Supreme Martial Saint: With an Invincible Body, I Tear Apart the Supernatural

Chapter 87 The monk in the deep secret passage! We will meet each other everywhere in life

While looking at the map, Zhang Lingshan felt the momentum he had realized after the Red Tiger Zhengyang Jue was perfected.

This is the tiger momentum, which has a shocking effect after being stimulated.

Speaking of the tiger momentum, Zhang Lingshan naturally thought of the Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound Jue.

Once the Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound Jue is activated and transformed into a demon, the body will produce the thunder and lightning power of the Sky Thunder Tiger and the sonic boom power of the Sky Sound Leopard. Even if it is just the entry-level Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound Jue, the tiger momentum that bursts out is stronger than the Red Tiger Zhengyang Jue.

This shows how powerful this technique is.

Therefore, it is more difficult to break through.

It’s all because I adjusted it too high at the beginning, absorbing the unheard-of Sky Thunder Tiger and Sky Sound Leopard, which directly raised the level limit of the Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound Jue.

According to his observation of the changes in the panel these days, one thousand points of energy are not enough for the Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound Jue to break through the small success, only ten thousand points can do it.

100 points for entry, 10,000 points for small success, a hundred times increase.


Zhang Lingshan had to give up, after all, he still had to keep spare energy points for healing and saving his life.

In fact, even if he had extra energy points, he would not choose to upgrade the Tiger and Leopard Thunder Sound Art.

I still remember when I broke through the entry level, the Thunder Tiger and the Sky Sound Leopard fell from the sky, almost making his blood pressure unable to be controlled, and almost permanently transformed into a demon.

Even though it has been so long, he still has lingering fears about that scene.

Therefore, if you want to upgrade the Tiger and Leopard Thunder Sound Art, you must make the most prudent preparations and never be careless, otherwise you will fall into an irretrievable situation.

But speaking of this demonization technique.

Zhang Lingshan also has a Bear Body Refining Technique that he got from Shan Xiong, which can be practiced with 100 energy points.

Thinking of this.

Zhang Lingshan began to recall the Bear Body Refining Technique that he had memorized.

With his current martial arts experience, it is not difficult to practice this Bear Body Refining Technique.

In less than an hour.

There was a record on the panel.

[Bear Body Refining Technique: Uninitiated +, you can choose 10, 20, 30...100]

‘The upper limit is also 100, I don’t know what kind of monster it is. ’

Zhang Lingshan adjusted his state, ate some of the accumulated dried meat, adjusted his blood and qi to the peak, and then added some points.


A roar instantly brought Zhang Lingshan to another world.

On a mountaintop, a giant bear with golden hair stood up, holding a huge stone as high as a person in both hands, roaring and waving, the air seemed to be waving out of the wind, blowing the golden hair on the giant bear's body.


With a roar, the giant bear ran wildly, and then threw the boulder out of the cliff.

After a long time, the sound of the boulder falling into the water was heard.

Zhang Lingshan stared at this scene in amazement.

Compared to the thunder sound special effects brought by the Sky Thunder Tiger and the Sky Sound Leopard, the golden-haired giant bear in front of him is definitely a model of pure power.

There is no fancy ability, only the power that is extremely violent.

‘Golden-haired Crazy Bear. ’

The name of this giant bear popped up in Zhang Lingshan’s mind.

It is also an unheard-of monster.

If it were in the past, after absorbing the monster's demonization ability, Zhang Lingshan's blood would definitely boil up, and he had to suppress it in a hurry to prevent the monsterization.

But now is different from the past. His blood is now very majestic. He is a man with a blood furnace.

Therefore, the blood is only hot for a moment, and then slowly returns to calm.

‘The Bear Body Refining Technique, after performing it, the power is greatly increased, suitable for physical close combat, or using a huge axe and a huge stick with great power. And the Tiger and Leopard Thunder Sound Art, because it absorbs the Sky Thunder Tiger and the Sky Sound Leopard, is mainly based on the special effects of agility and thunder sound power, suitable for integration into the sword technique. ’

Zhang Lingshan analyzed secretly.

Now that the martial arts at hand have basically taken shape, it is time to make the right combination to achieve the greatest combat effect.

So, in the following time, he began to sort out and integrate his martial arts.

Until the hour of Chou came.

‘Let’s go! ’

Zhang Lingshan packed up and took action immediately.

However, he did not go directly to find the secret passage according to the map, but went to Wei Shaoye’s yard first.

Wei Shaoye was the one who slapped Chunxiang before and asked his subordinate Zhan Ming, who was at the peak of Yijin, to chase him.

According to Zhang Lingshan’s investigation during this period, this guy himself has poor talent, and he is not serious about practicing. He has a bad temper and a perverse temperament. He doesn’t like those who are stronger than him, and he looks down on those who are weaker than him.

In short, this guy is not liked by others, and the place where he lives is naturally not as heavily guarded as Jiang Shaobai’s place.

So, Zhang Lingshan entered his yard without any effort.

As Master Wei's personal bodyguard, Zhan Ming naturally lived in a side room in the courtyard.


Zhang Lingshan threw a stone lightly and knocked on Zhan Ming's window.

"Who is it!?"

The strong man at the peak of Yijin was so sensitive that Zhan Ming woke up from his sleep in an instant, jumped out, and shouted in a deep voice.

But before he saw the figure, he felt a terrifying murderous aura shrouding him, and he was instantly frightened and stunned.

And at this moment, he was easily grabbed by the head by Zhang Lingshan.


The extremely strong and yang energy of the Qi and Blood Furnace burst out, and the fierce energy of the Demon-Slaying Knife Technique washed over him. Zhan Ming was shaken, his two eyeballs turned up, and then his head tilted, and he fainted like this.

Zhang Lingshan was not surprised by this result.

With his current strength, crushing Zhan Ming to death is like crushing a stink bug.

The reason why he took the trouble to do this to him was mainly to test whether he could make Zhan Ming wake up from the brainwashing control of the Jiang family.

If he succeeded, he could do the same and make everyone in the Jiang family sober.

In this way, the Jiang family would be in a mess, and he could fish in troubled waters.


Zhang Lingshan moved, picked up Zhan Ming and went into his room, then slapped him, took the teapot from the table, and poured the unfinished tea on Zhan Ming's face.


Zhan Ming finally woke up in a daze, and saw a black-robed figure sitting in front of his bed, and saw a pair of bright eyes like the sun staring at him.

He couldn't help but tremble, and subconsciously said: "Hero, spare my life..."


Zhang Lingshan was delighted.

He actually knew how to beg for mercy, and there was fear in his eyes, which was much better than the previous official and emotionless look.

It seems to be effective!

"Do you want to live?" Zhang Lingshan asked in a deep voice.

Zhan Ming hurriedly said: "Yes. I want to live. I don't know what you need me to do."

"Smart. I will find you when I need you. Now go to sleep."


As he said, Zhang Lingshan suddenly stretched out five fingers, grabbed his head, and did the same, knocking him unconscious with the majestic blood and qi.

Although it is not known whether Zhan Ming is completely awake this time or only temporarily awake, his performance has proved that his approach is completely effective.

As long as he comes every night, he will make the other party completely awake sooner or later, and then this will be a great help to mess up the Jiang family.

As for whether Zhan Ming will report his affairs to the Jiang family.

There is no need to worry at all.

Because the brainwashing of the Jiang family is a command-based brainwashing. If no command is issued, Zhan Ming will not take the initiative to confess.

In addition, Zhang Lingshan rushed to several nearby courtyards and did the same thing to all the Yijin Realm guards like Zhan Ming.

With Zhan Ming as a precedent, he did not need to wait for several people to wake up, and could just throw them unconscious on the bed.

As for what they would do after they woke up, he did not consider it.

Anyway, as long as they could disrupt the Jiang family.

We must believe in the power and wisdom of the people. As long as there are enough awake people, someone will definitely create a surprise.

So, Zhang Lingshan ran from one courtyard to another, looking for a secret passage according to the map.

A moment passed.

Sure enough, he found a secret passage.

His figure flashed and he entered it carefully.

At the beginning, there were night-shining stones on the left and right walls of the secret passage. The deeper you go, the fewer night-shining stones there are, until you can't see anything at the end. It's pitch black, and you can't see your hand in front of you.

Seeing this, Zhang Lingshan had no choice but to return the way he came, and then entered the yard nearby, knocked out and woke up a Yijin guard, and asked him where the fire starter and kerosene were.

Then, he knocked him out, found a wooden stick, wrapped his bed sheet around the top of the stick, and found kerosene to soak the bed sheet wrapped around the top of the stick, making a torch.

Then he returned to the secret passage again and lit the torch with the fire starter.


The secret passage suddenly lit up.

Zhang Lingshan strode deep into it and quickly came to the place where he had stopped before.

I saw that the entrance was no longer a long passage, but an inverted bowl-shaped cave, which was full of dense green grass.

There was no wind in it, but the green grass was swaying happily, as if it were alive.

When they saw Zhang Lingshan approaching with a torch in his hand, the green grass immediately shrank back, no longer swaying, but tightly attached to the wall, naturally making way for Zhang Lingshan.


Zhang Lingshan was shocked.

His feeling just now was not wrong. These green grasses were really alive. At least they knew how to seek benefits and avoid harm. If he had rushed in without a torch, he would have been entangled by these green grasses.

This was not his self-righteous guess, but because he saw a pile of dry bones at the foot of the cave wall.

Some did not even have dry bones, only some tattered strips of cloth.

If he guessed correctly, these people were swallowed by the green grass!

Those who were swallowed early did not even have bone residues left. As for those tattered strips of cloth, they were the remnants of clothes left after being pulled and strangled by the green grass vines.

‘How many people have been buried in this cave. ’

Zhang Lingshan felt the cruelty of the Jiang family more and more. It seemed that the Jiang family members had good tempers and kind eyes, such as Jiang Shaobai and Jiang Bie. No one would think that they were bad people. Instead, they could not help but feel close to them.

But in fact, they were rotten to the core.

Treat human life as worthless!

In the eyes of the Jiang family, ordinary people like them will either become brainwashed slaves, pigs and dogs, or become fertilizer for these strange grasses.

In short, they will never be regarded as human beings.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Lingshan resisted the urge to burn these strange grasses.

First, there is no need to make such a big deal at present. He has to take it slowly and not be impulsive and arouse the Jiang family's defense.

Second, Zhang Lingshan found that when he was in the center of these strange grasses, the energy points were flashing red and increasing wildly.

It can be seen that these strange grasses are one of the poisonous ingredients in the tendon nourishing soup.

As for whether there are other poisonous ingredients, we have to continue to explore.

So Zhang Lingshan walked out of the secret cave and continued to look for the next secret passage according to the map. At the same time, he dealt with the Yijin guards passing by the yard like Zhan Ming.

It can be said that both are done at the same time.

Grab with both hands, and both hands must be hard.


Entered another secret passage.

Like the previous one, it was still a place where strange grass was cultivated.

It was not until the third secret passage that there was a difference.

What was cultivated here was not strange grass, but strange flowers.

The flowers were spread out, like a flat map of a lotus.

The center of the flower was the size of a human palm, with a kind face on it, and a white bulge on the forehead.

Zhang Lingshan did not dare to touch it, but felt that the bulge should be hard.

This thing also retreated when it encountered a torch, and collected the flattened flower leaves, wrapping the human face tightly in it, as if afraid that the human face would be burned by the torch.

‘The strange fragrance was fragrant, it seemed that this was the source of the strange fragrance that permeated the entire Jiang family. ’

Zhang Lingshan took a deep breath.

The energy points rose.

Unfortunately, because the flowers saw that the torches had taken back the faces of the people, they no longer emitted strange fragrance. He could only absorb the remaining strange fragrance and left this place to go to the next secret passage.

In the fourth secret passage, Zhang Lingshan saw Wu Lian's body, wrapped in strange grass and close to the wall.

Wu Lian's body was completely unrecognizable. Zhang Lingshan recognized it from the appearance of his wounds.

After all, Wu Lian died in front of him.

He clearly remembered that half of Wu Lian's shoulder was cut off by Yu Jiren.


After a long breath of turbid air, Zhang Lingshan left this place and looked for the next secret passage nearby.

Although you can stay in the strange grass and flowers to increase your energy, you must extinguish the torches before they release toxins.

But if you extinguish the torches, these guys will eat people.

So Zhang Lingshan did not insist on increasing his energy, but chose to explore all the way to the end.


This is the eighth secret passage.

Just from the number, you can tell how many people the Jiang family has harmed over the years.

If Zhang Lingshan didn't have a panel to refine the poison, I'm afraid his future would not be much better than these people.


A cough suddenly came from the cave deep in the secret passage.

Zhang Lingshan was startled, and his muscles were tense, ready to respond to changes at any time, so he walked forward to find out.

This time.

I saw a bald old monk in a yellow monk's robe sticking to the wall.

However, unlike Wu Lian's body before, it was not sticking to the wall, but leaning against the wall and being pulled by the strange grass, but his legs were sitting firmly in a cross-legged position.

This old monk is either very powerful, or he was thrown in not long ago and is still holding on.

And heard the movement of Zhang Lingshan coming in.

The old monk raised his head slightly, and looked at Zhang Lingshan with turbid eyes.


Zhang Lingshan only saw his face clearly at this time.

Who the hell is this?

It was really unexpected. We meet each other everywhere in life.

It turned out that this person was no other than him.

It was the person Zhang Lingshan saw when he rushed to Hongye Temple to seek help after being cursed by Li Fu.

Master Du'e!

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