Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1011: seal


"Oh...but there are some symbols!" Xu Kaiyun’s tone was full of dissatisfaction and embarrassment, looking at the Qin Double Road:

"Black hoe, dare not to be obedient, we play with a real thing?"

Qin double stared at the chain on Xu Kaiyun's neck and said faintly: "If you don't have a bodyguard jade card, do you think you still have the opportunity to stand here and talk?"


Xu Kaiyun’s face swelled red, and Qin double said it well. If he didn’t have the bodyguard jade card, the fast sword attack before Qin double had already made him die.

"The fire phoenix has disappeared!"

Tianci looked up at the peak and looked at it. Everyone heard it, and all of them looked at the peak, and they saw that the tumultuous fire phoenix was gone. At this time, Xu Kaiyun also refused to accept the doubles. When he was swept, he swept toward the mountain.


A strip of people flew toward the mountain, and everyone flew around the mountain, and they fell from the sky. In front of them was a crack, splitting from the root of the mountain to the top, dividing the mountain into two. two. The crack in the root is very narrow, only the thickness of the finger, the wider the width.

Qin double feels that his body's spiritual power has begun to decrease, just like a bottomless hole in the body absorbs his own spiritual power, looks down at his own hand, and the skin is drying down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"When is it a head!"

In the heart of the piano, he sighed and knew that the Yinshen began to absorb the spiritual power in his body, and took out a Wen Wangdan and threw it into his mouth.


Not far from the distance came a cold, the piano turned around and saw, Xu Kaiyun also took out a medicinal medicine and threw it into his mouth, and also looked provocatively at the piano. This makes the piano double crying and laughing.

What does it mean?

What can be provocative to eat a medicinal herb?


A figure flies up from the ground and flies toward the peak. It is the monk headed by the antler continent.

"Wan Zihao, you want to eat alone!"

Xu Kaiyun can no longer take care of the double piano. When the sky is empty, the body shape will rise like a dragon, and chase the past toward Wanzihao.


A group of people appeared in the sky, Qin Lie's big sleeves swayed, and the body shape went away: "We also go."


Qin double and others have also taken the lead, and their bodies are rising.

Soon, everyone came to the summit and stood in the air, looking at the crack under the mountain. The crack in the peak is very large, and it is already about two meters wide.


Wan Zihao jumped into the crack and swooped down the crack. At the moment of diving, he also took out his long sword.


A strip of people swooped down to the bottom, and both sides of the piano swooped down and frowned.

Before the fire and phoenix, full of hot atmosphere. Such a crack should be a hot environment, at least there should be a hot atmosphere. However, there is no fiery breath here, but there is a kind of coldness.

"I'm not right!"

The piano double slowed down and pulled out the long sword from the back, and his eyes were full of vigilance.

Godsend has been following the side of the piano pair. When I saw the piano slowed down, it also lowered the speed and asked softly:

"what happened?"

"It's a bit wrong! Why is it so cold here?"

Godsend is also a look, and it sounds like a phoenix. At this time, the person in front has stopped. It turns out that the crack has become narrow, not enough for a person to get into the width.

"Open it!"

When Xu Kaishan snorted, he saw the monks of the Cangwu mainland and the Cangwu mainland and the staghorn continents swaying their fingers, and they condensed two large hands on their respective sides, respectively, on the rock walls on both sides of the crack. Then pushed it to the sides, and the two peaks began to be pushed open.

The faces of Qin Lie and Lan Mingyue and others showed a shocking color, and the eyes of the piano also showed the envy. She can also release martial arts like the big handprints, but the big handprints can only be used for rapid attacks, such as the vast continents and the staghorn continents, which will control such a level of magic, the piano doubles these martial arts People can't do it.


More than a hundred large handprints spread the mountain, allowing the passage below to reach a sufficient width.


Those big hands scattered, Xu Kaiyun proudly swept the people of the mainland, and finally fell on the body of the piano.

"You finally enter, don't think about getting treasure if you don't contribute."

Qin's face and other people's faces became very ugly, but they couldn't say anything. Xu Kaiyun looked at the piano and other people disdainfully, then swooped down the crack.

"Ha ha ha..."

The monks of the mainland and the antlers of the staghorns laughed and swooped down toward the cracks. Left behind the ugly face of the warrior.

"Hey!" Blue Mourning spit a bite, his face became iron blue: "A group of demon."

"Let's go!" The figure of the piano pair fell lightly down: "It's not that simple, let them open the road ahead."

Qin Lie’s look is a move: “Double children, what did you find?”

"I haven't found anything specifically yet, just that it shouldn't be so cold here." Qin binocular eyes faintly looking down the crack.

Everyone has a hop in the heart. At this time, they all reacted. They all showed their spirits and carefully followed the two people behind the piano and the gods, and fell to the bottom.

Far away, Xu Kaiyun and Wan Zihao were surrounded. As the distance approached, everyone saw a mask with a radius of about five meters, and a human head in the center of the mask. At the entrance of the cave, the hole is gradually shrinking, and a slight black mist floats from the hole.

When the piano is floating, it falls on the periphery. Tianci and Qin Lie and others have also fallen to the periphery.

"Qin double, that mask..." Qin Jiaoyue asked low voice.

"It should be a seal, broken by the things inside, and it is automatically restored at this time."

Everyone’s heart is a hop, Duan Hong’s voice screamed: “Will the seal underneath be a phoenix?”

Everyone is silent, from the cloud of fire and phoenix that had been condensed from the peaks before, they have already concluded that the seal below is a phoenix. When I think of the illusion before, I once saw a powerful Terran riding a phoenix. At this time, I want to come, the fire phoenix is ​​just like the cloud of fire and phoenix above the peak.

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