausted.


A sword is heard.

Godsend felt a sharp pain in his heart.


Spray the bleeding line within seven inches.

A fierce sword was ejected from his heart. The sword seemed to open the world. A sword also smashed the connection between the seal and the white face, and also smashed the connection between the Gorefiend and the Scarlet face.


The thick seal boiled up, like a tidal wave, re-inundating the crack, and the **** devil screamed under the seal.

Godsendly looked at his own heart, and he really didn't understand when there would be a sword in his heart. Approaching the heart, I found that there was a group of things in my heart, and there was a fierce sword in the thing. And that kind of sword is so familiar to God.

"this is……"

Godsend is suddenly a flash of light, this is not the sword in the valley, the word "sword" on the cliff? Did it run into his heart?

This body of my own...

Although Godsend is in the midst of intense soul pain, and does not know when he is flying away, he still can't help but smile.

What is the body of this body?

How do you expect to drill inside your body?

A thing that screams in the blood, turning into a huge face, wants to devour its own soul. There is also a seal that doesn't know how many layers there are, and a group of fine elements. Now there is another group in the heart that contains the sword that makes him fear.


There was a violent collision in the soul, which made the gods die.

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