Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1002: Summation


"Turtle, the bastard, if not my strength has not recovered one percent, one will kill you." Bloodqin snarled in anger.

"Ha ha ha..." The tortoise laughed louder: "If it is not the strength of the deity has not recovered one thousandth, half a stroke will kill you."

"Air gas ... mad at me!" The blood piano completely ran away.


From the body of the bloodqin, the densely smashed scorpion smashed into a spurt of blood, and every blood light hit a stone sarcophagus, which was a pattern of plaques falling on the sarcophagus.


Every stone sarcophagus appears to flow with a pattern, and then the pattern is released by the blood.

The **** robe of the old man with his **** tongue raised his hands on the side of the body.


All the stone slabs flew away, and then a huge heart floated from the sarcophagus. Less than one percent of the only blood in the heart is sucked out of the blood by a large heart, and comes together to the blood, like a river that gathers around the body of the blood, and gathers into a **** sea. Drown the blood.


The central part of the **** sea suddenly gave birth to a whirlpool, and the **** sea collapsed toward the vortex.


Only a moment of rest, the **** sea was sucked into the body by the blood, the shape of the bloodqin reappeared, and the body exudes a sigh of breath.

The tortoise’s angry roar: "You dare to grab the blood of the deity..."

His voice did not fall, and he saw that the blood piano had turned into a **** light and rushed into his body, and his roaring sound came to an abrupt end.

"Start again!"

The piano stared nervously at the turtle, and the heart was full of anxiety and worry. Such a turtle, if the blood piano fails, the piano double is definitely not the opponent of the turtle, I am afraid that there is no chance to escape.

"I don't know if these master-level symbols can let me escape?"

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour... One hour passed, and the turtle was still motionless. Qin double grasped his head, and his face was more worried.

At this time, her knowledge of the sea suddenly came a message. Qinqin rushed to observe his own knowledge of the sea, and he saw that there was a little turtle in the sea that was condensed by the power of the sea.

"Shantou, are you the master of this instrument?"

The eyes of the piano turned around, did not shake their heads, did not nod, but opened:


"Let the instrument spirit come out of the body of the deity immediately, or I will kill you."

Qin double immediately understood that this turtle can not beat the blood, the heart is a certain:

"You can't beat the blood piano?"

"Can't beat? If the **** of the deity is not badly hurt, blow it away in one breath."


Qin Shuang’s heart was shocked. The other party turned out to be the guy who cultivated the **** of the blood in the mouth of the blood. It was so powerful!

"Taro, let the instrument come out, or the deity will kill you."

Qin double did not answer, and my heart was thinking fast, whether to call back the blood piano. However, then she felt a bitter smile in her heart, watching the eager look of the blood piano, I am afraid I will not listen to myself, it also wants to erase the turtle's god, and then swallow the turtle's blood.

The tortoise saw that the piano did not respond. From his body, he burst into a powerful momentum and raged in the sea of ​​Qin, so that Qin double immediately felt the threat of death.


The Qinsou’s knowledge of the sea seemed to have a breeze, and he saw a symbol of the merits on the Gongde monument hanging in the middle of the Qins and the sea. It was printed on the turtle that was condensed by a sacred god.


The tortoise burst into flames and turned into a smashing energy. This energy is too great, so that the Qinshui’s knowledge of the sea has a feeling of immediate explosion.


The seven scorpions of the piano double shot blood, and the face became extremely pale. However, the Qin double at this time did not care about this, she knew that she wanted to survive from this kind of death-like impact, only the way of condensing the fog. The piano double began to condense the mist immediately, but the energy was too embarrassing, but she felt that she could not bear it when she was not in a good time. At this time, the head of the piano pair was inflated from the outside, as if it could be slammed at any time.


The merits of the central part of the sea have been rotated, and a symbol has floated out of the merits and monuments. In the sea of ​​knowledge, the power of the violent **** is like a genius, and it is absorbed by the symbol. Slightly bright, then drifted back to the merits of the monument, into the symbol.


Qinqin spit out a long breath, and his face was still full of hearts. Then there was another joy, but it was just a matter of time. The halo of the piano and the sea finally reached three feet, making the piano double step into the realm of the seven-level Taoist.


I haven't waited for the time when the piano is happy and half-hearted. Another dragon **** invaded the sea of ​​the piano and condensed into a small turtle. The turtle looked up and looked at the one of the countless symbols suspended in the center of the sea. Gongde monument, the color of fear appeared in the eyes. I saw another turtle, and the heart of the piano was tight. I hurriedly looked at the meritorious monument, but the meritorious monument did not respond at all. Qin double slightly thought about it, it was a bit stunned. The turtle had just been malicious to himself, and the merits were automatically protected. If the turtle was not malicious, the merits would not be reflected.

"No wonder the blood piano always stays in the corner of the sea, not afraid to get close to the merits."

There is speculation in the heart, the tension is a loose, and the consciousness calls for the merits:

"Kill the turtle and kill the turtle..."

The merits are still slowly rotating, and there is no reaction at all. Qinqin is a sigh of relief, it seems that in his own knowledge of the sea, if the turtle is not malicious, Gongdebei will not respond.

"Shantou, the deity is willing to sign an equal contract with you!"

A message spread to the consciousness of Qinshuang. The piano knows what is an equal contract in two instants. It means that the two sides are equal, mutual help and mutual benefit. If the party dies, the other party will not die, but it will also be greatly Trauma. The eyes of the piano turned around. There is no doubt that the tortoise at this time has reached an extremely dangerous moment. It must have been forced by the blood piano to survive and die. This is to save life by signing an equal contract with yourself.

If he and the turtle signed an equal contract, the bloodqin would like to stop the blood of the tortoise and had to stop. Because if the piano doubles, the blood piano also loses the body.


The eyes of Qin double turned around. Since there is an equal contract, you should have an unequal contract. Will there be a master servant contract? Thus, the piano doubles:

"Equality contract can't work, I want a master servant contract!"

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!

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