Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1034: Array


"Taro, rest assured. This big array is a very powerful big array, but those demon people do not get the essence. It is not difficult to find those demon people. But even if I know how to find it? You Can you pass the animal tide into the big battle? Can you kill those demons?"

"I still have dozens of characters!" Qin said faintly.

"That should be enough!" the tortoise said weakly: "Then listen to my command."

"Qin double, what are you still stupid to do?"

Xu Kaiyun was completely angry. From the doubles of the piano to the present, no matter how he sneered at the doubles, the piano doubles did not seem to hear the general, and he did not face him.

Even if it is a dog barking, will people take a look?

At this time, almost all the monks of the Cangwu 6 looked at Qinshuang's eyes and began to look bad. In their view, the Qin double is not a human being at all. They all consume spiritual power here, and the Qin double is there to enjoy it. Before this dangerous situation, is this not a bad man?

Not to mention the monks of the Cangwu 6 who are also the faces of the people of the military. Although Lan Mingyue glared at Xu Kaiyun angrily, he still secretly touched the piano pair with his shoulder.

"Qin double, now we are all enemies and enemies, everyone should do their part." At this time, a warrior with a million stars said with anger:

"We can get the shelter of Xu brother. This is already a great virtue. You don't think about gratitude, but instead enjoy it. What is different from the beast?"

"Fart!" Blue Mourning Moon screamed, and the gods-filled gaze was already looking toward the martial arts star.

"Qin double!" And at this time, Xu Kaitian finally quietly spoke: "Also ask the piano teacher and sister to help each other, and then give the brother a little time, will be able to find a path to the big array."

"Big brother, why are you so polite with this garbage?" Xu Kaiyun said: "With her garbage repair, there are not many of her, no her. Still let her get out."

"Shut up!" Xu Kaitian's voice was very light, but Xu Kaiyun was stunned and closed his mouth, but he still had a look at the piano.

Qin Shuang’s heart could not help but admire Xu Kaitian for a few points. Under such a situation, it is still possible to maintain a calm and calm atmosphere, and now I will not pay attention to Xu Kaiyun:

"Xu brother, is the mask that your bead released is single-item or two-way?"

Xu Kaitian’s eyes flashed a trace of awkwardness: “Two-way.”

"Then please ask the brother to open a gap and let the piano go out."

"You want to go out?" Xu Kaitian's eyes flashed a bit of dissatisfaction, and quickly restored the calmness: "Qin double, my younger brother is used to it, please don't care. Stay, the outside is too dangerous."

"Double children..." Tianci and Lan Mingyue also looked at Qin Double.

"I know a little about the law!"

Qin double gave Tianxin and Lan Mingyue and others a reassuring look, and Tianshen and Lan Mingyue could not help but be speechless. They know that Qin is a half-step master, but the formation is...

Just a little understanding, can you just go to the array?

What is the difference between this and death?

"Ha ha ha..." Xu Kaiyun couldn't help but laughed loudly: "It's so funny, it's so funny. Is the garbage of your military big 6 so funny? Even my big brother didn't see through this big array, you know a little, Just dare to go out? The garbage of the garbage, the idea of ​​garbage, hahaha..."

"Xu brother!" Qin double look is not moving, looking directly at Xu Kaitian. Xu Kaiyun frowned slightly and said:

"you are serious?"

"Yes!" Qin double nodded seriously.

"Good!" Xu Kaitian resumed the ancient wells, and then he thought about it, then he turned to Xu Lianjie:

"Lian Jie, you will lend the image beads to the Qindao friends."

"it is good!"

When Xu Lianjie thought about it, she flew a necklace from her neck. The necklace was wearing a bead and flew toward the piano. Qin double took the necklace and looked at Xu Kaitian.

Xu Kaitian whispered: "This image bead has two functions. First, it can send back clearly where you have passed. Second, you can automatically protect the owner three times."

In the heart of the piano, I realized in an instant that Xu Kaitian did not trust that he could break through the big demon. Instead, he hoped that after he entered the big battle, he could add some understanding to the big array through the image beads, and he thought of cracking the big array. Help. Of course, the piano pair will not object, let alone this image bead has the ability to automatically protect the Lord three times!

Bring the necklace around your neck: "Thank you for your brother."

"I counted three, you are ready." Xu Kaitian condensed.

"Yeah!" Qin double nodded gently.

"one two Three!"

In front of the piano double, the mask showed a crack, and the shape of the piano doubled out. The doubles appeared too suddenly. Those who were attacking the masks did not react at all. The figure of the doubles pulled out a very blurry afterimage in the air, and swept past the white cliffs on the edge of the grassland.

This is still the case when the piano double does not open the fire phoenix body, but only uses the flying phoenix dance. But even so, the second layer of the King of Wu is the singer of the Orthodox cultivating 3-4 times the strength of the piano, and it is almost to the extreme, but between the messages, the figure disappears into the day.

Xu Kaiyun opened his mouth and his brain was a little cramped.

"No! When she was playing with her last time, her degree was not so fast!"

Xu Kaishan nodded, more certain that when he was fighting for the heart of the fire phoenix, it was correct that he did not chase the piano.

This degree can't be caught up at all.

Xu Kaitian blinked, and there was a glimmer of hope and a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

A person who has such a cultivation should not be a savage person, maybe she really understands the law!


Qin double listened to the command of the tortoise in the squad, and quickly walked through, even did not let the demon show her, which made her more reassuring to the tortoise, obeying every step of the turtle, and the foot in the big array In the middle of the shuttle.

In fact, there is no Yaozu within this large array. The big array is formed, it runs automatically, and it is not allowed to host.

"Lian Jie!" In the mask, the eyes are bright and the color is expected to be stronger.


Xu Lianjie also had a bright eye, and her heart was moving. It was a bead that appeared from her storage ring and floated in the air. Then the bead spread a light curtain, and the body of the piano appeared in the light curtain. The shape and the scene within five meters of her circumference. Everyone's gaze instantly converges on the piano in the light curtain.

Xu Kaitian’s eyes suddenly slammed, and the air of purity was instantly tumbling in the body. Xu Kaiyun opened his mouth and looked at the shape of the piano pair and kept flying. He could not help but blur out:

"She... she won't be running, how can it be so fast?"

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