Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1009: robbery


"Concentrate the gods?"

"Yes, after the Terran practiced to the gods, it actually did not want to improve the cultivation. The spiritual power is no longer important. The important thing is the conciseness of the gods. Only when the gods are condensed to a certain extent will they have the basis of distraction. Break through to the next realm.

However, the black part of this enchanted flower is from the Mozu after all, although the human body is the soil, and it has been a long time to be tempered by the heavens and earth, after all, there are still some magical. These devils have a strong influence on the gods, and they will make the demons. If they can't smash the demons, they will go into flames and eventually enter the magic. Once you can smash the devil, you can not only consolidate the gods, but also grow the gods. ”

"Then it has an effect on the gods, does it have any effect on the soul?"

"I don't know! But..." The blood hammer sank and said: "It should be effective!"

The piano moved in the heart, but then it came back: "What are you talking about for our human race, what do you want the British magic flower to do?"

"I was originally a magical piano." The bloodqin said with agility: "I just need the black part of the magic flower, I don't need the white part, I will pour them into your body. I help If you are so much, would you give me 30%? As a thank you to me, should you give me 50%?"

"Do not give!" Qin double categorically said: "I still want to consolidate the soul."

The bloodqin took 30 of the magical flowers directly from the storage ring of Qinshuang, and then absorbed them into the body immediately.

"Predecessors, wouldn't you infuse the white essences of the thirty magical flowers into my body?"

"Then you will burst up with no residue." The bloodqin said disdainfully: "I will seal them up and slowly infuse them into your body."

"This is good!"

Qin double rubbed a sweat, and then looked at Qin Lie and others, saw Qin Lie and others are handing a magic flower, and repeatedly viewed there, and some people sniffed on the nose.

"I remember what this magic flower is?"

Qin double is still afraid that Tianci and others will eat it in this way. If they are not prepared, they will not be able to withstand the impact of white spirits, or they will not be able to withstand the invasion of the magic.

The sound of Qin double alarmed everyone around him, and Tianci and Qin Lie and others all gathered their eyes on Qin Double. The double look of the piano is reminiscent of the appearance:

"I remember that my master once told me that this is called the magic flower..."

Qin double retelled the story of the bloodqin, and Tianci and Qin Lie and others were overjoyed. One by one, it is not necessary to take a piece of English magic flowers first.


At this time, a strip of people fell around the Qin and other people, Qin and so on immediately looked around to see the monks of the mainland and the antlers of the mainland, as well as the warriors of the Wanxing continent. . It was divided into three camps, and the triangles surrounded the warriors of the mainland.

The heart of Qin Double and others is a sinking. Everyone knows in his heart that the other party is going to **** his own magic flower. I saw Xu Kaiyun blinking at the warriors of the Wanxing mainland, and the eyes shot and killed:

"You also want to grab the British magic flower?"

The look of the warriors in the Wanxing mainland is a stagnation. They want to **** the British magic flower of the mainland of the warrior. The monks of the mainland and the antlers of the mainland can't afford it, nor dare to provoke it. But there is also a weaker warrior continent than them. In the space of Taikoo, weak is the original sin.

It’s just that they didn’t think that they wanted to rob the martial arts of the martial artists and see the people on the mainland as prey, but they were also prey in the eyes of the mainland and the antlers.

A warrior headed in the Wanxing continent changed his face and finally turned to Xu Kaiyun:

"We only hold this direction. If there are people who run away from us, how do we intercept people who belong to us?"

"Oh..." I haven't waited for the opening of the cloud. A monk from the antlers of the antlers laughed and said: "I want to share a piece of **** with your Wanxing mainland?"

The face of the warriors of the Wanxing mainland became extremely ugly, but they dared not to speak. The monk of the Antlers continent turned to Xu Kaiyun:

"Xu brother, the mainland of the military belongs to you, the Wanxing mainland belongs to me, how?"

Xu Kaiyun sighed and sighed and nodded. The warrior of the Wanxing mainland changed his face, and the warrior who led the head shouted to Qin Double and others:

"Friends of the Warriors continent, we join forces."

At the same time, Qin Shuang and other people’s faces showed sarcasm and contempt, and joined hands with such capricious people, waiting to be smashed from behind.

But people on the Wanxing mainland don't think so. There are no eternal enemies in the world, no eternal friends, but changes because of the situation and interests. Therefore, they do not think that the mainland of the military will disagree, but they have begun to move closer to the mainland of the warrior and want to join hands with Qin.


A sword smashed across the earth, and there was a crack between the warrior's mainland and the Wanxing mainland warrior. Duan Hong looked at the warriors of the Wanxing mainland and said:


Nearly one hundred military figures in the Wanxing mainland are a meal, and their faces become very ugly.

"Ha ha ha..."

The monks of the mainland and the antlers of the staghorns laughed loudly, and the laughter was full of sarcasm. The eyes swept over the warriors on the mainland and the star-studded continent, as if watching their prey.

"Laughter enough?"

The laughter came to an abrupt end, and everyone’s eyes converge on the piano. Xu Kaishan looked at the piano double up and down, with a trace of disgust on his face:

"How? Want to be my acolyte? You are too dark."

The doubles of the piano are darker, and there is a violent temper in the heart. There is a trace of blood red in the eyes between the pupils.


The fire phoenix body instantly opened, and the flying phoenix dance pulled out a blurry and bright afterimage in the air, and it was already in front of Xu Kaiyun.


A sword sings, a dazzling brilliance, Xu Kaiyun has not reacted, the sword tip of the piano is far from his throat.


In the surface of Xu Kaiyun, a mask was formed, which blocked the tip of the sword. The piano double felt the wrists numb, and a strong force was bounced back. The eyes were shocked and the figure flew away. Looking towards the opposite Xu Kaiyun.

At this time, Xu Kaiyun was also very embarrassed. Although the sword of Qinqin did not kill him, he also retreated without hesitation. If someone had supported him behind him, he had to fall to the ground.

The mask on his body has disappeared, and the open-minded Xu Kaiyun pulled the chain around his neck. A jade card was pulled out and saw a crack on the top, and there was a pain in his heart. This is the life-saving jade card that his father gave him, which can save him three lives. I didn't expect to use it once in the **** of a warrior's mainland, which made his face hot and his heart rolling with anger.

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