‘The axe technique can be broken through.’

Zhang Lingshan noticed the changes in the panel.

However, after learning from the previous lesson, he decided not to break through first, in case he used up all the energy points at once, and he would have no energy to repair himself when he encountered fatal danger.

Secondly, he estimated that the breakthrough of the axe technique would definitely make a lot of noise. It would be safer to break through after getting through tonight and going home.

As the night deepened, sleepiness came.

But in order to avoid accidents, Zhang Lingshan forced himself not to sleep, but took out the white porcelain bottle from time to time and pulled out the cork.

Smell it, and you will be refreshed!

Finally, the night is about to pass.

Zhang Lingshan calculated the time, took out the fire starter from Li Fu's house, and took some thatch, firewood, candles, rags, etc. to tie them up.

Then he rushed out quickly, climbed over the wall, and went back to his home.

He carefully arranged the thatch and other things he had prepared, and piled the bloodstained dirty clothes and shoes on Fang Qiuyue's body.

Then, he turned on the fire starter.


Burn it all clean.

Seeing the fire was about to start.

Zhang Lingshan immediately went back to Li Fu's house.

He had to thank Li Fu for making this haunted house, otherwise he wouldn't be so convenient.

'I was not the only one who heard the whistle yesterday.

'Even a fool knows that there was a battle in the city, so it's not surprising that there were any accidents.

'What's more, Fang Qiuyue escaped!

'It's obvious that it was Fang Qiuyue who burned the house. She did it to cover up her tracks. Can I, Zhang Lingshan, burn my own old house? '

Zhang Lingshan sorted out this logic and felt that it was correct.

Next, as long as everyone came out to put out the fire, he would sneak out of Li Fu's house in the chaos, blend into the crowd, and then pretend to have just arrived, and no one would have any doubts.

Even if someone really asked him why he came so quickly, he could explain that he was going back to the old house to get something, and it was a coincidence, right?

In short, burning is better than not burning. If not burning, it is difficult to deal with the body and bloodstains. Burning can destroy the body and eliminate all traces.

"The fire is burning!"

"Hurry up and put out the fire."

The neighbors finally woke up. It was already dawn, and everyone got up to help.

Someone shouted: "It's the old Zhang's house that is on fire. Go and inform the old Zhang family."

"What! My house is on fire? How could my house catch fire!?"

Zhang Lingshan appeared from nowhere, with a panicked face: "Uncles, please help put out the fire. It must be Li Fu's family. Seeing that I moved away, they set fire to my house."

"Xiaoshan is back, hurry up!"

The neighbors immediately called out, and people carried buckets of water to put out the fire.

It took a long time.

Finally, the fire was put out.

"The government is here!"

Suddenly someone shouted.

Everyone immediately made way, and saw a middle-aged man with a large frame and prominent cheekbones coming over with three yamen runners.

Zhang Lingshan noticed that this person's steps were steady, his eyes were sharp, his shoulders were high, and his yamen green robe was bulging, showing how full the muscles were.

'At least he is the top bronze skin in the third level of skin grinding, and he is most likely a meat refining expert. '

Zhang Lingshan analyzed secretly.

"Who is the owner of this house?"

The middle-aged yamen runner asked.

Zhang Lingshan hurriedly went up to him and said, "Hello, sir. I am Zhang Lingshan, a disciple of Hong's martial arts school. This is my old house. No one has lived there for a long time. It was inexplicably flooded. I beg you to be careful and catch the real culprit behind the scenes and do justice for me!"


The middle-aged yamen runner nodded.

Ma Hong had heard of the name Zhang Lingshan. When Zhang Lingshan succeeded in skin grinding, the news also reached him, and he even thought of recruiting him as a yamen runner.

First, he was indeed short of manpower, and second, he could use this opportunity to establish a relationship with Hong Zhengdao.

However, Feng's pharmacy got there first, so he forgot about it.

I didn't expect to see this Zhang Lingshan today.

Ma Hong looked at Zhang Lingshan and found that he had a steady breath and the skin on the back of his hand was slightly gray, which was the callus.

Especially when he clasped his fists to salute, there were rich blood marks on the joints of his fingers, which showed that the Red Line Fist was practiced quite well.

Ma Hong couldn't help but be surprised. It shouldn't have been long since the other party polished his skin. Did he make such a fast progress?

In comparison, the three idiots under his command were simply trash.

"So they are disciples of the Hong family. Don't worry, I will check them carefully."

Ma Hong patted Zhang Lingshan on the shoulder, and then led three men into the yard.

He was holding a wooden stick and poked it in the ashes a few times, and then said: "It should be an accident, come in and see for yourself."

Zhang Lingshan heard this and immediately walked up.

Ma Hong came over and whispered, "Didn't you hear the whistle last night? This must be related to the murderer yesterday. You should deal with this place quickly and don't come back to live recently to avoid trouble."

"I understand. Thank you for your advice, sir. This is a little gift."

Zhang Lingshan said as he took out some silver and stuffed it into Ma Hong's hand.

Ma Hong smiled slightly, "You're welcome. If you don't want to work in Feng's medicine shop, you can come work for me."

"Your Excellency, I will definitely do it!"

Zhang Lingshan sent Ma Hong out.

The neighbors saw that Zhang Lingshan was now talking and laughing with the yamen runners, and their eyes towards Zhang Lingshan were immediately different.

They didn't know what grinding was, nor could they see Zhang Lingshan's strength. They only knew that Zhang Lingshan could now whisper with the yamen runners, and he was no longer on the same level as them.

So they all came to help clean up the ashes and ruins, and flattered Zhang Lingshan to build relationships.

Zhang Lingshan was also happy to let everyone help, and then secretly pushed the unburned bones into the ashes and buried them.

Because there were no night watchmen in Jincheng at night, in order to prevent any accidental fire from burning the neighbors, there was a sandy open space between the house and the courtyard wall of each household, which can also be called an isolation zone.

This prevented the fire from getting more and more intense.

Basically, except for the house that Zhang Lingshan deliberately burned, other places were not burned much.

So soon.

All that needed to be cleaned was buried in the sand isolation zone.

Many hands make light work.

If you are willing to continue living here, the small house next to it can be lived in after a little repair.

But Zhang Lingshan didn't plan to do so. He waved his hand and said, "I'll treat everyone to dinner later."

Then he left without looking back.

‘It was unexpectedly smooth.’

On the way, Zhang Lingshan was happy.

It seems that the people in Jincheng are very wise in life, and no one will be bored to ask questions.

Today, not only Fang Qiuyue’s trouble was solved, but also Li Fu’s family of three.

I feel relaxed!

It was time for the martial arts hall to open for dinner.

Zhang Lingshan had a meal, then returned home and sat down in his room.

Although he didn’t sleep all night.

But because he was in a good mood, he was more excited than sleepy.

So he immediately opened the panel and clicked hard on the “+” behind the Mountain Opening Axe Technique.


40 energy points were consumed instantly!

A powerful force suddenly exploded in his body.

Zhang Lingshan felt as if he was holding an axe, madly chopping the first move of the Mountain Opening Axe Technique at the air.

Every time he chopped, his muscles trembled, and his acupuncture points and meridians felt sore, numb and itchy, as if countless ants were crawling on his body.

But he was still tireless, regardless of day or night, cold or heat, and chopped with all his strength again and again.

I don't know how long it took.

The sweat under him had wet the floor, and the chops in the image were projected onto his body, and the muscles all over his body were growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What shocked Zhang Lingshan was that the muscles grew too fast and cracked his skin.

The blood marks were shocking, and he grimaced in pain, wishing he could die with his head on the ground.

"Xiaoyu, hurry up, prepare a skin-grinding medicinal bath for me!"

Zhang Lingshan shouted anxiously.

If he had known that the improvement of the mountain-breaking axe method was so abnormal, he would have prepared it long ago.

Who would have thought that this skill could actually refine the flesh.

No wonder martial arts practice requires grinding the skin first and then refining the flesh, because if the skin is not hard enough, the growth of muscles will break the skin!

Today's bloody lesson gave Zhang Lingshan experience.

Fortunately, the problem is not big.

Because the perfect state of Hunyuan Zhengyang Posture had transformed his body once, his physical recovery ability was stronger than that of ordinary people.

Later, he broke through the stone skin.

For the current injury, just treat it as if he had over-grinded his skin. He would recover after a few days of recuperation with a medicinal bath.

So in the next few days, he soaked in the medicinal bath every year and took the snow silver flower soup at the same time.

Compared with the spiritual root grass, the snow silver flower itself has a healing effect. After drinking it, it can not only accumulate energy but also promote physical recovery.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Just as Zhang Lingshan expected.

In just four days, his injuries had healed.

Feeling the majestic power in his body and the muscles as strong as a mountain, Zhang Lingshan knew that his progress this time was another earth-shaking change.

His height has grown to 1.8 meters, and his body is as strong as a cow!

It is estimated that he should be able to lift a 600-jin stone lock with one hand!

It is 400 jin more than the 200 jin when he first ground his skin.

It can be said to be a leap forward!

This is all due to the special effects of refining the flesh in advance.

The advantage is that one's muscle strength is much higher than that of a warrior who polishes his skin.

The disadvantage is that if the body does not break through after refining the flesh once, it will need greater stimulation to break through in the future.

In other words, it is more difficult to break through the flesh than ordinary people.

But this is not a problem.

As long as the energy points are sufficient, there is no bottleneck, so why bother about whether it is difficult or not?

"I have spent all my change on medicinal baths and snow silver flowers in the past few days. I have to find a way to break the two hundred taels of silver notes. It happens that a few days have passed, so I can go directly to Feng's medicine shop to spend it. It should be no problem."

Zhang Lingshan plans to go out to buy some medicinal materials, and then buy some delicious food and drinks to reward his mother and sister.

If they hadn't been busy preparing medicinal baths for him, how could he be so relaxed?

It's good to have family around.

If I were alone, I would have to buy medicine and boil medicine when I was injured. How difficult it would be.

So next, Zhang Lingshan bought cooked food, candied fruit, walnuts and dried fruits, etc. Anyway, he bought all the things he had seen before that he wanted to eat but couldn't bear to eat, so he brought them back for his mother and sister to satisfy their cravings.

"Brother, did you rob a bank? How much money does it cost!"

Zhang Lingyu was surprised and couldn't close her mouth.

Zhang Lingshan smiled and said, "I told you that good days are still to come. Your brother is now strong. There are many places to make money in the future. You don't need to rob a bank. People will send money to me."

"Hee! Bragging."

Zhang Lingyu stuck out her tongue, then picked up a few pieces of dried fruit and stuffed them into her mouth.

Mother Zhang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Be careful, don't choke."

She also said to Zhang Lingshan earnestly: "Even if you have money, you can't spend it carelessly. I don't have any requirements for food, as long as I can fill my stomach. This money is earned by you with hard work, and you have to save it for yourself. Look at your skin cracked all over before, how terrible."

"Don't worry, mother, only those who endure hardships can become superior people. We will move to the inner city in the future. When the time comes, I will buy you a few maids, and you don't have to work so hard."

"Oh, I don't want anyone to serve me."

Mother Zhang waved her hands repeatedly.

Zhang Lingyu laughed: "Mother, you are too funny. You refuse before you even start. Think about it, it doesn't cost money."

"That's true. Then I want a hundred maids to peel walnuts for me." Mother Zhang changed her usual serious look and said mischievously.


The air was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

The family was happy.

But something was missing.

Zhang Lingshan thought of his father and his brother Zhang Lingfeng whom he had never met.

He said he had never met him because he had not seen him since he came here.


This brother was very important to him.

If his brother had not been taken away by the Jiang family in the inner city, he would not have been able to come here.

At the beginning, the Jiang family took his brother away to be a book boy for his young master, and threw ten taels of silver at random, which was considered a forced purchase.

It was precisely because of these ten taels of silver, and the ten taels that the whole family had saved by eating frugally, that he was able to ask someone to find a carpenter to teach his predecessor.

Then the predecessor stole money to learn martial arts and was caught, and he was ashamed to crash to death...

What happened next was what Zhang Lingshan experienced personally.

'Although I have money now, it is still a fantasy to redeem my brother from the Jiang family in the inner city. '

Zhang Lingshan felt a sense of powerlessness and dissatisfaction in his heart again.

He was still too weak.

With his current strength, identity, and status, he doesn't even have the qualifications to enter the inner city, let alone redeem his brother?

If his brother can't be redeemed, what about his father?

'I don't know where Jinguang Temple is, but it is definitely farther than Hongye Temple. I'm afraid I won't be able to get back to the city in one day and have to spend the night outside. So, if you want to go to Jinguang Temple, you have to follow the escort agency. The escort agency often walks outside and should have a map outside the city. '

Zhang Lingshan made a plan in his mind.

After the New Year, if there is a chance, go to Lu Feng's Zhenwei Escort Agency to take a task and ask about the location of Jinguang Temple.

If possible, go to Jinguang Temple.

It's not possible before the New Year. Everyone wants to spend a good New Year peacefully and will not run around outside the city again.

'If I have the strength of Li Ziming and can run around in the dark without fear of any weird evil spirits, I can go out of the city without following any escort agency. '

Zhang Lingshan thought and decided to go to Wu Zheng tomorrow to learn the leg method behind Dingfengzhuang.

I have rested enough these days, and I can't be lazy anymore.

But plans are not as good as changes.

The next day.

Before Zhang Lingshan had time to find Wu Zheng, he heard two pieces of news.

The first piece of news: Hong Zhengdao, the owner of Hong's martial arts gym, is back!

The second piece of news: Hong Zhengdao was seriously injured, one arm was disabled, and his strength declined greatly!

A big chapter of 4,000 words. Thanks to "Reader 202020" and "One Shot Shocks the World" for their monthly tickets! Please read on! Thank you friends!

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