Now, the Lu family obviously wants to use the benefits to let them do things, so idiots don't do it, right?

Moreover, combined with what Wang Xiuya just said, it is obvious that if they don't agree, they can only fight the people of the Lu family!

On the one hand it is good, on the other it is hard work!

Why should they choose the latter?

Is it because the Wang family received unfair treatment? !

What does that matter to us?

The benefits of the Wang family will not be shared with us!

Thinking of this in the hearts of a group of people, they immediately replied with certainty: "Okay!"

"We promised to testify on behalf of the Lu family!"

"That's right! People from the Wang family are really sinister."

"Although it is your royal family's treasure, but that is what the Lu family got first, okay?"

"You people in the royal family, why are you so shameless?!"

"Using such a method to deal with the Lu family?"

"Why? You don't want to pay the people of Lu's family, and you won't frame others!"

"Yes! Lu Hong, a great man, Gaoyi! He sent the news of the Wang family eagerly. Who would have thought that the people of the Wang family were so shameless?"

"Snatch treasures on the spot!"

"That's the treasure of their royal family, listen to their call, otherwise, where are they arrogant here?"

The faces of all the people were contemptuous, and they all began to talk about whether they belonged to the Wang family.

These words are more exaggerated than the Lu family.

After all, although Lu's family is shameless, sometimes, they can't boast about their home so excessively, right?

But among these onlookers, many people don't care.

For the benefit of Lu family, it is almost blowing Lu family to the sky!

But the Wang family was stepped into the mud by them.

Seeing that she and others were said to be ungrateful villains and shameless people who had snatched the treasures from the Lu family, Wang Xiuya was almost out of tears.

And the members of the Wang family around her all squeezed their weapon handles, their eyes were cracked with anger, and they looked at those people as if they were going to cut them into pieces with a knife!

It's so shameless!

Obviously how the other party and others saw the people of Lu's family grab their treasures.

Now, the other party reversed black and white, and helped the people of the Lu family to step on them!

And these words are so eloquent!

But anyone who does not understand the truth will be deceived!

The Wang family was desperate, and they almost wanted to fight the Lu family.

But at this meeting, most of the onlookers around were on the side of Lu's house, and they couldn't beat it.

In the hearts of all the people, all thoughts were gray, and they almost couldn't even hold their weapons.

"How can you be so shameless?!"

"How can you be so shameless?!"

There are young juniors in the team, almost crying.

The people around looked at them, although they couldn't bear it in their hearts, but they thought that there was no way for them, and they could only retreat.

Although they don't want to get along with the Lu family.

But at this time, it doesn't matter what they say.

Many people are willing to go along with Lu's words.

People from the Wang family, it's over!


They looked at Wang Xiuya and the others with a hard word.

I do not know what to say.

On the other side, Feng Jun, Min Leng and others, seeing this scene, immediately looked at Luo Qingtong and asked her what to do.

Could it be that the people of the Lu family are really turning black and white here? !

And at this moment...

I like the Supreme Pupilist: Miss Peerless, please collect it: ( Supreme Pupilist: The literature of Miss Peerless is the fastest to update.

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