Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 990: Cave

The ninth ninety-nine cave



The shape of the jade in the fire smashed into the air, breaking the clouds and disappearing without a trace.

Qinqin stood up and looked at the direction in which the jade disappeared in the fire.

"You still can't let go of the death of the fire..." Qin's eyes fell on the invincible body of the piano: "But...I have the ability to let go of my uncle's death?"


The piano doubled out the long sword, waved the long sword and cut down a giant tree, made a wooden raft, picked up the invincible body of the piano, gently placed it inside the raft, and looked at the invincible in the raft. The scenes of the past flashed in front of my eyes. Eventually turned into a sigh.

"Uncle Grandpa, I promise you, will guard the string month!"


The piano doubles the lid of the coffin and fits into the storage ring. Then the seventeen bodies were searched and the storage rings and storage bags on them were collected. I didn't bother to look at what was inside, but I walked into the sky with a void, and I figured out the direction. I took out a stick of corn from the storage ring, while purging, purifying Jindan, and slowly flying forward. go with.

Another month later, Qin double has entered the Taikoo space for two months, and there are still ten months away from the Taikoo space. In the past month, Qin Shuang has been purifying each golden dragon to one-to-one points by continuously feeding on the corn, and ten golden dragons have been combined into one place, which has already surpassed the warriors of the mainland and other countries. . Knowing the fog in the sea has already condensed two feet and nine, and the second layer of the tracking of the arrow has been able to reach a distance of 450 meters, and the golden glory has recovered 50%. The time and number of opening the fire phoenix body increased, and the starlight shake has been able to sword five inches.

This month, she also killed a lot of monsters, without opening the fire phoenix body, the bottom card is out, she has been able to kill the seventh-order early monsters. At the same time, I also picked a lot of precious herbs, and also killed more than a dozen warriors and monks from different continents. They also got a lot of treasures, medicinal herbs and even Lingshi from their storage rings.

However, the heart of Qin double is very strange. In the past two months, she did not encounter a Yaozu from the mainland of Yanghuo and the mainland of the stars.

"Where is the Xuanwu Temple?"

The piano doubles on the side of the corn, while spreading the power of the soul.


She found a cave, exuding a strong demon from the cave, swooping down to the bottom, falling in front of the cave, staring at it, knowing that the cave was discovered, broke the ban, and blasted Broken the seal of the cave.

"I don't know if there are any people inside?"

The piano smashed a few mouthfuls, smashed the corn in the hand, and threw the corn cob in his hand and walked towards the cave.

When you walk into the cave, the light is dark. However, for those who have done this kind of piano, they have been able to look at the night and have no obstacles. Looking down on the ground, I saw a messy footprint, and there seemed to be a lot of people entering the cave.

She did not fly quickly, but step by step toward the cave, and the power of the soul spread out...


Her heart jumped, and the power of the soul was suppressed here. The power of her soul can only spread out about ten meters. It is necessary to know that she is the soul of the fifth layer of the true martial arts. She paused, took back the power of the soul, and spread the power of knowing the sea. As a result, the power of knowing the sea could only spread less than half a meter. Regain the power of knowing the sea, spread the power of the soul, and walk more carefully toward the inside.

The passage was curved and extended all the way to the ground. After walking for about two quarters of an hour, Qin double came to an underground hall. The hall was not big, about two hundred meters away, but it had nine different passages. . When the piano eyes were swept away, they found that there were several bodies on the ground. When they just wanted to search, they heard the sound of rumbling from a passage. The piano double retracted and lifted his footsteps, staring at the passage.

"Treading step..."

A heavy footstep, a tall figure appeared in front of her, three meters in height, the body showed a metallic light, depicting dense and mysterious patterns.


The piano is a gaze, the power of the soul sweeps over the whole body of the cockroach, and there is a faint color on the face. Through the body of the soul, she finds that the control center of this cockroach is actually in the ass. At this time, the cockroach had already rushed to the front of the piano double, holding a handle axe in the hand, and bowed to the piano.

The heart of Qin double is a loose, this 傀儡 is only the warrior of the cyclone period, the body shape of the piano double plunder, then came to the back of the cockroach, backhand a sword, it stabbed in the middle of the sly ass.

The squatting motion did not move, and the "squeaky" sound fell out of the **** of the piano. Qinqin shook his head and smiled. This sly master was too disgusting. But still stretched out and grabbed the next stone, and then walked toward a passage.

In this passage, Qin double met three gongs and got three lower spirits. Then he entered a large underground hall and looked at the plaques that were broken everywhere in the hall. Qinqin knew that the cockroaches here should have been killed by people who had entered here before. They would not encounter a few. One. Sure enough, when the piano double entered the next channel, it only encountered two cockroaches equivalent to the liquid period, and got two lower spirits. After that, they entered the third floor. The third layer encountered four embarrassing equivalents to the Chengdan period. After crushing the four gongs, the disappointment of Qinqin was that the result was still the next product, and there was no Meet other warriors or monks.

After about two quarters of an hour, Qin double entered the fourth floor. In one of the passages, she only met a scorpion that is equivalent to the peak of Wuwang, and this 傀儡 is not the martial king on the mainland of the warrior, but the equivalent of the celestial continent. The same realm on other continents, that is, the battle power of this battle is equivalent to ten times the strength of the ninth layer of the King of Wu of the military. Qinshuang has now purified every Jindan to one in one, and the real combat power has to surpass the monks of the mainland and the antlers in the mainland. Therefore, under the sword of the nine palaces, the scorpion is still solved. And this time I got a Chinese stone.

Before I walked out of the passage, I heard the sound of fighting in front. The front is the fourth floor of the main hall. According to the previous practice, there should be a dragonfly in the front hall that is equivalent to the peak of the king of Wu, and the sound should be heard. There are quite a few, because the sound of the fighting coming from the front is very mixed.

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