Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 999: Cemetery

"It seems that Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng have already entered the next level. Um? This is the smell of Fuxi."

Qin double carefully checked the circle, and confirmed that Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng also used Fu. Then her eyes stayed on these skeletons.

"The materials used in these cockroaches are all ordinary, how can I forget to collect these cockroaches!"

Looking at the nine channels opposite, the minds of Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng are also thinking about taking the first step into the destination, and forgetting to collect these defects, anyway, they are already behind, so collect these cockroaches first.

The piano doubled the brains of these martial arts peaks into the blood piano space, and then stood in a passageway, the face showed a nervous color.

"Going in from here, you are encountering the Wu Sheng level! My teacher-level characters are running out, I hope my master class is enough."


The body shape of the piano doubled into a passage.

At the end of the third passage, Xu Kaitian held a symbol in his hand, and his eyes showed reluctance and hesitation.

"This is my last one." If I defeated the cockroach in front of me and didn't reach the destination, I had to go back. But I lost it!"

Xu Kaitian mourned, inspired the Zhang Fu, and threw it at the opposite.


The plaque turned into a huge golden gun and shot at that shackle.


The one was shaken, but the huge knife that had just been lifted up, the gold gun had already penetrated his body, crushing the control center of the dragonfly.

"My Lingshi!"

The handle of the gold gun also smashed the powder of the control center, and made Xu Kaitian a mourning. The figure flew toward the front and muttered in the mouth.

"Don't worry anymore! Don't worry anymore..."


Xu Kaitian suddenly stopped and his face showed a surprise color. He saw the exit, and then his look became dignified, because the exit showed a faint blood red, and he could smell a **** smell.

"Treading step..."

Xu Kaitian step by step, carefully walked toward the exit. After twenty interest rates, Xu Kaitian was already standing at the exit and staring into the inside.


The hair of Xu Kaitian stood up. The outside of the exit was a huge underground space. At first glance, there was a layer of extremely pale blood, and there was a stone sarcophagus, one next to each other. One layer on the first floor, not at the end.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Kaitian clasped the broad sword and stepped out. He hurried to the right side, facing the left side, and the broad sword in his hand had been lifted. From the exit of the second passage, a figure came out carefully, suddenly bursting into the hair and blowing, and a fine sword went to Xu Tiantian. Then both people were relieved. In this strange place, I encountered the same kind, so that both people felt that the pressure in the heart was reduced a little.

"Xu Daoyou, how long have you been here?"

Xu Kaitian did not dare to sing: "You are here when you arrive."

“Where is this place?” Bing Lingfeng looked at the stone sarcophagus.

"I don't know, it should be the place where the guardian guards. Do we want to open a stone plaque?"

"You go open! I will protect you."

There was a trace of unnaturalness on the face of Bing Lingfeng. No matter how high she was, she still had an instinctive fear of the coffin.

"it is good!"

Xu Kaitian nodded and walked to a nearby stone sarcophagus. He reached out and grabbed a corner of the stone sill.


The sarcophagus floated up on the plaque, and the radiance of the blood suddenly soared, forming a **** mask that expanded outward.


Xu Kaitian’s figure was bombarded and slammed into the rock wall. His face swelled red and bounced back from the rock wall. He fell on the ground and took two steps.

The **** plaque on the stone scorpion gradually disappeared.

"You...all right?" There was a tremor in the voice of Bing Lingfeng.


Xu Kaitian pressed down the blood of the body to tumbling, and walked again to the front of the stone, staring. Ice Lingfeng also walked to the front of the stone, staring.

"This is engraved with a pattern!"

Xu Kaitian nodded and looked at Shijie. The stone sarcophagus was engraved with a pattern, and Xu Kaitian turned around the stone gongs for a few rounds:

"This is the ban and the stripe."

Then he looked at the ground, the ground showed a dark red, and the ice phoenix face was white:

"You mean that something is sealed inside the stone, and then it is stripped from that thing?"

"Yeah!" Xu Kaitian nodded, his look became extraordinarily dignified, turned his head and looked into the depths of the space, whispering:

"The things that have been stripped should flow from the ground to a place, and the ground also has a pattern."

"We... Do you want to open the sarcophagus?"

"You are careful, I open the sarcophagus."

"it is good!"

Ice Lingfeng held a fine sword in one hand, holding a symbol in one hand, and staring at the stone sarcophagus with vigilance.

Xu Kaitian stretched out a finger and swung in the air. As his finger swung in the air, a symbol was generated in the air.

"Void paint!" Bing Lingfeng's heart jumped.

"Hey!" Xu Kaitian backhanded his hand and shot the plaque on the sarcophagus.


The stone trembles and the striated flickering, the plaque on the sarcophagus has a tendency to dissipate, but it struggles to strike the striated impact of Xu Kaitian, so that the emptiness of the void has a tendency to collapse.


Xu Kaitian held the corner of the stone scorpion in one hand, and the force on his hand, the sound of "砰", the stone 棺 被 被 被 被 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个Shi Yan, the huge heart has dried up, and the blood is not more than one percent, but it is still beating, and the sound of the sound is shocking with the opening of the stone.


From the dry heart, a blood gas was rushed out and turned into a giant python, biting into the sky.

The muscles on Xu Kaitian's face were all deformed by oppression, and the enormous power made his heart almost stop beating. With a loose hand, the figure can not fly backwards.


The stone cover covered the stone shovel again, but the giant scorpion condensed by a trace of blood and blood swept over Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng.


The two swordsman looked toward the giant, the thick and thin, but they all contained the ten swords. The swordsman cut the giant clam, but the body of the clam was cut, just a moment. Then they connected to one place and continued to swoop down toward the two people. It was just the subduction of the momentum that made Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng unable to stand, and the body could not help but retreat.

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